I don't like that!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh my lord my kids are aging me! Anthony has always been my prized eater!!! Tries everything at least once. Eas broccoli, green beans, meats, all fruits, etc.

    Until about two weeks ago, if that. Everything is, "I don't like that. Everything. What gives??? Cheese-loves it. Gets it at deli counter. I was making scrambled eggs with cheese this morning. I offered him a slice-as he always asks for one and he told me he didn't like it.

    I can't think of one thing he likes. I think the last meal he ate was Wednesday(which he didn't touch at lunch), and that was only because a friend was over.

    How do I keep my sanity? I refuse to become a buffet. So if he doesn't eat-he doesn't eat. But I'd love to avoid the power struggles!

    Silly me for thinking, "So glad my kid isn't a picky eater like yours!" LOL!
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry. I'm chuckling and shaking my head with you. My twinks are the same way. DS more so. I was filling out some paperwork for a new daycare and it asked foods they like and food they dislike. I seriously could only come up with 4 or 5 that he likes and a whole list of "dislikes", but what I wanted to write was "depends on the day".
  3. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Right there with you! The other day Hailey had already eaten HALF of a pancake then held it out and said, "I don't like it" :umm:
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ugh, Meaghan, Luke is exactly the same way. I can't think of a single thing that he actually really likes right not (except maybe candy :rolleyes: ). I am just hoping that it is a stage & it will pass eventually. :pardon:
  5. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    If you can't get him to eat, you could always have him tell you what he wants before you fix it and then SOL. (sorry, out of luck). My DS is a good eater adn will eat most things but wants to choose what to have for meals. I offer a couple of choices if he already hasn't given me one and it helps he to eat better.
  6. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Perhaps he has just learned that phrase "I dont like this" and maybe he is having fun using it now!!?? Sorry I dont have any advice for you, except keep doing what you are doing. I choose to offer something for the meal, and I usually try and put something in there that they like (or at least that they liked yesterday) and then they choose to eat it or not, and if they dont eat a few bites of everything they dont get more of whatever they do like on their plate, and if that doesn't work then I dont give them their cookie until they have a few bites of each thing on their plate. So, we have had several meals where they dont get a cookie - and I dont make a big deal out of it, it is their choice and I dont get frustrated if they choose not to try everything on their plate. That has worked for us so far, maybe it could work for you?

    Good luck!
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would just hold firm and continue making the meals you make and give him the choice on if he chooses to eat or not.
    My two are going through the same thing and I figure, they are trying to exercise more control over mealtime but DH and I are not willing to make a separate meal for us and one for them. So, we figure they won't starve themselves and if they are hungry they will eat eventually.
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    This might be totally off base, but I remember when my parents PT'ed my sister (11 years younger than me), and she refused to eat anything except ketsup. I think it was a control thing. Maybe thats what is going on here. After a week or two, she was PT'ed and started eating normally again.
  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    A&R are just contrary sometimes and "I don't like this" is a very popular phrase.

    I just give them one item that they will eat (string cheese or a pickle) and let them pick at the rest of the food. If they don't eat, they don't eat. The following snack or meal they will!
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I've been going through this with Ian since he was 18 mos old...so I feel your pain but have no advice...
  11. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    My DD does this a lot, and now DS is copying her. She'll tell me, "I CAN"T like it!" with the can't being said in an overly dramatic whiny voice. So I'll take the offending food away, and then she'll throw a fit because she wants to eat it. :80:
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I just had to laugh because Sarah is one of the pickiest eaters ever (still -- at almost 5) and she was a good eater until she was about 2. So whenever someone says their kids aren't picky, I just think "Wait till they're 2.5 or 3...."

    But seriously, I am sorry for your troubles. Part of it is genuine picky eating (he really doesn't like things he used to like) and part of it is wanting to control things and part of it is probably just not knowing what he wants. I read something about 2-year-olds that said they change their minds all the time because they genuinely feel both things at once, even if those things are mutually exclusive -- so he can like a food and not like it, at the same time.

    What I do (though I can't say it's made them less picky, but at least it keeps the power struggles to a minimum) is to offer lots of different things, but act like I don't care what, if anything, they eat.

    So I will only make one "real" meal, which no one eats but DH and me (although I always offer some to the kids), and then I have bread or plain pasta or plain rice and/or fruit or raw veggies. So there is usually at least one plain carb and one thing from the fruit/vegetable family that I'm pretty sure they like, or at least have liked in the past. If they still choose not to eat, so be it.
  13. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Same thing happening here. Mattie's phrase is "eww. that's disgusting" :headbang:
  14. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Ugh I feel your pain as well! I think you're doing the right thing and would just continue on. He will eat when he's hungry... I feel like it's a constant rotation of what they like and don't like, so the more I mix it up the less the chance they have to say they don't like it. :pardon: Good luck!
  15. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: Lila says that, too!
  16. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Mine are starting that now too. I do think a lot of it is the age and control thing. They are learning they have some control in their lives and are using it.

    I just have to laugh when they eat most of something and then tell me they don't like it. Kids are crazy!! LOL

    Right now my two are sitting and eating lunch. Today's lunch is turkey (they got to choose that) sandwiches and green bell peppers with ranch. I admit to going out on a limb with the pepper. It's been a little while since they've eaten that raw. DS says as I'm cutting it up, "I not like that."
    Well, I just had to tell him to eat some turkey before he gets more pepper! (Yay for them eating the pepper!) It really does change daily here what they will and won't eat for the most part. And the things that DS doesn't like on a consistent basis are mostly texture issues, so I don't push those things with him.
  17. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks ladies! Ahhh...just another battle in the world of parenthood, huh?!?!

    Leighann-I thought about the potty training-but this started about a week before that. But now-it could be an issue somewhat related.

    And Gina-I LOVEEEEEE when he eats about half of the meal and then goes, "I don't like that!" Oh really-but the first half of it was good? :laughing:

    He does like his yogurt-and had two today. I mean-the kid LOVES veggie sticks(the chip type)-but not the two that were left on his plate at lunch. We did have stuffed shells for dinner tonight and he had to have at least two + of them. He scarfed those babies down!

    I'm wondering if this all started when I started asking them what THEY wanted for lunch. Doh! Hmmmmmm........... I think I may be on to something! I'll stick to offering them a little bit of everything-and stop asking them what they want! :laughing:
  18. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I just e-mailed my pediatrician about this exact issue! He said not to worry, they won't starve, they'll eat when they're hungry, etc... doesn't make it any easier on you though!
  19. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    Sometimes language delay comes in handy! My kids are super picky too, but at least they haven't yet learned to say "I don't like that". They just don't eat it. William used to love cucumber and ranch dressing, now he won't touch it. Marc LOVED brocolli for one day - after that he won't touch the stuff. :headbang:
    What makes it worse is a co-worker who claims her kids (4 & 7) have never been picky, have always eaten salad, never eat junk and on and on and on. I could rip her hair out sometimes. :spiteful:
  20. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What's stopping you?!?! :laughing: I love how people love to mention how their kid didn't do so and so. Like my mother in law telling me my dh was potty trained before he was two. Look lady-that's wonderful. But you had ONE child. I have THREE.

    And we did have the language delay-until they took speech. I think I am going to refuse speech services for Annabella if she needs it! :laughing:

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