I dont know what to do anymore

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by nikki_0724, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Im at a loss. This d@mn morning sickness is killing me. I feel like a horrible wife and mother. My poor kids sit in front of a tv all day long while I lay in bed, My dh takes care of the kids from the time he walks in the door after work until they go to bed and even has to get up with in the middle of the night when they get up. I feel horrible. All I can do is sit here now and cry. I just called him at work and asked him to come b/c I feel so sick. I am not throwing up nearly as much but I feel "sick" all the time. I cant eat anything but Im drinking as much as I can. The meds are not helping and theres nothing else they can give me.

    I just feel so bad for my husband and kids. They should not have to deal with this. Dh work early Sat. morning to get some over time and I just blew that by asking him to come home. But 2 year olds can live on just tv for the next 9 months. The boys keep saying Mommy hurt? It breaks my heart.

    I just dont know what to do anymore. I want to feel good. I want to be a good mom and wife. I HATE feeling like Im going to puke. I cant cook, clean he// I cant even change a dirty diaper anymore. Im not use.

    Please pray this ends soon.


    p.s please dont tell me to call the dr. I am not dehydrated and Im taking the right medications this is just something I need to deal with. and pray it goes away in the 2nd trimester ;)
  2. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry Nikki. I had terrible morning sickness with two of my pregnancies and I know it's really tough. When I was pregnant with the twins, not only did I have the awful morning sickness, I also got a horrible case of gastroenteritis from 14-16 weeks, causing me to be severely dehydrated due to the severe vomiting and nausea. I lost a ton of weight and laid in bed for weeks before I was back to 100%, and that was with a 5 month old and a seven year old at the time! My DH took over all of the household duties that he could, while my friends did the rest. I felt terrible about it!

    So, :hug99: to you. Hang in there. I'm sure everyone understands.
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    unfortunatly, I guess ms comes with the territory for a lot of pregnancies. You are not a bad wife or mother. I remember wanting to be pregnant so bad and then getting pregnant and when morning sickness kicked in and lasted all day - I thought oh I can not do this!! but you can - it is all for the goal of a sweet baby. Have you tried keeping a pack of saltines by your bed and eating a couple before you ever even raise your head?? With my ds#1 , I know this sounds gross but I had to just go ahead and be sick - fighting it just made it linger and worse - once I did it was better. I feel bad for you because ms is so awful!! I pray that it goes away very soon and gives you a break!

    this time next year you will look back on this time and wonder how on Earth you survived - but you will and you will be holding a sweet little one.....and changing lots of dirty diapers!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  4. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Dh says he understands and Im sure he does. We dont get help from anyone and thats the crappy part. So its all on my Dh:( I guess thats what makes me feel the worst. The kids are stuck wathcing tv all day and when dh comes home the boys only get 4-5 hours or a normal life.

    I have tried the crackers and they are not helping me. I have not eatten very much at all the last week and what I do eat is while laying down and then i go right to sleep.. The life of a pregnant woman:(

    No need for me to worry about the ot loss though DH work will not allow him to come home. UGH!!!.. Its almost nap time for me and the boys so thats a good thing.
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm so sorry.
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Your boys will be ok!! in the grand scheme of things, this is only a short time that they will have to self entertain - that's not a bad thing - they probably enjoy it and also understand it more than you think they do. Your DH sounds great to be willing to help and even come home when you need him if he can!! don't feel bad! you are doing a great thing for your family!
  7. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry your going through this...Have you maybe tried sucking on some sour candy? I know, crazy but for some reason this really helped with the nausea. Hope you feel better soon.
  8. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    Nikki, I was just talking to my sister who is due July 2, she has been sick her whole pregnancy and her previous one. On meds, etc. and she told me that Ginger snaps work miracles. Now, I hate Ginger anything, but if it made me feel better I'd try it. Saltines never worked for me either. Hang in there, your a great mom.
  9. kriddle

    kriddle Well-Known Member

    Apple juice was the only thing I could hold down until a few weeks ago. When I was preggo w/ the girls I always read that sucking on a lemon worked. Never tried it though since I don't like lemon! I am 14.5 weeks now and have felt really good for a couple weeks. The sickness hopefully has an end in sight.
  10. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I remember how horrible it was to be sick all day long. :( But you are lucky to have such an understanding DH. :hug99: I sure hope this passes quickly for you.
  11. lotus

    lotus Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I could have written your post a few weeks ago. I was literally counting down the days until the end of the first trimester, hoping it would go away, which thankfully it did. Last pregnancy, lemon or tangerine Altoids or lemonade helped. This time around chewing on peppermint Mentos candy made me feel better. Hang in there!
  12. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry Nikki! Hopefully, it should go away with in the next few weeks. :hug99: The boys will be fine with the TV for that short period of time as long as they're getting fed and you're leaving out sippies of water. I was pretty sick all day for a few weeks when I was pregnant with Dax and my girls actually liked getting to see TV so much. I hope your little ones feel the same way. You just relax because morning sickness is so horrible!
  13. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    oh, and the nurse at the hospital on my last trip said that if you sniff a alcohol swab, that also takes away nauseau. (it did work for me)
  14. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I can sympathize trust me... tv is not going to hurt them while your sick and you will start feeling better!! I would make a nest on the floor and lay there to watch tv with them and have some toys there as well. That way I would be close by and I could keep my head as close to the floor as possible! Feel better!!
  15. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    I am sorry and I understand how you feel. I had horrible MS and exhaustion with Mikiah that my girls lived in front of the TV too. I would sit and color with them sometimes and try to do things that took the least amount of energy. Dont beat yourself up over it. Both you and they will forgot all about this after you are holding your new baby in your arms.
  16. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    I hope you start getting some relief soon!! I totally understand...I had the m/s for 16 WEEKS with this pregnancy! With my other pregnancies it went away by 12 weeks and was only in the morning...this time is was 16 weeks and lasted ALL DAY!! This is going to sound crazy...but the only thing I could eat that didn't make me sick was Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches. There were times when I would eat one or the other at least 4 days/week! :blush:

    Im taking the right medications

    Just curious...what meds are you taking? None of the OTC stuff worked for me (that syrupy stuff or the anti-nausea pills). But my Dr said I could take a Unisom (tablet not gel cap) and a B-6 tablet before bed and it would help the m/s...IT WORKS!! :banana:

    Hope you feel better soon!! :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
  17. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you are so sick. And I'm sorry you feel bad about it. That doesn't make it any better, does it! :hug99: It sounds like you DH is pretty helpful.

    I'm sure you've tried EVERYTHING you can think of to help, but I'll tell you what helped me a bit. Peppermints. Strong ones like altoids or some kind of breth freshener peppermints worked better than just peppermint candies. Also peppermint tea.

    Good luck! :hug99:
  18. LNC20

    LNC20 Well-Known Member

    try ginger gum! It SAVED my life during my pregnancy! I hope you feel better soon! I'm so sorry!
  19. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(missmomoftwins02 @ Jun 18 2008, 06:18 PM) [snapback]833930[/snapback]
    Just curious...what meds are you taking? None of the OTC stuff worked for me (that syrupy stuff or the anti-nausea pills). But my Dr said I could take a Unisom (tablet not gel cap) and a B-6 tablet before bed and it would help the m/s...IT WORKS!! :banana:

    I know you've been through the hospital and all so I figure you are taking heavy duty stuff, but for anyone looking for relief of mild to moderate ms, this combo worked wonders for me too!
  20. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(snoopytwins @ Jun 19 2008, 07:43 AM) [snapback]834660[/snapback]
    I know you've been through the hospital and all so I figure you are taking heavy duty stuff, but for anyone looking for relief of mild to moderate ms, this combo worked wonders for me too!

    I 3rd this combo!! It worked for me as well. I would take prenatal and EXTRA B6 and Unisom. As long as you don't have to drive or anything it's good.

    Also, are you "piggybacking" the Zofran? I'm sure you are since you've been in the hospital but just in case; (don't you just love us "helpful" mommies?) You can do the meltaway tab (zofran) which is every 8 hour with the swallow (zofran) which is every 4 hours. That way- you are doubling up (almost) and taking Zofran every 4 hours. It is the BEST they can do for the antiemetic.

    I'm soooo incredibly sorry. Soooo sorry. I suffer from vertigo and motion sickness so I have nausea when NOT pregnant.. I can honestly say that I think it's the WORST feeling in the ENTIRE world and have even had it soo bad that I've thought I'd rather be dead.. I get it soo bad sleeping cannot even happen.

    Anyway, SUCKS!!!! That's about all there is to it! Your kids will be FINE. They won't remember ANY of this!!!
  21. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(r-twins @ Jun 18 2008, 09:25 PM) [snapback]834154[/snapback]
    I'm so sorry you are so sick. And I'm sorry you feel bad about it. That doesn't make it any better, does it! :hug99: It sounds like you DH is pretty helpful.

    I'm sure you've tried EVERYTHING you can think of to help, but I'll tell you what helped me a bit. Peppermints. Strong ones like altoids or some kind of breth freshener peppermints worked better than just peppermint candies. Also peppermint tea.

    Good luck! :hug99:

    I lived on peppermint tea when I was pregnant it helped
  22. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(missmomoftwins02 @ Jun 18 2008, 07:18 PM) [snapback]833930[/snapback]
    I hope you start getting some relief soon!! I totally understand...I had the m/s for 16 WEEKS with this pregnancy! With my other pregnancies it went away by 12 weeks and was only in the morning...this time is was 16 weeks and lasted ALL DAY!! This is going to sound crazy...but the only thing I could eat that didn't make me sick was Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and Arby's Roast Beef sandwiches. There were times when I would eat one or the other at least 4 days/week! :blush:
    Just curious...what meds are you taking? None of the OTC stuff worked for me (that syrupy stuff or the anti-nausea pills). But my Dr said I could take a Unisom (tablet not gel cap) and a B-6 tablet before bed and it would help the m/s...IT WORKS!! :banana:

    Hope you feel better soon!! :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:

    Are you taking the Unisom b/c you are having trouble sleeping? Thats the only trouble Im not having yet but suspect its something coming b/c my back is really starting to hurt from laying in bed so much I need to pick up some b-6 I have only take one prenatal vitamin in the last 9-10 weeks.

    Im taking Zofran (ODT) every 6 hours and Reglan every 6 hours. So im medicating every 3 hours:(

    i just want to thank all you ladies for you help and support it really makes me feel better about myself.
  23. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. One thing that really helped my was the sea bands. It took me several tries to get them in the right place but once I did it was wonderful! Once I found the right place, I was still so sick in the mornings even when I put them on right away. I started wearing them all the time (minus a quick shower) and it helped a ton. For a while the only things I could stomach were popsicles and bbq chips with lemonade. I know, real healthy but it was the only thing that didn't make me puke! I hope you feel better soon!
  24. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Two things: No, the Unisom is NOT for sleeping.. it somehow acts on the nausea "sensor" in your brain.. No idea how or why. The extra B complex and the Unisom are what my Reproductive Endocrinologist told me to take.

    The other thing, can you talk to your doc about piggybacking the Zofran also? It might help.

    You poor thing!!

    Also, the seabands never worked for me but try them AND another thing I JUST remembered is the doc can give you (prescribe you??) some anti nausea meds that stick behind your ear!! I forgot what they are called but it's what they gave me when I was puking my guts out on the operating table from my c section.
  25. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ivfbound078 @ Jun 19 2008, 03:31 PM) [snapback]835399[/snapback]
    Two things: No, the Unisom is NOT for sleeping.. it somehow acts on the nausea "sensor" in your brain.. No idea how or why. The extra B complex and the Unisom are what my Reproductive Endocrinologist told me to take.

    The other thing, can you talk to your doc about piggybacking the Zofran also? It might help.

    You poor thing!!

    Also, the seabands never worked for me but try them AND another thing I JUST remembered is the doc can give you (prescribe you??) some anti nausea meds that stick behind your ear!! I forgot what they are called but it's what they gave me when I was puking my guts out on the operating table from my c section.

    Can you take the Unisom during the day or only at night? Hom much and how often and same for the B-6. I have an appt on Monday so Im going to ask about all this and the Zofran as well.
    Sea Band never worked for me so thats not an option.

    Did your Ins. cover 2 scripts of the zofran?

    thanks for all the info ladies!!!!!
  26. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Yes, incredibly, my insurance covered both of those meds at the same time (pill and meltaway). God knows NO ONE could afford to pay for that stuff out of pocket!! It's like $30/pill!

    And yes, on the Unisom, it's all day and nite the B6, as well.. there is a "timetable" for it. Please read this link: It is AMAZING really.. It is amazing that more women are not made aware of this remedy. From all the research I have done; Benedetine is the ULTIMATE antinausea drug-- this b6 and Unisom combo is 'benedectine' and works when the other meds do not. Like I said, it is what my RE recommends to ALL of their patients.. they won't even prescribe Zofran until this fails.

    Click link: http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=n...&id=3658783

    You probably already know the BRAT diet but in case you don't or anyone reading does not.. it is GREAT and it also applies to your kiddos when they are vomiting/nauseous.

    Toast (plain)

    Also, please ask about the sticker thing that goes behind your ear for nausea also.

    I hope this helps and hopefully can help anyone else who is also suffering. :(
  27. missmomoftwins02

    missmomoftwins02 Well-Known Member

    Are you taking the Unisom b/c you are having trouble sleeping? Thats the only trouble Im not having yet but suspect its something coming b/c my back is really starting to hurt from laying in bed so much I need to pick up some b-6 I have only take one prenatal vitamin in the last 9-10 weeks.

    Im taking Zofran (ODT) every 6 hours and Reglan every 6 hours. So im medicating every 3 hours:(

    As IVFBOUND mentioned...the Unisom is for the m/s...and there is something abt the combo of Unisom and B6 that works...dunno why...but it works!

    You CAN take the Unisom gelcaps later on when you DO start having problems sleeping. I was so restless with Grant in the last couple months! I asked my OB abt it and he said that it was prefectly safe to take!! :banana:

    About taking it in the day:
    I would only do that IF you can stay home and rest...it IS Unisom after all! I know this is hard with a couple 2 1/2 yr olds running around...but if they nap, maybe you could take it a little bit before and nap with them! My boys are to an age where I can put a movie on and let them watch that for a couple hours if I needed to rest...so I would take my meds and could get a couple hours relief in the day.

    But I only did this in the afternoon...since I had to get up and take them to school at 8:40 and pick them up at 11:30. I would come home...feed them lunch...take my meds...then get a 2-3 hour nap. They were really good abt just sitting and watching a movie or TV.

    Hope you feel some relief soon!
  28. walker006

    walker006 Well-Known Member

    Another suggestion for m/s is real ginger. The kind you have at sushi places. It was a life saver for both myself and my sister. :hug99:
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