I didnt pick it this time!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cohlee, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    So yesterday the boob felt good, I thought it was healing up nicely, and I havent picked anything I swear! Now today I have a nice big hard lump in my boob again and the white dot is now twice the size and looks like a blister again!
    I am doing all the good stuff, heat, pump, nurse, rub, etc. And I have been using the apno, although yesterday I only put it on once because it looked and felt pretty good.

    Any suggestions? I should probably call doc on Monday, huh? Do I pick it to try and clear the lump? lol

    Thank you!!!
  2. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I had NO luck clearing my milk blister. I just had to bide my time until it went away. :(
  3. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I would maybe do lots of moist heat and use a sterile needle to just pierce it, I would NOT pick it with your finger nails!!!!
  4. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    This is not medical advice, but if it were me, I'd probably get everything as clean as i could and let the milk out, then use the APNO and keep using it religiously for like a week after the last blister goes away. Are you rinsing with anything after feeding? A little salt water or just plain old warm water, then the APNO, might help keep things clean.

    Now I hope someone will come in and tell you to be patient and let the Dr. take care of it on Monday. I'm just saying what I know I would do (heck, what I DID).
  5. jenniej

    jenniej Well-Known Member

    So not sure mine was as bad as yours BUT. I did the serile needle thing. It seemed to me that it would just get worse if the milk couldn't come out. The duct is clogged behind it right? That is what all of my clogged ducts were - pores that were clogged and/or mlk blister. The milk blister was the worst by far. I "popped" it but then immediately did everything in my power to drain that duct 100% and keep it drained as much as possible. I wonder - have you tried having them nurse on their backs and you on all 4's? Let gravity work for you to completely drain yourself once you are flowing? Do you get milk to flow? If I remember right I had to really watch it to be sure that the skin didn't grow back over the pore as it healed.

    IMO if you are not running a fever or have red marks on your boob (beside the ones from rubbing) I wouldn't bother with the doc unless it is free for you. I went in and they just told me all the same things the ladies here did. If you feel sick at all or have a fever I would go in ASAP to get meds. I was told it can go to an infection super fast. I would guess your doc won't pop it for you either - maybe though!

  6. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    I hope you get that pesky blister figured out soon. Sounds like a PITA, I'm sorry.
  7. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I did the wet diaper rag in the microwave so it was hot moist heat, pumped for like 15mins, warmed it up again, pumped again while leaning forward, and there was no relief so I did the pin and it was like poking a hole in a water mattress, it shot out in a stream and I had to put a towel over it to walk back down stairs to pump again. It ended up working out better with me just pushing on the lump rather than pumping. I would say its pretty much empty now.

    BUT, I brought the milk upstairs and put it in the fridge next to the milk I pumped this and it looks pinkish. I KNOW there was no blood while I was pumping or when I poked the hole. Thats not normal is it? Is it internal bleeding? Should I be panicky (cause I am a little)? Should I dump the milk?

    I rinsed it, let it air dry, put the apno on it and put on a nice loose shirt.
  8. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Jul 26 2008, 09:25 PM) [snapback]898225[/snapback]
    I did the wet diaper rag in the microwave so it was hot moist heat, pumped for like 15mins, warmed it up again, pumped again while leaning forward, and there was no relief so I did the pin and it was like poking a hole in a water mattress, it shot out in a stream and I had to put a towel over it to walk back down stairs to pump again. It ended up working out better with me just pushing on the lump rather than pumping. I would say its pretty much empty now.

    BUT, I brought the milk upstairs and put it in the fridge next to the milk I pumped this and it looks pinkish. I KNOW there was no blood while I was pumping or when I poked the hole. Thats not normal is it? Is it internal bleeding? Should I be panicky (cause I am a little)? Should I dump the milk?

    I rinsed it, let it air dry, put the apno on it and put on a nice loose shirt.

    I hate to say this but you are dealing with the exact same thing I did. I'm afraid it's just going to be an annoyance for you. I did pump blood twice. Both times it was a lot of blood, not really pinkish...more like red blood with a little milk and there was at least 4 ounces. My Dr. finally referred me to the surgeon because she was sure it was an abcess that couldn't be cured without surgery...you remember the drama. Anyway, had I to do it over again, I would stick with your plan of keeping it impeccably clean and keep doing the warm compress, pump etc. (because you have so much extra time on your hands :rolleyes: ) and use the sterile needle to pop it if you have to. I think you may need some antibiotics. I took them and it cleared up the longest after a round of them. Sorry lady! That sucks.

    ETA: The blood is what made my Dr. panic. I had the blood and a very hard lump that even when I was empty did not go away, that was her indicators of abcess.
  9. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Oh crap Liesel how did we get ourselves into this mess?!?! I guess I should call my doc then. I had a feeling this was the beginning of what you went through. As soon as I brought the milk upstairs and noticed it was pink I had a flashback to the picture you posted of your pumped milk, thats when I got a little panicky.
    I can still nurse on that side though, right?
  10. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I called doc this am, she wants to see me. I feel like a little kid going to the principal's office. I dont know why though, unless it could be because after I picked it, it got worse! :blush:
  11. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    Good luck Cohlee, I hope the Dr. has good news about it.
  12. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    good luck at your appt... let us know how it goes!
  13. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I saw doc, she's a little concerned, because the lump wont clear from nursing/pumping and the consistency is strange. She said it doesnt seem like mastitis, but she doesnt think its a clogged duct either, but she wants me on antibiotics just in case. I have to have an ultrasound on my boobie on Thursday! Happy freaking birthday! Ugh. She said she would be happy if it was mastitis, that cant be good!!
  14. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    awe man!! I was hoping for all good news for you. I am sorry you have to go through this! Hopefully the meds will help and you will be all better by Thursday. Happy Birthday !

  15. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    sorry you are going thru this! :( hopefully it will end up being nothing...
    how do these things happen, anyway?
  16. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are having to go through all of this. I hope the ultrasound will give you the answers you need to cure things.
  17. bstone716

    bstone716 Well-Known Member

  18. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    Aww, Cohlee, I swear if it's not one thing it's another :( . Did she give you any indication of what she thinks it may be? She should not have said anything like that to you, having you worry between now and then...and us. Crap.
  19. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    I bet it is a stubborn clogged duct, antiobiotics should help, and keep up with all you were doing before (heat, apno, etc). You'll get thru this :hug99:
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