I can't take this anymore...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Tired in NJ, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. Tired in NJ

    Tired in NJ Member

    I need advice. I started potty training my guys (they're 3) about three weeks ago. It was slow, but they were progressing nicely. I am now sure they know when they feel they have to go and know exactly where to go what to do. Yes, we sometimes have accidents, but they are just that...accidents. All of a sudden, the past three days, my Jason has decided to poop in his pants, on my carpet and now on my coffee table! [​IMG] At first I thought his timing was off, then when he went on the carpet, I knew it was no accident. When asked why, he said, "'Cause I don't like Mommy." But today he actually had to climb up on the coffee table to deposit his "gift." I am so afraid to handle this wrong that I did nothing. Do I react? Punish? Ignore? I've tried to talk and reason with him and I get,"Yes, Mommy, I know. Okay. I won't" etc... Lip service. Basic baloney. I'm sure he know exactly what he is doing. I'm the one who doesn't. Any ideas?
  2. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    I have absolutely no advice. I hope someone who has been in your shoes sees this and responds. Wishing you the best of luck in curbing this behavior. I can only imagine how amazing aggravating it must be. [​IMG]
  3. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Yikes! Personally, I think that he's waiting for a reaction from you. I'm sure that he doesn't mean that he doesn't like you and that he knows where he should be pooping. My advice would be to remain as calm as possible and not even ask him why he pooped where he shouldn't. However, I would have him present when you pick up them mess. Have him walk with you to the toilet and have him flush it. When you're at the potty tell him again that that is where his poops go. Hopefully, by doing this several times he'll get the message and his nomadic pooping will get old.
  4. Tired in NJ

    Tired in NJ Member

    Thanks for the advice. That is what I thought. He wants a reaction. Last time I made him clean it up. Didn't bother him a bit. This time I put him in his room. Big deal. I think perserverence and a consistant reaction will be the end of it. I'll keep you posted. [​IMG]
  5. shanm

    shanm Well-Known Member

    I will never, ever forget when my daughter pooped on our coffee table. To this day, I cannot look at that table the same. I simply lost it when she did it. I just screamed - it just blew my mind. She got so scared, she ran to the other room. She never did it again. Obviously, screaming is probably not the right option, but it worked for us [​IMG]
  6. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    I feel for you. Mine were both doing really well with potty training, then they started having poop issues. They both refuse to poop on the potty. Matthew has chosen nap time to poop, since we still put a diaper on him for nap/bed time. Mia, on the other hand, just refuses to poop. The last two weeks, she went for a 7 day stretch. Yesterday, she had to go so bad and refused to sit on the potty, so she went in her undies. She was so upset (probably b/c it hurt). Then later in the day, she pooped again on the living room floor. I refuse to react to it. I made her help me clean it up and we put it in the potty together. My mom was telling me she read somewhere that they think the poop is part of them and they don't want to give it up???? Just keep being consistent and it should stop.

  7. Tired in NJ

    Tired in NJ Member

    shanm...I'm sooo glad to know it's not just me. I know what you mean about the coffee table...I don't think I'll ever be able to serve food on it again. Yuck!!

    crystal74, I had the same problem in the beginning. My Kevin (who pooped about seven times a day in his diaper), didn't poop for three days when we first started training. I thought he'd explode. He's all set now (I hope), but I am exhausted.

    You guys are right, I think not to overreact is best. It is so hard not to. You don't know how relieved I am. Thanks! [​IMG]
  8. 2peeps4jen

    2peeps4jen Well-Known Member

    I would see what your pediatrician recommends... keep us posted!!
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