I braved it with two silly boys

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, May 30, 2010.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    OK. I'm absolutely crazy and insane. I took the plunge and brought both boys shopping alone. Cameron was in a cranky mood and Kiefer wanted to get in the car really badly. He loves car rides. Well, I gave in and decided I needed some supplies for them so I scooped them up with one monkey harness and some coupons. Cameron was much happier out of the house and Kiefer was just having a blast. I played them their new nursery rhyme CD their grandma gave them during her last visit. They were singing alone with the songs they knew (best they can for not really knowing how to say the words yet). We get to the store, I put one boy in the cart and the other on the harness. Cameron was the one walking cause I figured that would distract him better so he wouldn't fuss as much. It worked. He was saying HI to everyone in the store and waving at them. Only a few took notice and thought he was cute. Kiefer did well in his seat on the cart. We got the diapers, wipes and bed rails (they don't really need them, but we wanted them to have something just in case. Besides, we can return them if we just don't need them. Personally, I was fine without them, but DH was worried since I no longer put the beds against the walls. I got them each a toy truck as a treat for doing so well in the store. They LOVE their new Tonka trucks. They played with them constantly on the way home .

    I got my boys two new potty seats also during our little trip to the store. I didn't really like their old ones. They were cool since I could take the top part and attach it to the toilet, but now that they want to sit on the potties themselves and not the toilet, they were having trouble getting on right. So I bought them somethign more simple without tops that need to be lifted and no removable cushions. Just somethign simple for them to sit on. At home, I decided to let them play with the new seats so they'd be familiar with them when I put them to use. Immediately the pointed to them saying, "Doodoo!!" and sat in them. They pretended to push and would look to see where the doody would end up. They then learned they can remove the plastic potty part. They proceeded to stick that on their heads and run around claiming it a hat. Silly boys! Well, either way, I think these seats will work out better. I'll keep the older ones for when they want to sit on the toilet and at least have something for the downstairs bathroom.
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Awesome! :clapping: I love it when we go run errands because I think, "WOW, look how far we've come from that first year!". :)

    Hope the new potty seats work well!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: for a great trip out and best of luck on the new potty seats!
  4. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Well, so far so good! Tonight was their first real tryout for the potties. I was getting them ready for their bath and suggested they sit on their potties. It took a couple of reminders to sit since they were still so fascinated with the new seats, but Kiefer sat down and peed. YAY!!! What a good boy! I was so happy! He also seemed comfortable using it. Same with Cameron. He didn't go, but he was sitting on his without complaining, which they did quite a lot of with the old seats. I then showed them how I get rid of the pee in the big toilet and Kiefer took Cameron's empty potty seat and tried to empty that out himself. I thought that was so sweet! I cleaned them both out so he'd feel he was helpful with emptying out Cameron's potty seat even though nothing was in it. Every time they wanted to sit on the potty, they'd just say "Doodoo!" then sit on the potties.

    I'm just so happy they really took well to their new seats!
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