I am thinking they are coming soon!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jiesangel, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Jiesangel

    Jiesangel Member

    That the twins are coming sooner than i think/hope!!!!

    I had my 32 week appt yesterday, and I had dilated to a "good" 2 cm and 80% effaced.. I was sent to the hospital for my first dose of steriod shot and an NST and during the NST, i contracted the whole time, so they gave me a shot of terbutaline and they calmed down... so of course I was put on bedrest!!!

    Well last night I was up from 12:30 - 4:15 with contractions, I know I feel back asleep around 3, but kept getting woke up by the contractions, and I would look at the clock and time them! the first few were 10 min apart, I got up to get some water, and they slowed up a little, but they only went to 15 min. apart.. I was able to finally sleep through them after my last one at 4:15..

    Luckily I have to go to the hospital today to get my second injection of steriod shot, and my doc is on the LD floor until 12:30, so I am sure he will come and see me to check me to make sure I didnt dilate anymore!!!

    My mom predicted that I will have them tomorrow, and DH says today! I am really freaking out now!!!!! oh geez!!!!!!

    like I said they gave me that shot of Terbutaline yesterday afternoon, does anyone know how long that shot is supposed to last?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We recently had a TS member hospitalized because of preterm labor at 32 weeks and was told by the doctors to expect them within 48 hours. The twins waited another month!! Keep the faith! Hang in there. I hope they stay in a little longer!
  3. narezo0805

    narezo0805 Active Member

    I went in at 33 weeks 3 cm dilated, baby A was at 0 station.
    They gave me terb, steroids and said that I wouldn't leave the hospital without the babies.
    That was on Sept 1st :eek:
    Now, I am 36 weeks and scheduled for induction on the 15th of October.
    Just like my doctor said...YOU JUST NEVER KNOW.......

    I swear these babies are not coming out on thier own. I have contractions daily and am SOOO ready for them to come out NOW!!!!
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: When I was in the Hospital I was allowed to get a shot of Terb every 4 hours if I exceeded the 6 contractions I was allowed to have in one hour. You should be drinking more water than you could possibly every imagine taking in, empty your bladder often, and stay off your feet. 32 weeks is still extremely early to have them. Did your Dr give you any parameters as far as how many contractions you can have before going into L&D?

    I am so glad that you are getting the steroid shots. I strongly believe that they helped the development of my girls lungs immensely. Good Luck at your appointment today!! :hug:
  5. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Good Luck at your appt today!
    Hopefully those little ones will stay in for awhile longer :good:
    Please keep us posted!
  6. Joanna416

    Joanna416 Well-Known Member

    Good Luck - keep them cooking as long as you can...... :D
  7. twinmommy2B2008

    twinmommy2B2008 Well-Known Member

    Good luck to you and I hope they stay in a while longer!

    The Terb shot lasts any where from 24-48 hours from what I was told in the hospital. I went into PTL at 29 weeks and again a week later. When I went in at 29 weeks, I was told that I was 2cm and effaced to 70-80%. That has been almost 7 weeks ago now! I am nearly to 36 weeks.

    Not only did the hospital give me the shot of Terb, but I was sent home on an oral dose both times I was in for PTL. They may try that.

    Keep us updated! Drink lots of water and take it easy!
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jiesangel @ Oct 2 2008, 08:41 AM) [snapback]1007956[/snapback]
    I am really freaking out now!!!!! oh geez!!!!!!

    :hug: :hug: momma. Please try to not freak out too much. Like the others said, no one knows when they'll come, but we're all crossing our fingers they stay put a few more weeks. :hug: I'm so happy that they are keeping a close eye on you and gave you the steroid shots. keep us updated. :good:
  9. keejaylove

    keejaylove Well-Known Member

    is terbutaline the same thing as brethine? that's what they put me on for going into labor at 34 wks... they gave me a shot an hour to stop my labor which took a whole day and a half... then i went home on oral doses... a few days later i went into labor again and was instructed to double the dose... when i started contracting again on the max dose, i went in to see my doc the next morning... he scheduled me for a c section that friday and hoped that i would make it until then... i made it, but i often wonder how long i could've gone had i not had the operation that day... the boys had some minor preemie issues that could've been better had they stayed in, but Baby A also had tort and plagio due to uterine constraint... which would've been more severe had they "cooked" a little longer... if the terbutaline is anything like the brethine was, i know it's NO fun being on those meds, but worth every day it gets you through.... drink lots and lots of water and take it easy... as much as you feel stressed, honey, this is the easy part... get your rest now... you'll need it :hug:
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