I am sorry for a stupid question and overly repeated on

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amoe, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. Amoe

    Amoe Well-Known Member

    Again, I am sorry for an overly repeated question. I know this has been done a million times over. Both boys, who are about 2.5 years old are ready to potty train. They love trying to pee in the toilet and doing okay at it. My question is, what is the best method or pull up to use? I did not potty train my older son as bad as that sounds. We used the M&M method for him and it worked but he is over weight. He was not interested in potty training like my little twinkies. Both boys LOVE to go potty in the toilet but the problem is, they do not have to pee most of the time. And one boy may be shy about going potty in front of me or his brother. What would you do???

    Amie :D
  2. Pinkdragonjmnc

    Pinkdragonjmnc Well-Known Member

    We tried for about 4 months with pull ups with litle to no results so eventually what we did was just put them in big boy underwear and that worked much better. Mine trained backward I think though because they were night trained before they were day trained lol.

    Good Luck!
  3. Amoe

    Amoe Well-Known Member

    Sorry once again. I did not know there was a potty training forum......
  4. Amoe

    Amoe Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MonkeyMama @ Mar 19 2008, 10:21 PM) [snapback]677829[/snapback]
    We tried for about 4 months with pull ups with litle to no results so eventually what we did was just put them in big boy underwear and that worked much better. Mine trained backward I think though because they were night trained before they were day trained lol.

    Good Luck!

    I have heard that. Thank you for your reply. I was told just to skip the whole pull up thing and go straight to underwear!! Cool! Thank you!
  5. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine gave me a book called "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day." I followed the instructions in that book and both my kids were potty trained in 10 days. It didn't quite happen in "less than a day," but 5 days for each child is pretty good. They went from being in diapers 24/7 to no diapers, even at night. Some of the ideas in the book were pretty wacky, but it seemed to work for my boys.
  6. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Ugh, in the beginning it was HARD... no lies. Zack had it down pat though, and Jack didn't. So, I trained him first. Then started with Jackie. THe way I did it was use pull ups at first, and tell them if they didn't potty like big boys they couldn't go to preschool and ride the bus. So, they started pottying, because riding the bus and going to school is all they talk about.

    I did notice they had way more accidents in pull ups, so when I switched them to underwear they didn't have hardly any.
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