I am soooo sick of listening to Lily wail herself to sleep at every nap

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ahmerl, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    It is exhausting to listen to, it breaks my heart, and it is simply too much.

    Thanks for listening,
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member


    Hang in there...

    I'm sitting in the family room taking deep breaths after just having listened to Vivian wail herself to sleep a few minutes ago, so I know what you mean. This morning she screamed for 15 minutes and then only slept for 30. It just doesn't seem fair. Or worth it.

    Good luck to you (and to Lily)...
  3. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Yep, I know what you mean. Been there, done that, still do that on occasion.

    I forget how old your Lily is, but hang in there, she'll get it.

  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  5. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(TwinsInOkinawa @ Dec 21 2007, 09:50 PM) [snapback]543427[/snapback]
    Yep, I know what you mean. Been there, done that, still do that on occasion.

    I forget how old your Lily is, but hang in there, she'll get it.


    She is 6.5 months and we have been going through this for 3 months now. I don't understand. If I try to rock her she will do everything in her power to stay awake. She will rake her fingers on the material of the rocking chair, make noises, watch the fan, anything to fight sleep. Sometimes I will feel her begin to let go and then she will catch herself and jerk her head up in the air and fight some more.

  6. heartofdixiemama

    heartofdixiemama Well-Known Member

    Oh my...this is my boy, Dylan...
    I haven't heard screeching like this since the last time my oldest son had his shots!! It's ridiculous...
    He makes me rethink every step I take...Okay, he can't be hungry, I just fed him..his diaper is changed...he is ACTING sleepy, so whyyy won't he just GIVE IN ALREADY?????
    By the time he does, I AM READY FOR A NAP!!!!

    Even my 4 yr old says, "What's WRONG with him?!" ...I just say, "He's determined." And then I go call my husband to ask him when he's coming home!

    After a day with Dylan ------> :wacko: :80: :help:
  7. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If it helps, it was right around 6.5-7 months that things got a lot better for us on the nap front. They still cried, but not nearly as hard or as long -- it was more like "settling down" crying as opposed to really wailing. They also started to sleep a lot longer. The difference was very dramatic, and I wasn't doing anything differently, so I know it was just maturity. I've heard a lot of other people say that naps got better around 6-7 months as well.

    I also KWYM about fighting sleep. That was why we stopped rocking our girls to sleep -- Amy, in particular, would fight sleep tooth and nail. But even she did get it eventually. Hang in there.
  9. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    We did that too. I have a very determined dd as well. Things are SO much better now at 8 months. Time + consistency. That's the only thing that seemed to work.

  10. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Some babies just need a little cry before they can go to sleep. Dax is like this at nap. He usually cries/fusses for about 10-15 minutes before going to sleep. Like Lily, he will not go to sleep by being rocked. Bedtime is a different issue for him though and he can cry for hours without going to sleep so CIO is definitely not going to work for him in that situation.
  11. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I feel your pain! Isn't it awful hearing them cry, even when you know that's the only way they'll get the sleep they need? My DS has always been a major sleep fighter. But there is light at the end of the tunnel - with time and patience, he's getting much better. I hope Lily will start "getting it" soon! :hug99:
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