I am soo tired -UPDATE

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cael0816, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    so, if you didn't read an early post of mine, I posted about being tired all the time and about falling asleep every where. Everyone suggested, I go to the doctor to get my thyroid and iron levels checked. So yesterday i went to the doctor. I did get my blood tested but that isn't back yet. He said he didn't think that was the problem.

    he asked:
    how much sleep do you get? I said 7-8 hours a night
    do you have trouble getting out of bed ? I said Yes,I lay on the couch while my kids snack on cheerios for a good hour.
    do you cry alot? probably atleast 3 to 4 times a week
    do you feel overwhelmed? ofcourse , i have three children under 2 1/2 and my husband is gone alot with work, and i run my own online business
    have you lost interest in thing you used to love? YES, i used to love to work out, used to love to scrapbook, used to love to just play and laugh.
    the questions continued.

    it took everything to hold back the tears, and i was dreading what he was going to say. He said he thinks I have PPD.

    i was like "How?" my twins are 15 months old, too old for me to be depressed. they are much easier now. he said that it is very likey since I haven't ever tried to get "fixed".

    i finally just cried and cried. I mean how can i be depressed. Who wouldn't be sad in my position? I am 26 with three kids, my stomach looks like it is 80 years old, and i sitll have 10 pounds that i can't lose. PLUS everyone else my own age is just starting to have kids so i can't really relate with anyone my own age.

    he said just because my life is hard and not exactly how I planned doesn't mean that i don't deserve to be happy. I guess that just really hit home for me. He is right. I do deserve to be happy. I love my children so much so why aren't I happy??

    well, that is it. I have started taking the medicine today and i go back in a month. he said that if i come back and my iron is EXTREMELY low or my thyroid is off then he will apologize. :) I have a feeling that he is right though. <_< i told my husband what the doc said, and he said "yea, i can see that". who would have known that he thought i was depressed. so hopefully the medicine will work. It would be nice just to feel "relaxed" and "happy" like i used to.

    THANKS for reading!
  2. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I was diagnosed with PPD when the twins were 18 months old! You are not alone. I could not take the meds, due to side affects, though I tried. I did go to therapy which helped a lot and we hired some help. I really hope you see some relief soon!!! So glad they were able to find out what it is!
  3. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    i have a long history w/ depression and PPD. It doesn't have the negative stigma it used to. Don't be so hard on yourself. Meds can help and so can therapy. 3 small kids must be overwhelming. hope you are feeling better soon.
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on getting the ball moving on feeling better. I hope your medication works for you and would recommend that you not give up if the first medication doesn't work...sometimes medications need tweaking to find that perfect cocktail.

    [SIZE=14pt]You do deserve to be happy and to enjoy this time with your children. [/SIZE] :hug99:
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I am glad you got help!! I hope the meds also give you some relief....I, too, was dx with PPD. My girls were 8 or 9 months...I just couldn't stop crying!! I took meds for about 9 months and felt much better!
  6. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad your doctor was on top of things and you got some answers. I also had PPD, am still on the meds, and feel really good. Your symptoms sound very close to what mine were, so I hope that your meds will help you as much as mine have. Good luck! :hug99:
  7. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    So glad you went to your doctor.

    I hope you start to feel better soon. :hug99:
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :hug99: WOW! I am SO happy you went to your doctor!! I really hope you get some relief soon!!! :hug99:
  9. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    My twins were 13 mos when I finally admitted I had ppd. I'd been ignoring it since I found out I was pregnant with twins and had a 3mo old at the time. It made a world of difference! I hope this first round of meds is all you need to feel tons better. It was for me and I felt better within the first week. :hug99:
  10. ninska

    ninska New Member

    Dont normally post here... just read. I was diagnosed with PPD when my twins were 15 months old plus diagnosed with thyroid problems. I know what you mean about barely being able to get out of bed or of the couch. I hope the meds work for you. My twins are now 19 months old and I am stating to feel like a new person. It will get better.

  11. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    Depression is not a bad thing. People are depressed all of the time. I hope the meds work for you. I also wish we lived closer, as I would hang out with you. We are on our third child and most of our friends don't have any or just had their first, so I know what you mean in that catergory. I need more mommy friends too--
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