I am So Proud of Myself!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kyrstyn, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    This may be silly, but tonight I gave both of my girls a Bath by myself!! :yahoo: No bath seats or anything! It went really well, and I had such a sense of accomplishment. For so long, I have been bathing them one at a time when I am home alone because I was scared that I wouldn't be able to handle it. Well I did, and we all survived!
  2. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    that IS a big accomplishment, you are my hero!!

    ok, here's my question: how do you get them out/dress them? do you leave one in the tub while you do the other, or get them both out and let one run naked, or does she sit nicely on the floor in a towel? this is my issue and why i haven't taken the plunge, though i've been wanting to try it for a few months now....
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Kyrstyn, that's awesome!! Did they have a fun time in the bath together?

    Sandra, I will share what I do. Once the water has drained, I take one out, wrap her up and go lay her on the bedroom floor, go back to get the other one then dry, lotion and dress them at the same time.
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: Kyrstyn! I remember when doing baths alone was a huge deal here, and it is really hard the first couple of times. The more you do it, the easier it gets. :hug:

    I do things a little differently. I take everything I need into the bathroom, including a toy or two. Once we're done with the bath, my 4 YO gets out, and she can get into her PJ's by herself. I get one twin out, dry her off, get her lotioned and into PJ's. Then that twin plays a little in the bathroom while I get the third kiddo out of the bath. Maggie helps play with whichever twin gets out first for a few minutes, but I think that might work even if you didn't have an older helper.
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good for you!! I remember what a huge accomplishment that was for me. And then again when I bathed all three kids together as Liam got older.

    :banana: :banana: :banana:
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    WTG Kyrstyn!! :Clap:
  7. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    :banana: That IS a great accomplishment :clapping: Glad it went so well!
  8. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    That is a huge accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll share what I do for pp that asked:

    I take both into the bathroom (I've already filled the tub while they were eating dinner) and get them undressed and put them both in. Then we wash, play, etc.

    I take the plug out of the tub and let it start draining while I take one of the boys out and dry him off with a hoodie towel, then take the other out and dry off. Then we walk (actually, they usually like me to carry them both) to their bedroom where I finish drying, lotioning, pjing one while the other sits in his hoodie towel (next to me and brother) reading a book (usually pointing out animals or something so I can interact with him as well to keep him entertained while brother gets his lotion massage!) or watching me. Then I put the one that's done in his crib and move on to brother. So far, my boys are very cooperative with the situation so I can do it this way...I hope it doesn't change!
  9. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    I have only done a few baths all by myself - it does feel like a great accomplishment!!! I'm just lucky my DH is around most of the time to help and since we both work, it is part of the time we have to spend with the kids in the evening.

    I have to close the bathroom door while the bathroom is filling and get them undressed in their room. If I don't close the door, DS will try to climb into the bathtub and he can get in! We walk naked to the bathroom and I plunk each of them in the tub (we still use bath seats). I reverse at the end of the tub. Each kid gets dried off and set free naked to play in the bedroom while the other is getting dressed.

    The one issue is DD who seems to like to pee (and poop) on the floor without her diaper. I have to make sure she is the one who gets undressed last and dressed first!!

  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    great accomplishment! :yahoo: Love your avi btw! :wub:
  11. emcavaco

    emcavaco Active Member

    Just started doing the same myself and I do pretty much the same as some of the other ladies, but I bring the changing pad from the changing table into the bathroom along with PJs, diapers and lotion. I put the changing table pad on the sink and take one twin out while letting the water drain and the other one continues playing... I do drying off, diapering, lotion and PJs then let him play with some toys from the bath toy bin (an old laundry bin I keep in our bathroom linen closet and pull out at bathtime) while I do the PJs, etc for his brother.

    One thing I did learn is that if I didn't let the water drain while clothing the first one, when he was done and in his PJs, he'd lean over the edge of the tub and either scare the heck out of me trying to play with floating toys or get his PJs all wet on the cuffs by reaching into the tub. Good luck and congrats - doesn't sound silly at all to be proud of yourself - I tried this many times at 11 months or so because I was living on my own and my hubby was in Iraq, but they were too young it was complete insanity trying to diaper them and keep from pee flying everywhere while doing the first one. For a while I kept a pack n play in the bathroom filled with toys and switched them out for baths.


  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Great job, mama!! I didn't do that until just a month or so ago... and it still makes me nervous.
  13. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Woohoo Kyrstyn!!! I was also really nervous about bathing them together by myself, but I finally started doing it when they were about a year old. Its made life SO much easier!

    Here is what we do (since someone asked for suggestions):

    I fill the bath while they are in their highchairs eating dinner. Then after dinner I strip them down to diapers in the kitchen and we dance to the bathroom (its our little ritual since I always play music during dinner). Into the bath both go, and they play and splash and have fun while I wash them up. They love it when I make their hair all spikey while I wash it! Then I drain the bath with them in it and they say "Bye bye" to the water. This is our winding down time so they know its time to stop playing. They hand me all their toys and say 'night!' to each and every one of them. I put them away and then when all the water is out of the tub, I take them out, put a towel on each. Dry them off and then we go into the bedroom to get dressed. Sometimes I'll bring the potty seats into the bedroom so the girl waiting for a diaper can sit on it. I won't lie, we've had some accidents in the bedroom, but they have wood floors so I just mop it up. Once they are both diapered and dressed, they run around a bit while I tried to dry and brush their hair.
  14. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Way to go Krystyn!!! That IS a HUGE accomplishment!!! I still remember the day I took the plunge and did that.
  15. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good for you Kyrstyn! I still won't bathe both at the same time by myself! I tried it once and no one drowned but no one really got cleaned either. I'm just too nervous still to try it myself.
  16. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    :clapping: WTG Kyrstyn! :clapping:
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