I am so frustrated and clueless...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Joyful, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. Joyful

    Joyful Well-Known Member

    The twins are in underwear during the day and diapers for nap and bed. They don't have any accidents in their underwear anymore but have been pooping in their diapers for nap or in the early morning before they are changed. However, they have decided that taking off their diapers after they have messed them is a good idea. My DD especially during her nap time, so I have been checking on her much more often to make sure that I can, at the very least, keep it from being too messy. What should I do. Should I put her in underwear for nap time and stick a potty in there with her? My concern is that she won't nap at all but with play on the potty the whole time. Taping her diaper doesn't work, I tried that...any other suggestions?

  2. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Mine wore a pullup during nap time and night time until he was dry. No drinks during these times either. Good luck! Sounds like she is doing well! :good:
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I'm with Sarah, mine wore a pullup at naps when they were daytime trained. And I told them it was paper underwear, and that they needed to put their poopies in the toilet now, too. It pretty much worked...but Nick will occassionally still go poop in his pullup. But, he has constipation issues, and will go in his underwear at times too. Uuugh!
  4. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Have they been pooping in the potty at all? Perhaps you could encourage them to try to poopy in the potty before their nap. If they go before, then they won't have to feel yucky if they go in a pull-up. That is probably why they take them off.
  5. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    I resorted to rewards for pooping in the potty: m&m's or a jelly bean. That helped my boys decide it was better to try the toilet than wait for the pull-up.
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    It took Aaron almost a year to decide that pooping in the potty was better than waiting for the nap or nighttime diaper. I would get big onsies, overalls, zip up pjs, anything that you can put on backwards that they can't get undone. A while back somebody (cheesecake maybe?) said she would actually sew the top of the zipper at the back of the neck to keep them from undoing each other! Then she just snipped the thread when it was time to get up. I wouldn't stress about the poop issue...that will happen in time. But I would certainly put a stop to taking off a messy diaper in whatever way needed. Good luck!
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