I am not trying to be rude

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mar66rus2, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I am not jumping down anyones back, and I don't want to come off as being a B****.

    I am slightly disappointed. I had posted about starting table foods the other day and only received one response. Normally I wouldn't care, but I am truely stumped on it. I thought I would receive more posts in regards to what others had tried. I know it has been posted on here a lot.

    I think I am disappointed b/c this is what TS is here for....and FY.

    I know I am creeping to the end of being here, and maybe that most people now on FY have younger twins (which makes complete sense). Should I just post the topic, or have a moderator switch it over to 1-4's?

    Please don't be offended...I hope I didn't come off that way (just beyond tired right now).

  2. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I personally am not offended as I have had this happen to me several times but figure that either it was posted a ton of times or that people didn't find it or just didn't have an answer.
  3. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    You know what I have noticed? If it is a topic that has been brought up alot lately, then you might get less responses on it. I usually do a search about the topic I want to post about, to see if I get my answer that way first. :hug99:
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I had taken a look at your post and you had some really good suggestions from the other posters that I couldn't think of anything else to add. It's also happened to me too, but I think it's good to say something because it makes me more aware of how important this site is to so many.
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    April I am sorry that your were disappointed :hug99: You can always bump your post to the top if you still need help anytime. Sorry.
  6. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(DATJMom @ Jun 7 2008, 10:32 PM) [snapback]815810[/snapback]
    April I am sorry that your were disappointed :hug99: You can always bump your post to the top if you still need help anytime. Sorry.

    How do you do that? Respond to your own post? :D
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I understand where you are coming from. I had it happen and was disappointed, too.
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(adia2007 @ Jun 8 2008, 02:38 AM) [snapback]815817[/snapback]
    How do you do that? Respond to your own post? :D

    Yep. And say something like you need more help, etc. or you can just type this

    :8714bumper: looking for more help, any thoughts, suggestions...

  9. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    That has happened to me several times too. Sometimes I wonder why? But honestly, I didn't see your post. I am gonna look for it to see if I can answer it, as it sounds like our kiddos are about the same age.
  10. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to say thank you for posting this.

    I had a post the other day titled "Can you help me, figure out their afternoon/evening (doesn't get any clearer than that!) and only one person responded. I was hoping for others to say, this is what I did, or I had to change this around a bit. I realize schedules are posted in the stickies but my girls are not quite four months adjusted and this we do not have a schedule just yet.

    So, thank you. For those that see this and are on the older end of FY your suggestions/experience are so important to us with younger twins (especially as a FTM like me!)
  11. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you felt slighted. If there is a day where a lot of people are starting topics, it might fall to the bottom quickly and not get seen. Please don't feel slighted in the least.

    I know for myself, as a Mod, I try to get in here and address threads that have the least number of posts to them before I go elsewhere.

    I'm so sorry that you were upset by this. Please don't take it personally because I'm positive it wasn't meant to be like that. :hug99:
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Kellytwinmom @ Jun 8 2008, 12:31 AM) [snapback]815945[/snapback]
    I just wanted to say thank you for posting this.

    I had a post the other day titled "Can you help me, figure out their afternoon/evening (doesn't get any clearer than that!) and only one person responded. I was hoping for others to say, this is what I did, or I had to change this around a bit. I realize schedules are posted in the stickies but my girls are not quite four months adjusted and this we do not have a schedule just yet.

    So, thank you. For those that see this and are on the older end of FY your suggestions/experience are so important to us with younger twins (especially as a FTM like me!)

    I peeked in your topic and didn't respond because I really had nothing to add. My girls weren't STTN the night at that age, and didn't have a schedule like that, so I really had nothing to offer. I'm wondering if there were just a lot of us that felt that same way. Again, as I said to the OP, please don't take it personally. :hug99: We definitely want to help as much as we can.
  13. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Along with what the other mods have said, you may find the board is a little less active at times. Right now the weather is nice and I'm trying to take advantage of that by getting the girls outside. So things might not get the immediate replies they do when the weather is cold and everyone is stuck inside. But like Rachel said, you can always bump up your post if it sinks without many replies.
  14. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Sorry you felt like that.
    Sometimes I just read posts and might have nothing to say...or have forgotten how my boys were at that age (Mommy brain!!!)
  15. lisaessman@verizon.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I can relate. I asked for advice about anything and everything in my "It worked for me" thread the other day, and while it was looked at many times, only a few responded. (I greatly appreciated those who did take the time to reply!)
  16. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I've had that happen to me, too.

    When I come on & browse topics, a lot of times I don't REMEMBER what was going on back when they were super little so I usually won't comment. I'd rather have people comment to my topics vs just give hugs (personally....I know everyone 'feels' for everyone else when they're having troubles), so if I don't have anything insightful to add, I usually won't. A lot of times, most everyone has already added what I would've added, so I just skip the whole "I agree with everyone else" thing.

    And like someone else had mentioned, as my boys get older, I don't have as much time to sit on the computer anymore. Half the time I'm skimming 1 handed while wrestling them with the other hand & can't reply. Other times my replies would just be too lengthy & I don't have the time (or energy) to post them at that time (I'm a wordy person!).

    Try not to feel offended. Whenever I've had minimal responses to a topic or didn't get a response I wanted, I'd usually comment to thank those who had responded & then that moves your thread up anyway. I've posted & come back an hour later on the busy days & my post is already on page 2. I'm one of the naughty ones who rarely goes past page 1, so definitely 'bump' up a post that was quickly lost.
  17. twinstuff-old

    twinstuff-old Well-Known Member

    Twinstuff Rewards members also have an unadvertised option on the boards to automatically bump their topics without posting in it. They can just go to the options box in the upper right and should see an option for 'bump this topic' there. Sorry this topic is getting so many more responses than the other one, but it's never anything personal. It's just random sometimes.
  18. dlphin99

    dlphin99 Member

    thank you for posting this, I've also had this happen with a number of topics I've posted on seeking help, sometimes I'm lucky if I receive 1 or 2 responses. Sometims I think it comes down to whether you're a "regular" on here or not. Ive noticed some people that post alot on here asking questions get tons of responses to their questions because I guess their "known", whereas people like me who don't post that often don't get their questions asked. I've been disappointed alot with this forum, especially when I ask questions that I know other mom's of twins encounter but nobody can take the time to answer my questions. sorry to hijack your post :)
  19. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dlphin99 @ Jun 8 2008, 03:49 PM) [snapback]816504[/snapback]
    thank you for posting this, I've also had this happen with a number of topics I've posted on seeking help, sometimes I'm lucky if I receive 1 or 2 responses. Sometims I think it comes down to whether you're a "regular" on here or not. Ive noticed some people that post alot on here asking questions get tons of responses to their questions because I guess their "known", whereas people like me who don't post that often don't get their questions asked. I've been disappointed alot with this forum, especially when I ask questions that I know other mom's of twins encounter but nobody can take the time to answer my questions. sorry to hijack your post :)

    IMO, it's simply not true. I recognize names when I post, sure, but I am never prejudice as to who I answer and who I don't. I feel comfortable speaking on behalf of my fellow mods to say I know they are of the same mind-set.

    I am very sorry you feel this way. Please bring it to our attention in the future if you feel you are being ignored or if your post is sinking to page 2 too fast.

    Please also read the replies from the Mods above, as well as the site Administrator. It is never our intention to ignore.
  20. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Jun 8 2008, 03:56 PM) [snapback]816516[/snapback]
    IMO, it's simply not true. I recognize names when I post, sure, but I am never prejudice as to who I answer and who I don't. I feel comfortable speaking on behalf of my fellow mods to say I know they are of the same mind-set.

    Thank you Michelle. I agree. I definitely try my best to get to those posts that have only a few replies. It has nothing to do with who actually posts the question, it's about whether I can give advice or not. I am sorry you are feeling slighted, but I think that most of us have had threads that sink like a rock from time to time. I know I have.
  21. ehm

    ehm Banned

    I've been disappointed alot with this forum, especially when I ask questions that I know other mom's of twins encounter but nobody can take the time to answer my questions.
    I have been registered for a shorter time than you (granted I am more of a talker not a conversation starter) and I have never felt the 'known' or 'regular issue. I just looked at your topics and I see several with double digit replies (I didn't look to see how many of them may have been you posting additional info/comments) but I don't think 11,14,10,13 responses is something to be disappointed alot in, especially since one of the topics with the least number of responses is asking for people who live in a certain area, perhaps there just aren't that many people who live there?
  22. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. I never felt slated...just somewhat disappointed. What everyone replied makes sense.

    I really understand the forgetting part of things. Hence why I asked the question. I just for the life of me cannot remember it all with Emily. Of coarse time was tough too (DH's bro died in motorcycle accident). It is just a blur I guess. I just don't remember the transition.

    Thanks again!

  23. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dlphin99 @ Jun 8 2008, 03:49 PM) [snapback]816504[/snapback]
    thank you for posting this, I've also had this happen with a number of topics I've posted on seeking help, sometimes I'm lucky if I receive 1 or 2 responses. Sometims I think it comes down to whether you're a "regular" on here or not. Ive noticed some people that post alot on here asking questions get tons of responses to their questions because I guess their "known", whereas people like me who don't post that often don't get their questions asked. I've been disappointed alot with this forum, especially when I ask questions that I know other mom's of twins encounter but nobody can take the time to answer my questions. sorry to hijack your post :)

    See, this bothers me. If you don't post often, it means that you don't really respond to others' posts, and only come here to ask questions. Posting should be give-and-take, don't you think?

    I know we all have periods when it's hard to post often -- and having newborn twins is definitely one of those times! But, it seems a little off to me if you're complaining that no one is responding to you because you're not a "regular" -- if you're also not responding to anyone else.

    To the OP -- I only check in a few times a day, and don't always get to post -- usually I answer first those questions where I feel like I have some useful insight. Sorry I didn't get to yours -- I'm not even sure if I saw it...
  24. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    If you go to the first page of the forums, you can see that this forum of Twinstuff has over 15,000 topics, and close to 124,000 posts. That is a lot, and I believe it's the second most active forum on this site. It can be hard to keep up for everyone with things moving that quickly.

    From my perspective, I also go in and look for threads that have the fewest replies, and try to answer those. But sometimes I don't have any experience with the issue in question, but I do answer where I can. It doesn't matter who the poster is to me. I just really look at the topic and the amount of replies to see where to go first.

    From a user perspective, I know it can be really frustrating when you don't get many replies. That's where bumping, or thanking those who have responded and asking for other input, can come in handy. If you suspect that you are asking a topic that has been asked before, you can also search for keywords to check. Maybe someone else already asked and has some great suggestions.

    If you have never searched before, on the forum index, at the bottom left hand side is an "enter keyword" entry block and a "search forum" box you can click on after you type in your search criteria. It can come in pretty handy.

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