I am good at, I like, I wish

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LeslieJC, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. LeslieJC

    LeslieJC Well-Known Member

    The get to know you topic was so much fun I thought I would start another.

    I Drive:
    A 2001 Dodge Caravan

    But my Dream Car is:
    A Volkswagon Bug with a sun-roof. Either red or white.

    I am really good at cooking:
    Stir Fry's, Soups and Pot Pie

    But I wish I could cook:
    More authentic ethnic dishes. Indian, Thai etc.

    If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    Do something with physcology or work with deaf kids.

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Reading, walking somewhere pretty like a park or a forest preserve, shopping, late at night when everyone is sleeping catching up on Oprah and Dr. Phil.

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    To stop procrastinating important tasks (make a will, change banks, look into kids classes) and to take better care of my things (dirty car, put laundry away, keep up with kids scrap books).

    And I was successfull with:
    About 50%. Still needs attention but I'm working on it.

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Fall, Halloween, When my bosses dog (he brings her to work everyday) knocks me over because she is so happy to see me, A really good cup of coffee, A good night's sleep and A good pedicure

    Now, Tell us yours...
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I Drive:
    2004 Toyota Sienna

    But my Dream Car is:
    1954 Cadillac Eureka Hearse

    I am really good at cooking:
    pretty much everything but eggs

    But I wish I could cook:
    boiled eggs

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    be a doctor

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    reading, swimming, or in a hot tub

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    Find a job

    And I was successful with:
    Finding a job

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Sleeping in, having a big kitchen (I miss my old kitchen), not hearing the dogs bark, when the cat uses the litterbox.
  3. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan

    But my Dream Car is:
    A Volkswagon Touareg

    I am really good at cooking:
    Potatoes, casseroles, southern food

    But I wish I could cook:
    Actually wish I could bake - nothing I bake turns out right

    If I were to change my career I would want to:

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Playing tennis (I guess that isn't by myself but it is without kids), sleeping, reading

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    To stop worrying and stressing so much

    And I was successful with:
    I'm better - but now I just talk about it less and it causes less tension with dh.

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    A really good book, a crisp Fall day, a sunny day at the beach, my annual girls trip

    Now, Tell us yours...
  4. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I Drive:
    A 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan

    But my Dream Car is:
    A 1969 Red Convertible Mustang

    I am really good at cooking:
    lots of stuff, I love to cook and bake

    But I wish I could cook:
    Chinese food

    If I were to change my career I would want to:

    Be a personal shopper, I'd love to have other people's money to spend!!

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Reading, shopping, walking

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    To start exercising and get healthy.

    And I was successfull with:
    It's a work in progress, but I have lost some weight and have definitely become more active.

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Christmas preparations (the music, the smells, the decorations), a fresh snowfall, the beach, time out with my friends, a large glass of red wine, hearing the UPS man pull up with a package for me.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2010 Nissan Murano

    But my Dream Car is:
    Don't have a dream car... so I'll say my Murano is :D

    I am really good at cooking:
    Italian dishes

    But I wish I could cook:
    nothing! then I could hire a cook. ;)

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    I wouldn't change my "career". As of now being a mom is my career and I rather enjoy it!

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    On Twinstuff and watching TV

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    Be a more patient mom and quit smoking.

    And I was successfull with:
    All of it!! :woo:

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Drinking and hanging out with my girls, having a DVR full of new shows to watch, a nice hot fresh cup of coffee....
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2005 Volvo XC90

    But my Dream Car is:
    A sporty sedan, maybe a Saab.

    I am really good at cooking:
    ethnic food - Indian, Thai, Italian, French, etc.

    But I wish I could cook:
    basic stuff like stews and one dish meals that my family would actually eat

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    live internationally; maybe work for an American company with offices in Europe or Asia

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Reading, grocery shopping, sitting outside watching my chickens run around

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    I never make resolutions because I realized I slack off after about two months

    And I was successfull with:

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    The night sky when I can see the Milky Way, huge towering clouds, finding clothes that fit without much effort, hosting dinner parties, coming home to a clean house.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I Drive:
    A 2007 Ford Fusion

    But my Dream Car is:
    anything that booked itself in for maintenance. :pardon:

    I am really good at cooking:

    But I wish I could cook:
    a really good grilled steak

    If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    i can't think of something i'd rather do more than what i do now

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    reading, going out for a glass of wine & a slice of cheesecake, taking a long, hot shower, seeing a movie by myself

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    i boycott New Year's Resolutions because i never follow through & then i just feel bad about myself

    And I was successfull with:
    everything since i didn't have any! ;)

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    a real fire, with real wood, an amazing piece of art (movie, theatre, song, painting, anything that makes my heart skip a beat), purring kittens, spending time at my aunt & uncle's sheep ranch, hot chocolate with marshmellows
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    2010 Ford Fusion

    But my Dream Car is:
    BMW...any model will do

    I am really good at cooking:
    Cheesecakes and pies

    But I wish I could cook:
    Can not make a good potato salad or fudge to save my life.

    If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    Physical Therapist...I actually started out majoring in this and then backed out...what a mistake

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Running and there's nothing better than a good book

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    Get into shape and run a 1/2 marathon

    And I was successfull with:
    Did it and also competed in my first triathlon

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Love, love, love the fall season and all the food and family that comes with it. I also love the start of the Christmas holidays with decorating and playing music.
  9. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2007 Toyota Sienna

    But my Dream Car is:
    Something more SUV

    I am really good at cooking:
    Cookies, Chicken, Enchiladas

    But I wish I could cook:
    Beef, more vegetarian dishes, hard boiled eggs! Why are they so hard for me?

    If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    I loved teaching, but maybe something with travel?

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    running or hiking, reading in a bookstore, shopping

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    To continue to try to budget and lose the final 10 pounds of baby weight.

    And I was successfull with:
    The baby weight.

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Fall, Christmas, Travel, Seeing old friends, a great book or movie, taking a class/learning something new
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I Drive:
    2007 Toyota Sienna

    But my Dream Car is:
    Toyota Prius or a Smart Car

    I am really good at cooking:
    scrambled eggs

    But I wish I could cook:
    More then scrambled eggs

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    Well right now my career is SAHM, so I would just change it to a counseling job

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    reading, exercising, window shopping, getting a pedicure

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    I did not have one. I guess my resolution was to have none at all!

    And I was successful with:
    See above

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box":
    Post-its, pens, my cats purring and playing, Fall and Spring, being able to catch up with my friends, just being able to relax in the evening time and not worrying
  11. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2007 Chevy Tahoe

    But my Dream Car is:
    A new Sienna for a "Mom" Car, and a Mercedes if it was just me

    I am really good at cooking:
    I have a few basic dishes I have mastered, but I am far from being good at cooking

    But I wish I could cook:

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    A Medical Examiner

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Going to the beach, drinking and going out with friends, just relaxing!

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    I'm not much of a Resolution maker

    And I was successfull with:

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    The River, the Desert, being outside, camping, thunderstorms, learning
  12. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2010 Ford Fusion Sport

    But my Dream Car is:
    either a BMW or Audi convertible

    I am really good at cooking:
    anything Italian

    But I wish I could cook:
    I wish I could grill well

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    be an RN

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    surfing the internet or shopping

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    I'm not much of a Resolution maker

    And I was successfull with:

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    listening to my kids giggle uncontrollably, walking into my moms house and smelling her cooking, and when the cat curls up next to my head and purrs so hard he rumbles!
  13. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    A 2008 Hyundai Santa Fe

    But my Dream Car is:
    My inner singleton wants a Mini Cooper, my inner yuppie wants a BMW, and my inner mama wants a Honda Odyssey. :blush:

    I am really good at cooking:
    Anything baked, chili, soups, and anything I have a recipe for ;)

    But I wish I could cook:
    I just wish I had more time to cook; I like cooking and like eating even more!

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    I've always dreamed of having a bakery. I'd also be interested in being a nutritionist.

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    I used to love running by myself, and would like to get back into it. I also love reading and singing.

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    To wash the boys hands before every meal. I like small, easily-attainable goals (one year I resolved to let the pan heat up properly before cooking food in it). :lol:

    And I was successfull with:
    I'm 99% there! :good:

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    The smells, sights, and tastes of fall. Hearing my children sing. :wub: Solving a really troublesome technical issue.
  14. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    2001 Ford Expedition. The dang thing keeps going and going so I can't see getting a new payment but I want a new car BAD!

    But my Dream Car is:
    I want an Edge I have no idea why I can't come up with anything else but that is what I want right now LOL!

    I am really good at cooking:

    But I wish I could cook:
    Mexican food mmmmmmmmm!!!! but then I really would be fat!

    []If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    be a forensic scientist

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    the one time I had me time in the past 3.5yrs, I fell asleep and it was good!

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    to loose weight, try not to stress over the small stuff, buy me a pair of REALLY nice snow boots

    And I was successfull with:
    I am going to buy my boots soon I cannot go another snowy winter without some serious snow boots I am at least on the right track with something!! I actually went to Bass Pro to buy them but they did not have a great selection yet, they told me to come back in a couple of weeks!

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"

    *a great sale
    *no bills in the mail
    *to find my antique pictures of sheep, pigs or cows at thrift stores (it is an obsession of mine)
    *this cinnamon pumpkin potpurri that makes my living room smell so fallish!
    *When my dh asked ds#1 if he wanted to ride with us to Louisville next weekend and ds's response was "not if I have to miss school"
    *I finally found what was causing the vomit smell in the twins bedroom - a nasty sippy cup (it was BAD!)
    *appreciation points
    *Friday night
    *I am scheduled for a FET Nov9
    *a clean house
    *new Nike tennis shoes (I never wear any other tennis shoe the few times I have strayed, I regret it :crazy: )
    *a freshly mowed lawn
    *fruit smoothies
    *a new yogurt shop in town called Lemon Tree

    add the kids and dh and I am usually a pretty happy gal
    1 person likes this.
  15. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    2005 Chrysler Pacifica

    But my Dream Car is:
    A Lexus or Saab SUV

    I am really good at cooking:
    Grilling Steaks, Mushroom Fajitas, and Chili

    But I wish I could cook:
    More authentic ethnic dishes...chinese food!

    If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    A travel critic

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Reading, getting a pedi/mani/facial.

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    get healthier

    And I was successfull with:
    I am working on it. I have lost weight, but still need to work out more.

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    traveling to just about anywhere, being on/near the water, a good cup of coffee, an almond butter & honey sandwich, viewing a great sunset, Cool weather, Christmas
  16. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    2006 Toyota 4Runner

    But my Dream Car is:
    An old fast back mustang- black

    I am really good at cooking:

    But I wish I could cook:
    veggies in different ways

    If I were to change my carreer I would want to:
    own a bed and breakfast in an exotic place

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Reading sitting outside, catching up with my favorite shows on my dvr with a nice glass of wine, taking a bath, moutaing biking, running, shopping, writing, massage

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    I never make them, but did have a list of things that I wanted to do after the girls were born (sewing, riding my mountain bike more, working on my presentation skills, photography)

    And I was successfull with:
    I started getting more serious with photography, I just purchased some fabric for my first sewing project,and I have been working on my presentation skills, but I need to improve lots! And the mountain biking is on hold until I can confirm that I don't need surgery on my shoulder from the last time I went...

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    Waking up to a sunny day, the beach, the feeling after a good workout, a clean house, a cold raining day with the fire and great movies, watching a storm
  17. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    2005 Nissan Armada

    But my Dream Car is:
    2011 Nissan Armada

    I am really good at cooking:
    lots of things...i love to cook

    But I wish I could cook:
    big hunks of meat lol big pot roasts and stuff intimidate me

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    anything in entertainment

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    reading, excercising

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:[/b

    And I was successfull with:
    my non resolution! lol

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    jazz music in the winter, ballet (dance) class, chocolate milk, free time
  18. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    I Drive:
    2006 Honda Odessey

    But my Dream Car is:
    1969 Nova SS with a big block 350, red and black interior

    I am really good at cooking:
    Cheesecakes, cinnamon rolls,pies

    But I wish I could cook:

    If I were to change my career I would want to:
    Be a lawyer

    Some of my favorite ways to spend on my own, with only myself is:
    Sewing, reading, gardening

    My New Years Resolution for 2010 was:
    Get in shape

    And I was successfull with:
    trying to work out more

    Makes me happy: (list things other than the obvious-kids, partner, health) be a little more "out of the box"
    The smell of woodsmoke in the fall, seeing my rose bushes bloom, finishing a craft project
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