I am going to have a nervous breakdown

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by AimeeThomp, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't sleep! I don't know what's wrong with me, at night I'll get really tired but as soon as I lie down to really go to sleep I can't stop wiggling! And then I swear I have to run to the bathroom about 10 times more frequently at night than during the day, what's up with that?!? Eventually I do fall asleep but then I will wake up again around 4 am because I'm hungry and I have to get up and eat a Power Bar and drink some milk, I'll get online for a little while and watch some TV and then I fall asleep around 6 or 7. Well the problem is that my next door neighbor's house burned down a little over a month ago so there are roofers and house fixing people over there and they come at 7 AM every day so the hammering and power tool noises start at 7 AM and don't stop all day! The noise is enough to drive me crazy! I know the neighbor needs her house fixed but I need sleep too! I told my doctor last week and she suggested getting a hotel room to get some sleep - yeah I really need the expense of a hotel room now that I have stopped working and am about to take on the expense of 2 new babies! I want to go over there and tell those men they can not come work before noon!

    DH went and talked to the neighbor this past weekend.....because last week they used our driveway twice and were scaring me pretty bad on Friday. They asked me to move my car because they were tearing off the roof that is near my driveway, so I moved the car. They took that to mean they could throw that entire half of her roof on my driveway and as they were tearing and throwing pieces of the roof sometimes they were hitting my house and the big window I was sitting right next to watching TV. It scared me and my dogs, and even though they cleaned up the pieces of roof, DH found about 20 nails in our driveway. So he went and told the neighbor that they do not have our permission to use our driveway, if I were to get a nail in my tire right now it would be a big deal as I can not change it myself and DH is away for work during the week. I guess I'm going to have to go to my parents house for a few weeks until they are done but it makes me angry, this is my house and I shouldn't have to leave!

    Oh and I have a white noise machine but it doesn't block out the noise.......I might have to give the ear plugs a try though!
  2. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    maybe that's not a bad idea? can you talk to your neighbor?
  3. prairiemom3

    prairiemom3 Well-Known Member

    Ohh, I feel so bad for you, :hug99: I can totally relate to the sleeping problems but I don't have the workers next door! Do earplugs drive you crazy? I know the only time I get decent sleep is when I'm alone in bed during the day. I hope you can get this figured out soon!
  4. danachang

    danachang Well-Known Member

    I have used ear plugs and a blindfold to get more sleep at times. Try them out...my OB has also said if I get desperate at the end they will give me ambien (sp?) as you need your rest.
  5. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    don't stop the workers! you want them to be done before your babies arrive!

    i can sympathize. i'm up about an hour every night scratching (or trying not to) and having a snack. but i do get a nap in during the day.

    here are a couple of suggestions:

    go to bed earlier, so you'll get the sleep at night
    try earplugs
    try a white noise machine, or even a floor fan, and close the windows
    ask a friend if you can take a nap at their house

    good luck. i know it's hard.
  6. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Whoa, having construction workers drop a roof and nails in your driveway sounds like such a bad idea (especially with not knowing exactly when your babies will come and when you might need to get to the hospital). Bad construction workers!! :angry:

    Right now, I can get decent sleep every other night. But yeah, I feel like I have to pee at night much more than during the day. Even on good nights, it seems like I'm up about once an hour or more.

    Have you talked to your OB about the sleeplessness? Mine is letting me take Benadryl or Unasom. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't, but on good nights, I think that's what helps me get past the restless stage.

    Hang in there, and try to get rest during the day if you can!
  7. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I have to use earplugs everynight because I a,m such a light sleeper and DH snores. I would not get a good night's sleep otherwise.

    I do think it's terrible how disrespectful of your property the workers are!!! I would talk to the owner of the company or complain to your city.
  8. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are not sleeping..... I was having the same problem sleeping at night, and then having to get up and work the next day. It was miserable. For the past few weeks, I have been taking 1/2-1 Unisom tablet about an hour before bed. It doesn't keep me from getting up 4 or 5 times/night to pee or change positions (due to back/hip pain), but it does help me to fall asleep when I get in bed, and makes it easy to go right back to sleep after my bathroom breaks....
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sorry you aren't getting much sleep these days. I know it is hard, I used to get so uncomfortable and felt like all I did was toss and turn. Of course the neighbor's house getting fixed isn't helping things for you. Hope you get some rest soon. :hug99:
  10. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I completely understand about getting hungry during the night and using the restroom, which disrupts sleep. I wonder if your doctor would allow something like Tylenol PM? You really do have to sleep. I just don't know what, if anything, you can take during pg to sleep. It's nice they recommended a hotel, but like you, I stopped working and will also be part of a family of four soon to, so we have cut back on spending - I can totally relate to how you feel on that too. I would try him or her about this again. :hug99: to you.
  11. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I can also relate to the sleeping problems- my bladder must have switch that's linked to the sun setting because I pee more at night than I do during the day. I don't have the noisy workers next door, though. I'm glad your dh spoke with them. Hopefully that will help with some of the issues... Good luck!
  12. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Okay here's an update - I'm so angry!!!!!!!!!

    So right after I posted this morning I packed up my lap top and a book and headed over to my parents house for the day. I figured I could lie in the pool and relax for the day, you know? So I did just that for a few hours, but then I wanted to go home for lunch, I don't want to eat all their food over here, and plus I have 2 dogs that I had to leave in the house because of the men next door. When I got home I couldn't even get in my driveway! They had my driveway blocked off and pieces of roof and s*** all over my driveway! I was so mad! My garbage is out to be picked up today and they will not be able to get it if my driveway is blocked and the can is full and if it's not picked up there is nothing I can do! It's not like I can load it in my Explorer and bring it to the dump!

    So I pull up next to the truck that is blocking my driveway and one of the workers comes out and tries to tell me I can not park in my own driveway! I was like "Excuse me? I am 8 months pregnant with twins, I am not parking on the street so that you can use my driveway!!!" How inconsiderate!?!? He said "Well I just don't want to hit your car" HELLO our driveway is plenty enough long that I can park away from the house next door - so unless he purposely TRIES to hit my car there is plenty of room for my car!!! Well I wrote down the name of the company because it's on the side of the truck and got their phone number too so DH can call and tell them to stay off our property! I understand if they need to occassionally step on my driveway because that's an easier way to get to that house, but they do not need to block me out of my own driveway and try to tell me to park across the street!!!

    So I ate lunch and then packed up my dogs and came back to my parents....

    I am livid!
  13. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would have ripped that guy a new one, especially being in the state of no sleep! You definitely need to call the company and maybe even the city and file a complaint.
    As for sleeping, I have to take Benedryl most nights and it helps some. I also wake up to pee every two hours, and toss and turn all night, then I wake up for a snack around 3:00am and take another Benedryl, that is all I can do. I have to get up at 5:30am to go to work all day and I would kill for a nap! I think I would concider bodily harm to a construction worker just for a nap!!! I hope you get some rest at your parents house, and maybe try some Benedryl.
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