I am giving her a steak before bed tonight!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by seamusnicholas, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    So 13 months and we are still going! I really do love it and am happy to still be nursing but I refuse to do what I have been doing lately which is nursing her all . night. long! It has happened a handful of times and I end up getting up and giving her a banana! And she eats the whole thing! So I truly think she is hungry! She is not a huge eater during the day (and I do not nurse her during the day) so I think I need to fill her up better during the day and I think I am going to give her a bowl of oatmeal before bed tonight to see if that helps. I will get up once but I will not stay up for hours to feed her! I was thinking mu supply is low and she does not get a lot. Could that be one reason she is on for so long? And she is older now and says, "more" after I roll over and then she pulls at my shirt or screams if I will not pull my shirt up!
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  2. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Wow, I think I have her male counterpart in my bed---unfortunately he's 28 months! And rather than more he says "other side" to him it's just this endless line of other sides as if I had 30 breasts or something. He does goes to bed in his own bed now and will sleep from 8:30 to about 3 or so, but from 3 until I get up at 6:30 it seems like he nurses non-stop. I'm generally too sleepy to get up and feed him. Let me know how the snack works.
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I have to wonder if you allowed nursing during the day, if it would lessen the night time request ? Perhaps she also enjoys the one on one alone time with you [​IMG] I think sitting some reasonable limits are A-OK. Offering a snack before nursing is also ok but if you dont want her to wean completely you'll need to come up with some scheduled OK nursing times.
  4. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Yes...I would not mind nursing during the day because we are home all day anyway so it is not like it would be a problem and those nursing times are so short. It kind of stopped because she became busy playing and her brothers always distracted her. If she wanted it I would totally would give it.

    I gave the kids breakfast for dinner because she loves pancakes and eggs and sausage and I was curious to see what would happen during the night after a great dinner. Before bed I gave her bananas and strawberries. She ate like a champ and only woke once last night! So I think I need to focus on giving her healthy foods she loves during the day.
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  5. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    OMG, Lena does the same thing. Except she says, "other one boob."

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