I am getting desperate

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by PRJP, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    I have done sticker charts, candy rewards, silly dances, super cool underware, loads of praise, naked bum...everything I can think of

    My Peter is getting the hang of it will sometimes go to the bathroom to do his morning poo and does pretty well with pee. He usually has an afternoon poo....but that never seems to make it to the toilet.

    My Jamison on the other hand will only go a pee on the toilet if he has a naked bum or if you ask him to go. He will not go on his own or if he has pants on. Poo, another story. I was hoping with the naked bum he would go to the toilet but no, he will hold it all day and the minute he has a pull up on he goes. He actually asked for a pull up so he could poo. I think he thinks that he needs something to catch the poo (sorry for TMI but this is the potty training forum :rolleyes: ). I tired sitting him on the toilet and he would spring off saying that nothing is coming.

    I dont know what else to do. They do not really know what school is and how cool it would be to go so I can not talk about how they need to go before they go to school.

    I just dont know what to do anymore. I think I should take a break but then I think today maybe will be the day that they will get it. Actually, they know what they are suppose to do, they will tell you. But, Jamison seems to always be "too late" (his words)

    Any suggestions?
  2. Song

    Song Active Member

    I second getting a book. I have a small table that I push up to them as they are sitting on the potty. I usually get their sticker book, and they are very entertained with it. I tell them to go poo poo in the potty, and I give the some privacy. I don't let the other twin hang out in the bathroom with them because I feel like the concentration level is not there.

    Anyways, the sticker book worked for us. I finally got them to stay put until poo poo hits the water. I have had some mothers tell me that a lot of the time kids don't quite want to put that precious poo in the potty for some unknown reason :FIFblush: :search:. I got my son to overcome this by making a big deal out of the poop in the bowl. He gets to watch it get flushed away, and he thinks that is really cool.

    On rare occasions, they will actually ask to go to the potty. Most of the time, I have to make sure they go every couple of hours. Usually in the morning, they go poop. So at that time, I usually ask them if they can poop in the potty. They will if it's there. I still have to wipe their butts; so I still have that to work on later.
  3. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    thanks for the suggestions. We did the toy catalog thing with Peter in december. That is what actually got him to sit long enough to poo. With Jamison, he does not have the same attention span. I have tried the books he just gets angry. (He loves the TV a little too much so maybe put one of those in there ;) ...only kidding.

    I have had some mothers tell me that a lot of the time kids don't quite want to put that precious poo in the potty for some unknown reason
  4. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    We started having better success when we used the little portable potty - so he didn't have to leave the playroom and miss anything. We used the catalog of stuff for Thomas trains to keep him sitting for awhile. Now he will go to the bathroom as well as te little potty. Rewards for pooping have been required. Hang in there, all of the sudden something will click!

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