I am getting a little worried.....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Nov 5, 2008.

  1. angeez78@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My DS will me 2 in less than 2 wks and he currently has some speech issues which I am praying is due to his ear infections. He is a very busy little boy and doesn't like to sit still for long and if very independent and does what he wants when he wants. For example, if I get some books out to read he is NOT interested, he will read or shall I say flip thru the pages when he wants to. It is so frustrating becuase I know he needs to sit and listen to me read but he would rather flip thru it or he will point a pictures but that's it. Is your almost 2 year old DS sitting to listen to you read a story. If I ask him to come read a book on the floor with his sisters, and I start reading he will just go off and play. I have tried and tried to get him to do animal sounds but he will not do them. He will do a dog and a pig once in awhile but that is it. We have a ST come once a month, but this just started. I am just really concerned that he is SOOOOO busy and doesn't seem interested at all in learning things or wanting to talk. I will say the duck says quack can you say quack and he won't even try. Am I just being a worry wort or do you see an issue? He is a very smart little boy when it comes to understanding and following directions. His motor skills are above average as well. Some have told me that kids can only focus on one thing at a time such as speech or motor skills but he has been great with his motor skills for quite some time. Sorry I am rambling but I am just concerned that he doesn't seem interested in learning new things such as talking, animal sounds etc. Any furthermore, I feel completely lost as to what I am supposed to be doing ALL day long with him. This SAHM business is hard, I am lost! Any suggestions/advice would be so greatly appreciated. Also what do you do all day with your almost 2 yr. old. I feel like I am not teaching him anything.

    Thanks so much!
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: First of all...he is an almost 2 year old boy! That pretty much sums up the activeness! If he is willing to sit and point out pictures, that is a good thing. And he can listen to the story you are reading the girls while he is playing. My two little guys have always loved to sit and read, but my older ds didn't. He wouldn't sit and read with me for anything...but now he can sit and read for an hour!

    My boys also all have/had a bit of speech delay, with the receptive speech being high. What works for me is showing them how to communicate without neccessarily using words. They do a bit of sign, and have sounds for things. I wouldn't really worry at this point about his lack of desire to sit and read books. That will come. Sounds like you are doing a great job at being a SAHM and working with your kiddos!
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    He sounds pretty normal to me. And for a 2yo boy playing and doing things independently is learning. I promise that he will know animal sounds by the time he's 30! ;) Right now animal sounds just don't interest him, he wants to figure out how to work a book or stack some blocks.
  4. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Sounds exactly like my ds! He also was more advanced in gross motor skills, but dd on the other hand was behind in that & very advanced in speech & fine motor skills. Since they were so opposite, it's hard not to compare & worry. DD is in PT, so occasionally I would ask the PT about ds's development. Although she said we could keep an eye on his speech, we weren't too concerned. We did have his hearing checked, but the test was hard to take accurately since he freaked out from being in the tiny room.

    He never would sit down for storytime, although he loves to watch cartoons. He was much more interested in running around.

    Then about a month ago he just started talking more & will now sit down for books - if he's tired. :) He's talking in sentences (just now he pulled his toy coffee cup out of the cupboard & said, "Mommy, I found the coffee!" ..... 5 words!) is starting to learn colors & even tries to count.

    I think it sounds pretty normal.....I think having him is ST is great; can't hurt & will also help keep your mind at ease. I worried so much about ds's hearing, etc! Just keep offering the storytime & even if he doesn't sit down for it & is playing in the same room, he can still hear your voice & the sounds you're making. Talk him through what you're doing all the time, sing little songs. If he doesn't like to sit down to color with crayons, try finger paints. At that age, my ds wasn't interested in coloring at all, but painting was more fun (probably b/c of the mess) & it helps fine motor skills. Playdough has also been hugely popular.

    Good luck!
  5. denzel

    denzel Well-Known Member

    I don't have any boys so I can't really comment but I thought I would suggest trying some "busy" activities that he enjoys and trying to incorporate what you want to teach him in to that. For example, get him to play play with peek a blocks and you can discuss the animals in them and their sounds when you hand each block to him. Another activity which he might enjoy is putting stickers on a paper (or himself). I have one daughter who is much "busier" than my other but she will play with stickers. Then you could find animal stickers and discuss the animals while he plays. I have found that mine actually absorb more than I expect of what is being said while they are being busy so as PP suggested, I would continue to read in the same room he is playing in, even if he won't sit down and join you.
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