I am dying for your input

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ericka B, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I am totally struggling here, and I have to believe that some of you are going through this too. My boys will be 2 next month and I just recently converted their cribs to toddler beds. They had been climbing out in about 2.5 seconds for about 7 months and I was tired of worrying about them falling. I couldn't find crib tents to fit their convertible cribs and couldn't really spend the money either. Anyway, I put them in bed, they get out over and over and over. They do not take us seriously and will not listen. Sometimes they won't fall asleep until almost 11:00pm. OMG this is absurd!! I feel like I have tried everything but I have to believe there is a solution and I am willing to try anything. Could you ladies please share your thougts, pretty please. I feel like I am going to lose it. I am so physically exhausted I just want to pass out and I don't know what to do!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We haven't moved the girls to toddler beds yet, but I hope there are people on here who can help you out. :hug:
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Are they still napping? If so, I would drop the naps. :hug:
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am no help...But I saw on one of those nanny shows...I can't remember the name...Oh-Supernanny! The kids were probably older...maybe 3/4 and they would NOT stay in their beds.

    So-mom/dad put them in bed(I do think they were twins btw). And mom or dad-whoever put them to bed...sat in middle of floor. When the child got out of bed, mom/dad said, "It's bedtime. Goodnight." Picked up the child and put him/her to bed. The 2nd time, the parent either said "Bedtime" or nothing....And definitely any time after that, the parent didn't say anything to the child-just picked him/her up and put the child in bed.

    Got that? LOL! I do also think-the parent moved farther and farther away from the middle of the floor and got closer to the door each time. It's a process...but it worked. Consistency is key!

    That's the only help I can offer! My boys are still in cribs and I do not tend to take them out of them...EVER! :D
  5. EricaG

    EricaG Well-Known Member

    Ugh! We're not there yet but if they slept better in the cribs I'd put them back up! My nephew was crawling out of his crib at 15-16m and they just drilled a piece of wood (like a 2x4 but bigger....4x4???) into the crib above the railing just to make it that much harder for him to get out, worked like a charm for them! As you can see I'm all about the crib, containment, containment, containment! LOL

    Good Luck

  6. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I make it very boring at bedtime. I warn them once to stay in their beds and then we close the door. Yes there is some playing inside but not much because it is dark in their room. We usually stand outside the door and hold it close if needed ( no lock) But we do not repeatedly talk to them. It is just giving them attention. I also can get angry and yell, especially at bedtime when I am tired and want them asleep because it is MY time.... so holding the door closed is the best option for me as well.

  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(megkc03 @ Apr 15 2009, 11:30 AM) [snapback]1273354[/snapback]
    I am no help...But I saw on one of those nanny shows...I can't remember the name...Oh-Supernanny! The kids were probably older...maybe 3/4 and they would NOT stay in their beds.

    Someone mentioned to me that OFTEN the supernanny goes to homes with twins... obviously having two at the same developmental age is much harder to deal with.

    I don't have two at your age --sorry. Sounds very difficult for you though. I think I'd completely empty out their room only the two beds and then lock the door. I am going to install a lock that will have the door open a crack without it closing on their fingers. That is my plan for when I get to your position.....

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