I am amazed

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by faerieprncs, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    Every day I swear that the discomfort, swelling, emotional roller coaster and downright PAIN can't possibly get any worse...

    And then the next day comes and somehow some aspect of it DOES get worse.

    My brain knows that keeping these girls in for another week or two is best.

    My brain knows that I'm in the homestretch, and really, what's another week???

    But it is so hard to not wish that my water would just break already...

    I am amazed that I made it this far. But now I'm terrified that I won't go into labor until 39 weeks.

    I'm usually such a non-emotional person...yet, the last few nights I've practically cried myself to sleep.

    Almost there, almost there...
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: Momma!! You are doing such an amazing job and you are almost there!! You can do this!! :hug:
  3. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    I could have written that exact post!!! We just gotta hang in there :hug:
  4. butterfly02

    butterfly02 Well-Known Member

    you are doing a GREAT job! you are almost there, soon you will be holding your bundles of joy, hang in there momma!
  5. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    I feel exactly the same way! I am only 34 weeks but so done, and uncomfortable, and emotionally drained!!! My daughter was five weeks early, so I keep expecting my water to break early this time. For a while I was really freaked it would break too early. Now I am convinced it will happen the opposite, these babies might stay the ENTIRE time! And that freaks me out too! I swear I can feel my uterus touching my sternum..... AHHHHHHH!

    Anyway, I feel your pain....literally.
    34 weeks 1 day
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member


    I know it's hard but you are doing such a great job and once you are holding those precious babies, you'll forget all about these pains. :hug: Hang in there, you can do it. :hug:
  7. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am not as far along as you and not us much uncomforable, so can't offer you any advice, just wanted to let you know you are doing great. I know it is easier said than done but try taking it one day at a time. Hang in there You are almost there. :hug:
  8. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Hang in there momma, you've done such a great job! You'll make it.
  9. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! You can do it!
  10. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I know exactly how you feel!!! I was so worried about having another miscarriage, then about going into labor too soon, now WILL THESE BABIES EVER GET OUT!!!???? I am 37 1/2 weeks and was so afraid of going the full 40 (expecially since my doctors said they would let me). Thank goodness I talked them down! I have tried almost everything in the book to try and help this labor along. Nothing has worked.

    Everyday I wake up and think ok theres no way it can be worse than yesterday. Then I bite my tongue as I get out of bed because my feet look the same as they did when I went to bed, and I know they are just going to get bigger throughout the day. And my hands. I can barely grasp my pants to put them on let alone lift my legs. I really considered not wearing anything today because of how hard it is to get dressed! Thank goodness I wasn't trying to put on socks I'd probably be a swollen pretzel right now.

    But all that said I feel like it was just yesterday I was 35 weeks wishing I was 36, but now I'm almost to 38 so as miserable as we are the time does go by faster than it feels. Good luck. It will end. (I hope!)
  11. pittmane

    pittmane Well-Known Member

    Keep it up! You can make it!!! :clapping:
  12. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    You are almost there!! HANG IN THERE :hug: :hug:
    You are doing great :grouphug:
  13. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    You are so close and I promise that the time passes quickly. :hug: I thought I was never going to give birth.
  14. jrtchr

    jrtchr Well-Known Member

    I am right there with you - I feel so guilty in wanting them to come already but I am just so uncomfortable. Most days I don't even get dressed because it takes so long and so much effort and pjs are just more comfortable. Right now I am scheduled for a c-section on 7/2, which I am hoping to switch to an induction because finally they are both head down. But every day I wake up and just hope that today will be the day. I just cannot wait!!
  15. lisachalf

    lisachalf Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with you! I'm just trying to take one day at a time. I tell myself "just get through this one day!"

    Anyway, we can do it! Not too much longer! :hug:
  16. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    I SOOOOO remember that! I will never forget, but trust me, it WILL become just a memory. I know days seem like weeks right now but it is almost over. Every day they are in that belly is one less day they are likely to be in the hospital. You can do it!
  17. lorileahb

    lorileahb Well-Known Member

    I can only imagine how you are feeling. Many good thoughts for healthy babies and relief soon!
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