i almost went to the hospital last night - and an appointment update

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by tammygb, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    I had constant contractions for 3 hours last night. I didn't want to go to L&D, because my instinct was that it was nothing. I spoke to my doctor twice and we agreed I could stay home as long as they didn't intensify or increase in frequency. Eventually they went away.

    So today I had my peri appointment. The boys are BIG! 6 lbs and 5 lbs 4 oz. My cervix is softening. While she wouldn't say what she thinks will happen, she did say that I'll start with NSTs in 2 weeks (when I'm 36 weeks), but as she was leaving she said "But hopefully you won't even keep that appointment because we'll see the boys in person." I was surprised by that comment. I guess because of their sizes she isn't concerned about my delivering now. What do you think?
  2. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    that was an odd comment...if anything I would say "hopefully we WON'T see the boys until after 35 weeks." I mean, I think my docs would have tried to stop labor up until that point...even at 35 weeks when they really thought I was in labor (I was very close to having my c/s b/c of constant ctx and dilated to a 2cm...related to having the stomach flu) the one thing that held them back from making that call was that even at 35 weeks you can't say for sure that the babies' lungs will be developed. 2.5 weeks later my babies were 5lbs11oz and 5lbs 15oz..I was very glad they had the extra time to put on more weight...they would've been very small at 35 weeks...
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Great weights on those babies! Lung maturity is very important, and it varies so much from baby to baby. Hang on to those little ones as long as possible!
  4. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    I think that's an odd thing to say, too. Have you had steroid shots?
    Gestational age is more important than size and although it sounds like they're great weights, those measurements are not always accurate. In fact, I think they're rarely right on.

    I hope you can keep them in longer! Hang in there; you're doing a great job!
  5. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    I too thought I was going to deliver the other night. One minute I was ranting and raving about hating being pregnant and all these symptoms and then ten minutes later I started having strong contractions. They went away though. My docs goal for me too is 36 weeks. It seems like forever away but I know it will be here very soon.
  6. danachang

    danachang Well-Known Member

    Maybe your doctor was thinking the appt was further off. I have found some of my peri's "random" comments at the endof my appt or in the halway saying bye are more due to scattered thoughts than anything certain. My sister has helped me realized even doctors get confused sometimes. If you do get worried, you can call and clarify.
  7. dr802

    dr802 Well-Known Member

    I went to the perinatal dr yesterday too and they released me from their care-I am almost 34 weeks-the dr said to take it easy but also said that babies born after 32 weeks will be fine...maybe that is what your dr meant? Also-are you not having weekly NST's right now? I know every dr is different but the bigger the babies get the less room they have and the peri dr said it was important to keep an eye on them...talk to you ob-I started my nst's last week-I go again tomorrow.
    Good luck!
    Oh BTW they said Baby A was 5lbs 3 oz and Baby B was 4lbs 10oz-I thought my babies were big-nice size of your boys!

  8. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    i haven't had the steroid shots. also, i have yet to have an NST - they'll begin those weekly at 36 weeks.

    thanks to the PP who said that sometimes the peris make comments in passing that are confused. i'll chalk this one up to that. but i'll also ask my OB when i see her next week.
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