Human Growth Hormone

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rebeccalynn71, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. rebeccalynn71

    rebeccalynn71 Well-Known Member


    My 15 month olds were born were born at 28 weeks and are doing great although their a bit on the small side. They are both between 18 and 19 pounds and my son is smaller than my daughter. The doctors are happy with their rate of growth and also think that my son may have lost some growth time due to having surgery at three weeks for NEC.

    Our doctor recently mentioned a study regarding HGH for preemies who do not catch up in size by the age of two. Anyone have any experience with HGH?

    I have several concerns, one is safety and my second concern is whether or not I feel ok with messing with the size that God intended them to be.

    This was just a comment from the doctor and nothing that we are planning on doing in the near future but it has me thinking. I didn't know that the tough parenting choices would start to soon!

  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would say watch them- and if you still have concerns get another opinion or see a pediatric endocrinologist.

    My girls were 2 months early and were 19 & 18 lbs at about 13 months (11 months adjusted- so about the the same age as you 2 for adjusted age).

    Now at 2 they are 24 and 25 lbs. THey are skinny and tall. One is 10% for weight...but I am small person so some of it may be genetic.

    I wish you luck and hope all goes well!
  3. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    HGH should only be suggested for children WAY under weight/height. Your kids are small for their age, but not that small. Kids spike all the time with their height/weight so I wouldnt even consider at this time, or in the near future.
  4. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    Seriously, if you eat meat - let them eat McDonald's chicken nuggets. There are enough growth hormones in there to give them a boost. A friend of mine adopted children from Guatemala and that is how she got them on the US growth chart.
  5. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Erykah @ Dec 1 2007, 11:14 PM) [snapback]516980[/snapback]
    Seriously, if you eat meat - let them eat McDonald's chicken nuggets. There are enough growth hormones in there to give them a boost. A friend of mine adopted children from Guatemala and that is how she got them on the US growth chart.

    Oh gross! I wouldnt suggest pumping them full of nasty, greasy mcdonalds! You can eat healthy and still put on weight....
  6. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    there was a similar thread in here not too long ago. If you do a search, you may get some more opinions.
    My friend had triplets, now has surviving twins. Her twin girl is TEENY. . slipping off growth chart and not staying on a curve at all. her Doc @ the CHildren's Hospital recommended it adn her DD put on weight quickly and grew longer as well over the summer. DH interviewed for a Company that researched this, it's really pretty remarkable, not as scary as some may think.
  7. allgood2000

    allgood2000 Well-Known Member

    My oldest son has a hypothalmic brain tumor and is under the care of a Ped. Endocronologist as well as the whole team of Neurosurgeons, Oncologists, etc... This treatment was mentioned to me, as well, since the tumor is severely affecting Matthew's hormone production. Once he hits puberty, it is likely that we will need to artificially replicate all of his hormone production, including using HGH. My only advice to you is to make sure you are getting the treatment from an Pediatric Endo., not any other type of doctor. IMO, a pediatrician messing with that sort of stuff is dangerous and you should be sure you've got a good specialist before you consider it.
  8. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    ^ITA, I wouldn't do it w/ guidance only from a Pedi.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Dec 1 2007, 06:15 PM) [snapback]516794[/snapback]
    HGH should only be suggested for children WAY under weight/height. Your kids are small for their age, but not that small. Kids spike all the time with their height/weight so I wouldnt even consider at this time, or in the near future.

    I agree.
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