Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MyBBTwins, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. MyBBTwins

    MyBBTwins Well-Known Member

    I saw the commerical on this program and was wonding if it is worth a try and not sure if that will work wtih my boys being 2.5 years old.. In commerical i saw parents started the program way too early.

    Anyone tried this, please share your experience.

    Thanks all.
  2. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    it probably WILL work, kids are capable of learning very early on.....

    i just wanted to say that i don't think it's worth $200 to have your kids read a year or 2 before they actually would learn "naturally" but that's JMO
  3. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I bought them when my DD2 was a baby. So over 5 years ago and have the VCR tapes. They strongly recommend your children not watching any other tv while doing the videos. I was never able to be consistent enough for her to pick it up the way that Dr. Titzer's girls (and I think they are smarter than average) could. However all my kids have loved watching the videos. They had great songs, animals, kids and babies to look at. Maybe I should pull them out for the twins, use it the way you are suppose to and then see what happens.

    I also don't know if they have updated the series or not. Well they now have DVD's. Also check eBay if you are really interested.
  4. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't buy it. I don't see learning to read before school as particularly important. Some children just learn spontaneously, which is great, but kids have so many other things to learn before school starts. Back in my dinosaur years, they didn't even introduce reading until first grade. By 4th grade I probably read 200 to 300 chapter books a year. Starting reading later did not slow me down at all, nor was I at any academic disadvantage for having waited. But I learned easily and without frustration.
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't bother. Babies and toddlers are so busy learning tons and tons of things - gross and fine motor skills, perception skills, categorizing objects, social interaction, self-control, potty training, etc etc. All these things are just so much more important than pushing kids to read absurdly early. I'd rather let my kids spend time exploring their world, climbing, running, scribbling, singing together, etc, than trying to get them to read.

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