How would you spell...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sharon_with_j_and_n, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    Jamie if it were a girl's name. We really liked Jaime, but we thought it would be easier for her if we kept it "like it sounds" for school etc. Well, at the pre-school library Valentine party she got a couple of Valentines that had her name spelled Jaimie and Jaime. When we got her name plate done for her keepsake box, I wrote down Jamie, but they engraved Jaimie (they knew I had twin girls). I was so hoping spelling would be less of an issue going this way. Would you automatically assume that a girl would be spelled in a way other than Jamie? So much for keeping it simple.

  2. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would spell it Jamie unless I was told differently.

    To be honest, the first time I saw it Jaime was for a male, Jaime de Marichalar who is married to Spain's Princess Elena.
  3. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I think I would automatically spell it Jaime if I knew it was a girl.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would spell it Jamie.
  5. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    I had a friend in grand school who was a Jamie, and that is how I have always seen it and spelled it unless told otherwise. I haven't seen it spelled Jaime before.
  6. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I would spell it Jaime. It's just been that way for me- I have a friend and it is spelled Jamie but I always write Jaime. I know- bad me. People always mess my girls up- I have just come to accept it and know it is going to happen. They can't our last night right either so what the heck.
  7. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    My friend spells her name JAIMIE and I know a boy in school who's names is James, but he spent pretty much his entire life being called "JAMIE".
    I just remembered that my girl friend had an extra "I" in her name.

  8. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    I would spell it Jamie unless I knw other wise.
  9. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, Jamie is the traditional spelling. I had a nice (female) friend in high school named Jamie so the name is not new to me. Jaime is pretty popular right now so I guess that's the confusion, but when I see "Jaime", I never know how to pronounce it.
  10. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    I actually have two cousins with that name. Jameson (male) who goes by Jamie and a female cousin who spells it Jamey. I guess it should be reversed. They are both in the late twenties. (actually, Jameson is a twin, his twin brother is Ryan)
  11. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Jamie unless told otherwise.
  12. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    I would know it as Jamie. I have known a male that was Jayme (went by Jay). You could do it like I told my DH to (he was trying to spell Brandon with an -en). I went to the store where they have all the preprinted name items (pencils, notebooks etc), and saw how they spelled it (I was right btw). I figured the people that make those items are going to use the most common spelling of a name based on their research so they can sell the most.
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jayme for a girl, Jamie for a boy, but then my best friend growing up was a girl named Jayme so I'm a bit biased.
  14. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    WOW! Finally a thread I can offer some insight on!

    Let me just say, I think you picked a very pretty name [​IMG].

    While "Jamie" is the traditional spelling, it is both masculine & feminine. When I see Jamie, I never presume to know the sex, because you will likely be wrong. In an order to feminize it, people started doing "Jaime" or "Jami". However, "Jaime" is the spanish version for Jamie, and it's pronounced Hi-Me, so using this spelling will only become more confusing as our hispanic population grows.

    I was named after my dad, James. In an effort to keep my name like his, my mom changed the s to a y, and voila! Here I am. I will tell you, that EVERY other JamEY I have met has been a boy. I was even sent the papers the army sends out to all 18 year old boys to register (or whatever they do).

    The name isn't ultra-common, but not so unusual people have a hard time remembering or pronouncing it. I graduated in a small school (90 in my class) and there happened to be three of us.. Jamey, Jami, and Jamie. All girls. There was a James, who went by Jamie, but we didn't count him.
  15. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all your replies. It's great to see all the versions of the name out there. I have been in love with this name since I was a teenager and I always knew that if I had a daughter, she would be a Jamie. I'm still glad we went with the "Jamie" spelling and I still love the name for a girl no matter how it is spelled. It sounds like there would be assumptions/mistakes made no matter which spelling we went with, LOL.

  16. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    To me Jamie is the standard spelling and it is unisex for both girls and boys. I have seen some girls who spell it Jaimie, but that is the exception. When I see "Jaime" I assume it is Spanish, masculine, and pronounced "hy-mee." [​IMG]
  17. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    To me Jamie is the standard spelling and it is unisex for both girls and boys. ... When I see "Jaime" I assume it is Spanish, masculine, and pronounced "hy-mee."

    Ditto! (Except I'd pronounce the Spanish version "hy-may.")

    I think your problem with the engraving is just that people don't pay attention. Geez, you'd think if that was your JOB, you would know how to simply copy down whatever the parent wrote. [​IMG] I hope you made him do it over with the right spelling!

    And in general, I've found that no one knows how to spell names anymore, because everyone is getting creative! I thought I was safe with Amy and Sarah, but I always get "Is that A-M-Y or A-I-M-E-E?" and "Sarah with an H or without?" [​IMG]
  18. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Kendra:
    I would spell it Jamie unless I was told differently.

    me too. girl or boy.
  19. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

  20. hellybelly

    hellybelly Well-Known Member

    I'd spell it Jamie too.
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