How would you finish this sentence?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by emcavaco, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. emcavaco

    emcavaco Active Member

    ... You could feed a family of four with the leftover snacks littering the floor of your minivan.

    ... You say things like "No honey, you can't help me powder brother's boy parts"

    ... You can't see your feet and it's been nearly two years since they were born.

    ... You can't imagine taking them out of the stroller until they are 7.

    ... The thought of no nap strikes fear in your heart.

  2. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    ..... You can get everyone dressed and out of the house in a shorter time period than a Singleton Mom!
    ... You carry both babies (even when they are 3) football style one under each arm to get them out of the house at the same time

    That's all I can think of for now but I'm sure I'll be back with more later!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club can hold two babies and still eat dinner at the same time!
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member


    ...You hear screams and just look for blood.* Seeing none, you let them carry on.

    ...You don't think twice about putting your 4 year old on babysitting duty (and she loves it!).

    ...When you get "the look" from other mothers, you just ask "would you like to do something about this?"

    ....You walk away from the crying instead of towards it. *

    ....Are thankful about the syrup and cereal ground into the floor. At least it is only in the kitchen instead of the living room, too.

    *disclaimer...if there was a "real" problem, I would indeed step in.
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    .... you laugh when you see a singleton mommy struggling with all her gear for one baby
    .... you could dress you kids from days from the clothes in the car.
    .... you don't feel guilty that three meals out of a week might be pizza and 2 different fast foods.
  6. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    You want to scream when someone says "I had two kids 18 months apart, that's just like having twins"

    You have googled whether or not it's possible to die of exhaustion.

    You've inspected a toy after a fight to find out why it is better than the seemingly identical toy next to it.

    You know that dressing your kids alike may appear to be cute, but it's really about having one less decision to make every day.
  7. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    ...the phrase "double trouble" becomes so hated by you that when someone says it it's like they're saying a four-letter word to you.

    QUOTE(RRTwins @ Apr 19 2009, 08:02 PM) [snapback]1280031[/snapback]
    You want to scream when someone says "I had two kids 18 months apart, that's just like having twins"

    You have googled whether or not it's possible to die of exhaustion.

    You've inspected a toy after a fight to find out why it is better than the seemingly identical toy next to it.

    You know that dressing your kids alike may appear to be cute, but it's really about having one less decision to make every day.

    :rotflmbo: That is all so me!!
  8. stacyw

    stacyw Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blueclouds @ Apr 18 2009, 09:17 AM) [snapback]1278743[/snapback]
    ... You carry both babies (even when they are 3) football style one under each arm to get them out of the house at the same time

    This is actually what I do every day before and after daycare to get them in the car. I've actually become so adept that I can even open doors while doing it. ;) The daycare workers actually makes jokes about it.

    Even if a toy is really cute you won't buy it because you can't find another one exactly like it.

    You start looking forward to bedtime right after naptime.

    One wants to hear a particular song in the car while the other one doesn't. So you have to listen to the song with the other one screaming "Don't want it!!!!" over and over again until the song is through.
  9. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    you know the true reason they are dressed a like is so that you can identify them in a crowd w/o panicking. If they look cute, this is a happy bonus.

    You are no longer a single entity you are a plural unit even when you might get out alone (Oh excuse us...I mean me!)

    Dirt is healthy, it builds the immune system.

    You are tempted to save for their future therapy instead of college and then laugh because between formula, diaper, food and clothes there is nothing to save anway.

    You joke about which one you can afford to put in a good daycare/preschool w/out losing the house. We can have our own nature vs nurture experiment.

    You find it odd when the mother of a new baby is actually herself as the baby sleeps in the bassinet.

    You realise you actually can carry on a conversation while refereeing and listening to what both of them are saying. Yes manners are good but somedays we just need to get through it.
  10. jewels707

    jewels707 Well-Known Member

    You have stripped naked in the living room and taken a sponge bath with baby wipes b/c there has been no time to shower in four days! I did this yesterday. Does this officially make me a crazy person? :blink:

    You haven't left your house in weeks.

    You have found spit up in your belly button.
  11. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    One wants to hear a particular song in the car while the other one doesn't. So you have to listen to the song with the other one screaming "Don't want it!!!!" over and over again until the song is through.

    OMG, are you raising my kids? :lol: They do that all the time when I'm singing to them!
  12. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member laugh and cheer on the twin who finally stands up for himself and plays keep-away with his toy, because normally he gets walked all over by his bully of a sister. can handle one pooping child and one puking child with total nonchalance. say "I hear someone crying" instead of just naming said child.

    ...things like teeth-brushing, boogie-sucking, diaper-changing, etc. happen in assembly-line fashion. can't remember a day that you haven't said, "I'll be right back to get you!" or "You're next!"
  13. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ Apr 18 2009, 03:12 PM) [snapback]1278996[/snapback]
    *disclaimer...if there was a "real" problem, I would indeed step in.

    Oh, sure Heather! :lol:

    One of your twinkies first phrases is "Just a minute"
    You think nothing of the binky & sippy cup sharing that freaked you out as a singleton mom
    You're glad they found a few pretzels in the car to munch on without worrying about how long they have been there
    Your size 3T girl looks silly wearing the 2T outfit she insisted on and your 2T munchkin is swimming in the 3T she just had to have, and you are just glad you made it out the door
    Getting them in the car seats is like playing musical chairs
    Your kids are great at taking turns and both know whose turn it is to read their bedtime story first or pick the bath water (Natalie - bubbles and Hannah - plain water)
  14. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member find it sooo annoying when friends or family members with only singletons say "better you than me" or " I don't know how you do it" find yourself praying for things such as "God, let them catch on to potty-training really fast" get really upset when you go to the store and there are no double carts. see a cute little outfit or pair of shoes on the clearance rack and you get VERY upset when there isn't 2. :grr:
  15. stacyw

    stacyw Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Becca34 @ Apr 20 2009, 09:39 PM) [snapback]1281904[/snapback] laugh and cheer on the twin who finally stands up for himself and plays keep-away with his toy, because normally he gets walked all over by his bully of a sister.

    I so happy that I'm not the only one that does this! I thought I was a bad mommy. Evan gets picked on by Cameron so much that when Evan finally stands up for himself I'm secretly cheering him on.
  16. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    You've actually convinced yourself that throwing your hair up with a scrunchie in one of those sloppy half-bun half-ponytails is a legitimate hair-do.
  17. emcavaco

    emcavaco Active Member

    You guys are great! These are all the same things I'm thinking and many of them make me wonder if I'm crazy. Either we are all crazy or we're sane and we're actually kicking butt at this raising twins thing :) - so I'm going with option B

    I have a few to add:

    ... Your wildest fantasies include a tummy tuck, a boob job and one night in a bed by yourself!

    ... You hate, hate, hate it when someone asks you, "you're doing that by yourself with the two of them?" or "well I certainly hope you'll have some help" or "how are you going to do that?" - just when you think you have a situation under control or want to attempt something new, someone has to throw you off like that!

    ... You curse singleton moms who steal the double carts at the grocery store
  18. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    You use the stroller until they're 5.

    You answer all child-related questions in the plural, even when the person you're talking to doesn't know you have twins.

    You restrict your efforts to prevent germ contagion to the truly awful things like rotovirus and RSV. If someone just has a cold, you let them share sippy cups and eat each other's food as usual.
  19. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member are buying a gift for a singleton and you constantly have to remind yourself that you only need ONE of whatever item you're buying - and even after reminding yourself that you only need ONE, you are bummed when you find that the perfect item is on sale but there is only one of it - and then you remember that you only needed ONE in the first place, so you're excited that you found it on sale - and then you're bummed that you couldn't have bought this item for your kids because you would have needed TWO.
  20. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    --even though before twins you would never have dreamed of using the big stall--what if someone came in needing it while you were in there?--now you head directly for it because it's the only one where all three of you fit.
  21. mandyanna

    mandyanna Well-Known Member

    I am laughing so hard reading this!!! I have nothing to add that hasn't been said. :rotflmbo:
  22. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    You chicks are making me crack up!!! I hope I don't wake them all up!!! Here's mine...

    The other day one of my dd's had on two right shoes and the other had on 2 left shoes!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't even phase them, so i didn't let it phase me!
  23. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    Oo, I've done that. Two right bootie and two left I may have missed this one if someone alreayd posted it, but:

    You know you have twins when you are speaking to a pregnant Mom and find yourself automatically saying "they", "them" and "babieS" when she only has one in there. :D
  24. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Neumsy @ Apr 24 2009, 05:45 AM) [snapback]1286551[/snapback]
    Oo, I've done that. Two right bootie and two left I may have missed this one if someone alreayd posted it, but:

    You know you have twins when you are speaking to a pregnant Mom and find yourself automatically saying "they", "them" and "babieS" when she only has one in there. :D

    I've done this. I did this to my SIL the other day. It freaked her out. She is already freaked out at the idea that there might be two. I laughed. It's nice to know your life affects others mind set. It would not have occured to them that they could have twins if we did not already have them.
  25. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    ... You hate, hate, hate it when someone asks you, "you're doing that by yourself with the two of them?" or "well I certainly hope you'll have some help" or "how are you going to do that?" - just when you think you have a situation under control or want to attempt something new, someone has to throw you off like that!

    So, why is it that people make these comments yet never offer to help?
  26. Chase&Parker's Mommy

    Chase&Parker's Mommy Well-Known Member

    When your twins have two first names: Chase's name is ParkerChase and Parker's name is ChaseParker. I always use the other kid’s name first for some reason. :crazy:
  27. quervo11/10

    quervo11/10 Member

    ...when you forget to take a shower!
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