How to tell hungry vs tummy ache?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by JessIcaMetta, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. JessIcaMetta

    JessIcaMetta New Member

    Our doctor said that when our newborn twins have a tummy ache the signals look a lot like hungry, with rooting etc., since they just know their tummy feels something. How can we tell the difference? I end up putting them to the breast a lot, and they'll go for it, but is it hunger or comfort they're looking for? I'm just not sure how to tell!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've always kind of thought that was one of the nice things about breastfeeding - it doesn't really matter since boob'll help with both. ;)

    What kind of tummy ache are you concerned about? Gas? Stomach bug (throwing up/diarrhea)?
  3. JessIcaMetta

    JessIcaMetta New Member

    Gas is what I was thinking about. Yes, it's true about the breast helping with both. I'm not used to being so pinned down at times! But I'm getting there.
  4. efaith

    efaith Well-Known Member

    I hear you about being pinned down!! You'll wriggle out from under them eventually but I remember alot of evenings on the couch with incessantly feeding babies, for me it started to let up around 12 weeks!! They'd want to feed for hunger, if their tummies were sore or when they got tired. It added up to alot of nursing!! At the time it felt difficult and inconvenient especially when my husband was working late and my big kids needed stuff at the same time. Now I look back with no regret and, dare I say it , a little nostalgia!!!
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