How to stop the throwing?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Jul 7, 2007.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Nothing seems to be working? DS throws. EVERYTHING. most of it is harmless, but don't want him (them) to get into the habit of throwing things in the house. You can tell him not to do it, and then a minute later he is doing it again. I know it is the age. I know that he understands because he'll do it and then look to see if he was caught! We are consistant at stopping him. I'm still having sleep issues with him. He cries his entire naptime even when he is exhausted. He got up TOO early today and did not nap. He needs a nap (rubbing eyes, yawning), but refuses to take it. He'll cry at bedtime but he will sleep then for some reason. Any help with either one of these issues would be much appreciated!
  2. Monika

    Monika Well-Known Member

    When my boys throw something, it gets taken away " I have to keep you and others safe that's why I need to put XYZ away for now".

    I always help the boys go to sleep, usually I just lay with them untill they sleep which takes only a few minutes.

  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I take whatever is being thrown away as well, Jackie. Sounds like it would be slim pickin's in a short bit with Clayton! Maybe then he would understand?

    As far as the you think he is done with naps? My kids were all done at 2, unfortunately! If I did let them nap, they would be up until 10, and I just can't handle that! Maybe if he quit taking naps he would sleep longer at night? I don't know, just a thought.

    Love the new avatar!! :wub:
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    thanks becky! No, he is still needing naps. when he doesn't get his naps he misbehaves a lot more. He is just exhausted. He sleeps no better on the days when he doesn't take naps. Thanks for the response. we're going to have a clean house if we get rid of everything he throws. Of course, that leaves Audrey with nothing to play with too. :(
  5. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    same problem here with DS throwing, and he is only 19 months! He throws everything, sometimes hitting his sister. He seems to rebel on purpose if I tell him no. I've also tried 1-2 minute time outs, and that doesn't work either. He either cries hysterically or doesn't mind timeout, but after hes out he throws again. His new thing is throwing wooden blocks. I think I have to pack them up, and put them away until they are a little older.
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I also would take away whatever he's throwing. Maybe put it in a time out. As far as what to say, I would keep it as low kep as possible. He seems to be waiting for a reaction from you since you said that he looks to see if he's been caught. He's looking for attention. Just take the thing he's throwing and say "no throwing" and leave it at that. Hopefully it will get boring to him.

    As far as sleeping, my Kaitlyn stopped taking naps early. She would stand in her crib and just cry. The only thing that I can suggest is rather than making him nap change his night-time sleep schedule. You could have him go to bed a little earlier. This might also make him sleep a little later in the morning too. He'll get the sleep he needs you just won't be battling him to nap.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleS @ Jul 7 2007, 08:45 PM) [snapback]321321[/snapback]
    You could have him go to bed a little earlier. This might also make him sleep a little later in the morning too. He'll get the sleep he needs you just won't be battling him to nap.

    Thanks Michelle. Unfortunately he knows if his sister is in bed already and that is the only way he'll go down. He could be falling asleep on the couch, but if his sister (who needs more sleep than him) isn't in her crib, he won't go down. Thanks though! I'm just not looking foward to the no napping.
  8. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    My DS throws everything too and pays you no attention when you say no. I take it away. It doesn't work so well when you have twins, since he is many times throwing something DD is playing with and now she can't play and has a fit. So I have to sit there and police. Oh, the fun!!! GL!
  9. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Michael started that throwing the other day in the bathtub...there went the pirate boat...FLING ...right into Mikayla's head. I immediately scooped up all of the toys in the bathtub and said, "We don't THROW! You will hurt Mikayla!"

    So that that circumstance. Then we were outside the other day and the twins LOVE gravel and rocks on our driveway. Michael started throwing them....Well, I wasn't sure how to handle I directed his throw and told him he could throw these little pebbles in their little swim pool. That kept him occupied for over an hour and he got to throw...but throw things safely. I don't know...maybe you can redirect his activity?

    Bridget :)
  10. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    DS throws to hear the noise. He does not throw at anyone but brings the toy to the tile or hardwood and drops it.

    I may be in the minority, but I let him unless it is something that would break tile. It is his way of experimenting.

    In any other case, his room and tub, he does not throw. I know in the future he might have a problem distinguishing an "okay" throw from one that might hurt someone but right now it seems innocent fun for him so I let it be. Like I said it is more of an intentional drop.

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