How to stop a nose picker and other fun stuff!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2kids2go, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. 2kids2go

    2kids2go Well-Known Member

    I cannot seem to get my dd to stop picking and eating [​IMG] I know it's something kids just do but it is gross. I've said "no", "stop" and told her it was yucky and that it comes from dirt in her nose. She keeps right on. She definitely likes to push my buttons on this one. What kinds of things have you done to stop picking? Do you think time out or loss of priviledges would be appropriate for this?

    I also have a problem with dd asking for food and then not eating it. She will ask for a couple of different things in a row and then not even touch them. So I have all these open containers in our fridge or it goes to waste. How do I stop this and make sure she really wants what she's asking for before I open it?

    This year has definitely been interesting. TIA!

    Bree & Chase 7/29/03
  2. kalinka

    kalinka Member

    Hi Kristie,

    Ohh, my DD does the same thing with picking and eating. Well sometimes she even pools something from her nose and offers it to us.
    I would certainly like to get rid of this habbit as well. But don't have any advice.

    About food, this is a copy of my son. And still no advice from me.

    I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. [​IMG]

  3. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    I wish there was a magic solution. My twins are the issue on this one..its my nephew.OMG he's terrible for it lol.
    Little bugger had klennex last week for a runny nsoe said to my mother.."grandma this is for snots not my bugger I pick"..."not allowed ot eat them anymore either" [​IMG]

    He's truly one of those adorable guys!
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    One of mine was a regular picker and every time I saw her doing it, I'd ask her if she wants a tissue, and give her one. Now she rarely picks, she usually asks for a tissue instead.

  5. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    with the nose picking, I just continue to re-direct to a kleenex. use a kleenex for that etc.

    with the food issue, then if they change their mind after the first thing, I say, "no, you asked for this. either you eat it, or you eat nothing." There's usually a tantrum which results in a time out, and then they are offered the food again and if they refuse again, then no snack. The principle here is not only good stewardship but also honesty. If I can be very blunt, it sounds like she wants to be in charge and you maybe need to remind her that you are the mommy.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I have a nose digger too! As soon as she gets a runny nose her finger is in there NON-STOP. We had it stopped, but it's been back since the last cold (a month ago)! [​IMG] I hate it!

    I am going to try the ignore thing and see if that works. I used to be able to say "finger" and she would remove it, but no longer!! [​IMG]

    Good luck! I don't know about the food stuff - mine are so picky if I don't give them snacks they eat much better at meal times!
  7. mommyM&K

    mommyM&K Well-Known Member

    i have no advice, but was going to post this as well! I ignored it for a LONG time and that did nothing. Lately I have been trying to re-direct her, i think she does it more then! And now her sister will yell, "she's picking her nose", "don't pick your nose". I'll try kleenex, but really welcome other suggestions!
  8. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    My DD was a nose picker/eater. Grossed me out! I learned very quickly that if I reacted to her behavior it made that behavior more valuable to her. So, when she would start picking, I would calmly say "Yuck. Here's a tissue." It was slow, but we did make the transition from picking to using a tissue. Now that I think about it, I can't remember the last time I saw her picking her nose. She asks for a tissue almost daily though. [​IMG]

    No advise on the food issue. Good luck on that. We deal with the same thing occasionally and I also find it frustrating.
  9. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    Mines' just a bit grosser. He sneezes ribbons of snot, and up until a month ago, would run to us to get the kleenex to wipe it for him. Now he slurps it in his mouth (sorry, that's just too gross!)

    I've been trying really hard to keep the kleenex's handy for this type of thing. It started with his last cold and it would run faster than we could wipe, so the finger went to the nose and wallah, something different tasting! LOL

    All I can suggest is to keep offering the kleenex.

    As for the food choices. I'd give her two options. If she picks one, then she has to stick with it, then don't let her have the next. If she's actually hungry, then she'll pick the one she really wants. I'm sure you'll have a few tantrums over this, but you'll have less stuff in the fridge!
  10. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Ok, I was tough love on this one with my older son & now it's funny you bring it up because I have noticed my daughter doing it lately & you have forced me to remember the old tactics.
    There is stuff you can get from the pharmacist that is really intended for nail biters. It tastes REALLY bad & it's safe for kids. Anyway, I put that on his nails & it stings a little if they get to deep in their nose, plus tastes bad when they put their fingers in their mouth.
    Sorry if that offends anyone, but it saved my sanity.
  11. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    crazybabies, I had that stuff in my drawer for my dd when she was still sucking her fingers in kindergarden. Never used it though.

    I never thought of using it for nose picker/eaters.

    Although my son that's doing it will eat drywall, rocks, sand (no, he doesn't have PICA) and whatever else looks cool to eat [​IMG] so it probably would have no effect on him.
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