how to schedule babies naps at same time

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kristenh2o, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. kristenh2o

    kristenh2o New Member

    I can't seem to get my 7 week old babies on a schedule for feeding and sleeping at certain times during the day. THey always feed together and go back down together but often one will wake up before the other. I'd like to get them on a certain time schedule so it's easier from them to go to sleep. I remember with my son, I always knew when it was nap time and feeding time. But with my twins every morning they wake up at a different time even though we feed them every night at the same time. Any advice on how to schedule them better or is it just too early???

  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    I can't seem to get my 7 week old babies on a schedule for feeding and sleeping at certain times during the day.

    Of course you can't - they're 7 weeks old! ;) Babies need to eat when they're hungry and sleep when they're tired, NOT because some number shows up on the clock. You are already doing all the right things to make life easier - feeding at the same time and putting down to nap at the same time. There is no sleep remote control for babies (unfortunately!), so one will wake before the other sometimes. Mine still do. They're individuals, after all.

    I'd say just keep doing what you're doing! And when one baby wakes up first, either wake the other one and feed both, or hold that one off for a little bit until the other wakes up, and feed both. Sounds like you're doing great, though. :)
  3. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    i'd say it's too early too. i feed mine every 3 hours (give or take) so if it's about that time and one's sleeping I wake the other. Otherwise - at that age I do'nt think you can have them nap at the same time. mine are just getting to the stage where they nap together b/c they both stay awake for about an hour after eating. but it's a relatively new thing.
    good luck! and it will get easier!!! :)
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I would agree with the PP's that is it way too early to think about them sleeping and eating on the same schedule. I found that one day they would be totally on and they next one would wake quite a bit earlier so I would have to feed him and then they would both be totally off from one another. It was very chaotic and then at about 3.5 months things started to come together. Dont put too much pressue on yourself for them to be "right on" all the time. I did that at first and I was setting myself up for a lot of tears! Hang in there, it will come together.

  5. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you're doing an amazing job for 7 weeks. I was like you, I needed to get the babies into a routine early. For my sanity! Everyone kept saying "they're too young, it's too early" but it felt right to me. Evan always took shorter naps than James. Because of this I tried to put James down FIRST (there's an extra 10 minutes for him) and I wouldn't let him sleep TOO much longer than Evan. If Evan woke up after an hour, I'd let James continue to sleep for a while but after 15 or 20 minutes I'd usually losen his swaddle or open the blind. James usually woke up "on his own" within a few minutes. Eventually the boys got into sync. It felt critical to have them on the same schedule between 2 and 5 months, but now that mine are older (6 months) I don't worry if one naps longer than the other (within reason). Don't worry if they're off for a day or two or three - this is a learning period for them as well as you. As long as you're consistent it'll all work out.

    Good luck!
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    The only type of schedule we had until about 5 months or so, was a feeding schedule...every 3 hours. It will come with time!
  7. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I struggled with the same thing but have given up for now. Mine are just now 3 months and my Lily always naps better and easier than her snuggle loving brother Jack. I have just decided to enjoy the individual time that I have with one while the other is asleep. I think I will start worrying about schedules next month. I can completely understand your need for having them together; however, I found that concentrating on that set me up for more disappointment than I could handle.

    Good luck to you and don't be too hard on yourself.

  8. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    I was also stressed about the 'time' thing but had to accept that each day is going to be a little different and we just kind of try to go with the same 'routine' rather than a set time for each activity.

    If I wanted them to only nap at say 10:30 , I'd go out of my mind b/c they nap when they are ready and I just go w/ the flow.

    Granted mine are on the same schedule 95% of the time. If one wakes before the other or one goes down a little later, I just enjoy them and our alone time.

    I would say I noticed a bit of a steady routine starting around 3-4 months.

    I have always tried to feed them at the same time, but sometimes one will wake and need more food or a diaper change, don't be so hard on yourself! You'll get there soon enough and you'll have more Mommy time.
  9. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Oh, yes...way too early to schedule...I didn't have a good schedule until they were 8 months old!? ha
  10. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    It took us months and months to get to that point! 4.5 months I think! You have so much time. I think you can try to stick with a routine and that will eventually get you to a schedule, but don't kill yourself over it! They are only 7 weeks old. They are allowed to sleep a little extra here and there and without one another. :) You are doing a great job! :hug99:
  11. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    The thing that helped us the most get onto the same schedule was to always feed at the same time. I was lucky though, my girls never really seemed to be all that off from each other and had growth spurts at the same time, etc, etc...this lead to sleeping at the same time. But one of my girls still consistently wakes up before her sister does.
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