How to increase milk supply exclusively pumping

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Ice cream, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Ice cream

    Ice cream Member

    Any tips for increasing milk supply when exclusively pumping? Right now I'm getting way more than enough for both but when they need more, how do I get my body to respond?
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  3. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    How old are your twins?  How much are you pumping vs the amount they are eating? 
    With my twins, the amount of BM they drank didn't really vary THAT much over the 10 months I exclusively pumped.  They went from eating 4 ounces 6 times a day (3 months old) to 8 ounces 3 times a day (10 months old, eating solids) so they drank about from 24-30 ounces each per day.  Every baby is different, but you may not need as much breast milk as you think.
    The things that I feel helped my supply were lots of water, oatmeal, and a dark beer a couple times per week.  The thing that killed my supply was skipping pumping sessions.  I needed to pump 5-6 times per day; when I dropped below that, my supply dropped and never recovered.
    Good luck!

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