How to give Prevacid solutabs?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MeldieB, May 22, 2009.

  1. MeldieB

    MeldieB Well-Known Member

    My little Amelia was prescribed Prevacid solutabs for reflux. I am just wondering how other mommies have been giving it to their LOs ... especially at such a young age (2.5 months!). I tried dissolving it with some water in a syringe and then squirting it in her mouth, but the little balls clogged up the tip of the syringe. Tonight I just put it on a spoon with a little water and that seemed to work a little better. But it was still all over her chin and mouth. She obviously didn't get the whole dose. Any tips would be so helpful!
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to remember how old Gabe was when he started the solutab. I remember thinking he was too young to not mix it, but after many failed attempts at trying to stir it water and suck it into a syringe I think I just tried to put the solutab under his tongue or in his cheek and it actually worked. Now I know they have different syringes that are not the kind with a "plunger" but that have a bulb at the end and it just sucks up the liquid. It has a much larger opening than the ones with the plungers, so that may be an option. Those little granuales are such a nuisance though. They are able to make a liquid prevacid if you find it not working. We ended up having to have them make it up b/c the solutab dosage wasn't quite enough after a bit. Good luck! Prevacid worked so much better for us than any other reflux med....he was a new baby.
  3. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Ack!! I forgot what a pain that was! I tried over and over to find a way to dispense the half-dissolved powdery grit that formed when mixing the tab with water. I ended up so frustrated...

    What worked for me: Cut the tab into the appropriate dose on a cutting board with a very sharp knife (I think we were doing 1/2 tab, but I don't remember for sure???). Once you have the correct dose, cut that piece into two smaller pieces. Take the the cut tab pieces and place them one at a time on the tongue, holding in place until it dissolves. This must be done with care as the baby could swallow a piece before it dissolves and possibly choke.

    Alternatively, you could pay extra for the solution to be made, but I feel like you could only have it done at a compounding pharmacy?? (again, my memory is shot from those early days without sleep!)
  4. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    my DD was a little older when she started prevacid, but this is what i did-

    i used a dosing syringe from walgreens, it holds 5 ml, take it apart, put the tablet in the syringe and put plunger back in. suck up a little water, 2 or 3 mls and shake it around until dissolved (keep you fnger on the end of the syringe or it will drip out). slooooowwwwly squirt it into mouth, towards the cheek. after the initial dose was given i would suck up some more water in the syringe and give that as well to make sure she had gotten the whole dose.

    if she is on a partial tablet dose, a pill splitter works really well.

    once she realized that it tasted good, she would practically suck it out of the syringe. now i just stick the tablet in her mouth and she eats it up, so much easier...

    good luck, it is such a struggle to give meds sometimes.
  5. hsuter

    hsuter Well-Known Member

    I would say make sure you dont put the syringe tip down until your ready to give it, otherwise it all gets stuck in the tip. So we drew it up, shook it tip up, then put it down-squirt half in, reshake and squirt the rest in. We shoot it into the cheek.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Melissa, even at that age I would be ok with sticking it in the side of her cheek and squirting some water in with a syringe to help it dissolve. They dissolve so quick, and putting it in the syringe never worked for us. It clogged. I hope it works for her!
  7. MeldieB

    MeldieB Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies. She was prescribed 1/2 tab, so I'll break it into quarters and try to put that on her tongue for today's dose. I''ll let you know how it goes. :)
  8. MeldieB

    MeldieB Well-Known Member

    Okay, tonight's dose seemed to go down well, thanks to you ladies. :) She is supposed to take 1/2 tab. I cut the 1/2 into 1/4, and put 1/4 in her cheek at a time. It did dissolve quickly. The little beads were all over her tongue and inner cheeks for the next several minutes, but eventually went down. I may try the syringe technique of shaking and squirting, shaking and squirting tomorrow and see which tecnhnique works better for Amelia. Thanks!!!
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Glad it went well Melissa!
  10. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Nice job, momma!
  11. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    I used one of those pacifier medicine dispensers from Walgreens. I think it says to add 4 ml of water to the tablet but if you read the insert you can add an extra 2 ml to get the granules out. Check with your pharmacist or insert it should say the doses of water you can use. We used the extra water all at once so I mixed it with 6ml and that with the pacifier did the trick for us! GL
  12. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    crush the tablet, squirt some milk on it to make a paste, swipe that paste up on the tip of your finger and swipe that finger into the pocket of her cheek. that's what we do!
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