How to get them safely in and out of the car?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thea7, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Lately I've been experimenting in not using the stroller when we go to places where it's a short walk from the car, like when we go to story hour at the library. My twins are 22 months old and are good at holding my hand when we walk, but I've been having troubling getting them in and out of the car. Twice now, one of them has started running around the car while I was trying to get the other one either in or out of the car seat. I'm afraid the one running off will get hit by a car. By the way, they will not stop running if I say "No" or "Stop", they think it's a game and I have to run after them. I try to make one of them stand between me and the car while I strap the other one into the car seat, but this doesn't always work. Any advice? Or does this mean they're too young for this and I should keep using the stroller? Thanks!

  2. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Unbuckle one, leave the unstrapped one in the car, close that side door. Walk around to the other side, unbuckle the child still strapped in, then take out both kids.

    I have a minivan and I climb in to unbuckle all three girls before getting them out the same side of the car.

    Hope that helps!
  3. R2cuties

    R2cuties Well-Known Member

    I know! I used to be so worried about that. What did help if we were grocery shopping was parking right next to the cart return. I'd pop one in the cart and then get the other one. Have you ever tried the leashes .Target sells cute ones that look like puppies or bears. Even if you don't want to use them the entire time, you could safely hold one around your wrist while getting the other out. The strap disconnects easily and the girls thought they had on "backpacks" when they wore the puppy or bear.
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Getting out: I get Jessy out walk around and get Jazz out while holding Jessy and grab Jazz under one arm and she grabs my arm and I lift her out
    Getting in: I tell Jess to touch the car she stands between me and the car while I put Jazz in and then I take Jessy and put her in
  5. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    I don't do this too often since my kids are a bit younger, but when I do it the way someone else mentioned above: I unbuckle one boy, then close the door to unbuckle and get the second boy before going back around the car to get the first. I also make sure there's a very interesting toy on the floor of the car so that the one 'loose' boy gets distracted by it while I get the other one out of his seat.
  6. EllenJamie

    EllenJamie Well-Known Member

    I have a huge fear of this and I have just now started to do without the stroller and mine will be two in November. I bought the two monkey harness backpacks and I only use them to get into and out of places. Once we are where we are going I take them off because they do not like to walk with them. I undo one of them and put their monkey on and then I go around and get the other one while I am holding the harness strap on my wrist. This seems to work for us, so maybe it might be a thought for you. My two also run and do not stop so the harness may be a great thing for you to get them in an out safely. Good LUck!
  7. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Mine are NOT good hand holders (maybe in a few months), but here's what I do when we're sans stroller:

    Getting out:
    Unbuckle whoever is sitting behind the driver's seat; close door.
    Carry him to other side. (our Odyssey has extra room on the passenger side for me to kneel next to second row of seats).
    I lean in & kneel with one knee on floor of car, one foot on the ground, and unbuckle second one (while still hip-holding first).
    I grab him under the far armpit and say, "help mama". It's a bit awkward ocassionally, but they are always ready to get out.
    Then I just walk carrying both of them on either hip to our destination.

    Getting in:
    Open door, put first one on the floor of the van.
    #1 happily explores the car while I strap in #2 (while blocking the doorway with my body in case of escape attempt).
    I usually have to do a little (happy, giggling - not angrily screaming) wrestling to get #1 back to where I can grab him.
    Then, I go around to the other side and strap in #1.
  8. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all the responses; I knew you'd be able to help! I'll try each of your suggestions and see what works best with my kids. Thanks!

  9. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I either:

    - hold one on my hip and unbuckle the other, then tell her to reach out for me and somehow I scoop her up, or
    - stand/sit (her choice) one on the floor of the minivan and block her with my body so she can't get out of the car while I strap the other in
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jen620 @ Oct 16 2007, 01:05 AM) [snapback]452109[/snapback]
    Unbuckle one, leave the unstrapped one in the car, close that side door. Walk around to the other side, unbuckle the child still strapped in, then take out both kids.

    This is pretty much what I do too -- though I rarely go anywhere on my own with them without the stroller, for just this reason. The one exception is daycare, but they are good at the first one waiting on the sidewalk while I get the other one out. It doesn't work in other places, though -- too many new things to look at.
  11. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I unstrap Ryan and take him out, then we walk around to the other side of the car and I place him in front of me while I take Sofia out (he is in between me and the car and so he can't really get away.

    To put them in I just let them both in through the same door and tell them to sit in their seats. I then buckle the one in that sits at the door that I am closest to and then I walk around and buckle the other one in.

    With practice it gets easier and you will figure out a routine that works for you
  12. SweetPeaTwinsx2

    SweetPeaTwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    I've always done the same thing as Alden and Jen. They both get in at the same time and both get out at the same time. I'm the one that goes door to door. I even do this when I have all four with me.
  13. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    For the child that is out of the car, I say "Keep one hand on the car!" all fun to her like it's a game, and she will usually do it. That keeps her right next to the car. I also do the put one in the carseat unbuckled, run around to the other side, put that child in, run back and buckle first child.
  14. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    For getting out. I undo the carseat straps and then let Ali down in the car. Then I close the minivan door on her side and go around to get Paige out. While Ali roams around the van I undo Paige and set her down. I then usually take Paige out of the car and tell her to hold onto the passanger side door handle and then I get Ali out.

    To get back in I usually tell both girls to hold onto a door handle. And then lift Ali into the car and then put Paige in her seat. Go around and put Ali in her seat and I am done.

    I also have the automatic door buttons on the minivan disabled so that who ever is roaming the car can't open the doors.
  15. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Mine are at the point right now where they want to do everything on their own. I'm having a really hard time getting them to hold my hand, so I'm using the harnesses when we go anywhere until they can listen better. Getting into the car is even more fun. They both jump in the car and immediately go to the front seat to take my change, get in my purse, etc.... I have to do a lot of fighting with them to get them into their carseats. It's not fun right now going anywhere!!

  16. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Crystal74 @ Oct 16 2007, 02:40 PM) [snapback]452814[/snapback]
    They both jump in the car and immediately go to the front seat to take my change, get in my purse, etc....

    I do sometimes have this issue with Amy. For some reason she's not doing it as much right now, but we went through a phase where she would demand to "climb up myseff," but then instead of climbing into her seat, she'd climb into the front seat and pretend to drive the car (or rifle through the spare change, etc.). Then I'd have to open the driver's door, haul her out, and force her into her seat. Still, it was better than having her darting around outside the car.
  17. Disney747

    Disney747 Well-Known Member

    For my boys who always ran off. I would hold one of their hands/arms between my legs while I got the other one out. I still sometimes have to do that with Alex who I still can't trust not to run off. Was a good work out and they could not escape to easily.
  18. Thumper

    Thumper Well-Known Member

    If they can climb down from the seats themselves, then I'd get them both out the same door. Walk around to the sidewalk side, open the door. Reach across and unbuckle the driver-side seat, then unbuckle the passenger-side while the first kid climbs down. The both come out the door to you.

    If they can't climb down unassisted, then I'd unbuckle the driver side, put them on the floorboard, and get them to go across. "Go help your brother" or something is what I used to do.

    Hope that helps!

    --> Andy
  19. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    I have just stopped using the stroller to get to and from the car.

    I let them walk freely to the car and then I put Megan in the van while I strap Haley in, I make sure i have the keys, close the door and then go to the other side. Meg is easier to get and then I strap her in. When getting out. I usually get Haley first, take her out and bring her to Meg's side and set her in the car so she is standing in front of me in the car then I unstrap Megan. I put Haley on the sidewalk and then Megan. We live in a condo so it is a complex. This gives them the opportunity to run around before we get to the front door and get some energy out.
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