how to get my baby to take prevacid compound?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rhc0607, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    My dr. prescribed prevacid solutabs for Spencer's reflux. When I went to pick up the prescription, the pharamcist told me that they didn't have the solutabs so they had to make it a compound. He was taking it in a little bottle for med., but he has now figured out what the little med. bottle means. We have tried syringes and he spits it out. I now put it in his bottle, but don't really know if that is recommended. My dr. said that we could give it to him however, but I didn't know if there was a better way.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    How far back in the mouth are you putting it in the syringe? If you are just putting it straight in the mouth, try pushing the syringe all the way in the back of the side of the cheek. They have a hard time getting their tongue back there to thrust it out.
  3. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    I crushed it - put in a table spoon with tea spoon over and apply gentle pressure. It crushes very easily and then just put with a baby spoon on baby's tongue. It was so much better than dissolving them, since in powdered form I always knew that my daughter got the full amount.
  4. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Ours is already in a liquid form. I feel like I am getting it far enough back, but will try in the cheek.
  5. leahkatebrown

    leahkatebrown Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this will work for you, we're on a different kind...but we've been giving our son his dose just in a bottle nipple right before we feed him. He's already hungry so he sucks it down (and he would spit it entirely out from a syringe).
  6. trafficgal

    trafficgal Member

    are they giving you the solution w flavor our kids like it tasts like bubblrgum also fine to mix w milk, icould not get the powder to desolve but love the stuff pre mixed
  7. BubbleDragon

    BubbleDragon Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I've read that giving it with food kind of negates its effects. Apparently there is a coating around the compound that needs to dissolve in an empty stomach before it works properly. The "1/2 hour before food" is supposed to be important, I guess. Additionally, I've heard the flavorings used at compounding pharmacies can cause the meds to break down faster than they should.

    Check out and

    After I dissolve Kepler's solutab, I suck it back up into a syringe and squirt it to the back of his mouth near his cheek. The solutab must not taste very bad because he doesn't complain nearly as much with it as he does with the Zantac liquid (which I'll admit tastes bad, got some on my finger once.)
  8. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    We had to give my daughter Piper compounded Prilosec (Prevacid did nothing for her), so I feel your pain. If the syringe doesn't work for you, then just put it in your son's bottle or cup. The medicine is theoretically designed to work best if it's given 1/2 hour before eating, but our pediatric GI doctor told us that most of their patients just put the meds right into a bottle and it works just fine.

    When Piper was little and I wasn't sure if she'd finish a bottle, I would mix up a small bottle of EBM and Prilosec (2 ounces) and then a bigger bottle of just EBM to switch to once she had finished the medicine bottle. If your son usually drinks his whole bottle, just throw it in there with the milk/formula.
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