How to get more milk.....

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 2moregirls, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. 2moregirls

    2moregirls Active Member

    I've been taking the Fenugreek 3xs a day as directed and still barely getting enough EBM to satify my girls. Now they are acting like they are still hungry shortly after eating, they get 4 ozs of EBM with 4 TBLS of rice cereal as directed by thier GI specialist. How can I get more milk??? I pump pretty close to every 2hrs sometimes if I can I will pump every hr just to see if the extra stimulation will help, and still nothing. I can get pretty close to 4ozs out of each side, sometimes more but only on one side. Is there something else I can try??? We really can't afford to do formula way too expensive, and DH makes too much money for us to get WIC.
  2. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I'm sure you've said this before...but what kind of pump are you using? Are you sure you have the correct sized breast shields (I got that great tip here and discovered I should be using a size large and voila! More milk when I pumped) And again, I'm sure you've mentioned this before--but are they getting to the breast at all--or just EBM? Even if they don't get much, it would be helpful to let them nurse for even 5 minutes before you pump. Complicated, I know. I'm just trying to think of anything that could help. It sounds like yo're doing a great job. Keep it up!

  3. 2moregirls

    2moregirls Active Member

    QUOTE(mrsfussypants @ Nov 14 2007, 03:41 PM) [snapback]495884[/snapback]
    I'm sorry, I'm sure you've said this before...but what kind of pump are you using? Are you sure you have the correct sized breast shields (I got that great tip here and discovered I should be using a size large and voila! More milk when I pumped) And again, I'm sure you've mentioned this before--but are they getting to the breast at all--or just EBM? Even if they don't get much, it would be helpful to let them nurse for even 5 minutes before you pump. Complicated, I know. I'm just trying to think of anything that could help. It sounds like yo're doing a great job. Keep it up!


    I use the hospital grade pump, medela, not sure about the shield whatever comes with it I guess. How can you tell if you have the wrong size?? I want to put them to the breast, but they aspirate a lot of milk into thier lungs and I worry I will make things worse if I try. That's why I have to pump, so that I can thicken thier feeds so that nothing goes into thier lungs.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I also did not have very good luck with Fenugreek, and my Dr prescribed me Reglan and it has made a HUGE difference!! HTH, Good Luck!
  5. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    How can you tell if you have the wrong size?

    When you pump, if the sides of your nipples are rubbing against the wall of the nipple shield, it's probably too small. Also if you feel any chafing or soreness. And some women who don't even have any discomfort with smaller nipple shields still find that they get more milk if they go up a size.

    You've probably tried this already, but hot compresses can also help.

    :hug99: I'm sorry you're having a hard time now with those hungry hungry babies! Hope things get better soon.
  6. 2moregirls

    2moregirls Active Member

    QUOTE(Kyrstyn @ Nov 14 2007, 04:58 PM) [snapback]495990[/snapback]
    I also did not have very good luck with Fenugreek, and my Dr prescribed me Reglan and it has made a HUGE difference!! HTH, Good Luck!

    I called and talked with my DR today about Reglan, and he won't prescibe it for me because I suffer from PPD. He says it can make it worse.
  7. SommerNyte

    SommerNyte Well-Known Member

    Reglan is a definate no no if you have PPD. I have the same issue. Instead, I am taking Domperidone. I took it when nursing my DD and it helped so much! You can't get it in the US, but I get it from I get my dosing info from

    Normally, I am very anti-self-prescribing, but I have talked it over with my LC, and while she can't "officially" tell me to do it, she's supportive of it.
  8. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    Taken from my local AP wiki
    Be sure you are getting adequate water. 2 to 3 liters per day! It makes a big difference. I have two one liter bottles that I keep and fill each morning. I work to empty one before lunch and one after. I do have a cup of coffee in the morning, otherwise I drink only water during the day. It really makes a big, big difference. Another thing that helps me increase my supply is to get up in the middle of the night and pump. If I do this once or twice a night, my supply really increases within a few days. Make sure you are getting some sort of nipple stimulation, either from nursing or from pumping at least 8-10 times per day, for at least 20 minutes per time. I know that sounds like a lot, but that is what I did and I have a great supply. Doing the extra work now while you are establishing your supply levels will pay off with big benefits later!

    This is also from the wiki, I am the mom that answered this question. So if you need any tips on Powerpumping, let me know!
    Q:Any ideas for increasing supply? Fenugreek? Extra pumping sessions?

    A:Fenugreek is ok, but I did find something that worked alot better with out that maple syrup smell! I found a product called Lactate Support, it is now available at Naturally Yours which is great because I had to order mine online. If you go to Naturally Yours, you will find in in the vitamin side on the wall towards the corner. Gaia Herbs I think is the manufacture.

    Anyway, this was very helpful to me when I had to completely relactate when my baby was 4 months old. I was pumping and feeding hourly. It really only takes like 20 minutes to make more milk. Feed one hour and then pump the next.

    Now I did just learn about "Power Pumping" it is also great for helping bulk a supply. Set your pump up and leave it out and ready to go, then when you frequently come in to contact with it, just pump for a few minutes and not a 20 minute session, just like 5 or so and keep it up alot throughout the day. This gives the breast more stimulation and helps it to make more!
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