How to decorate a romm for Boy/girl twins?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by LisaP, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. LisaP

    LisaP Member

    I'm expecting boy girl twins in March and they will be sharing a room. I have two cribs and 2 dressers but I wanted to find some coordinating bedding so that the room looks nice together. There was a great blue/brown polka dot and pink/brown polka dot set on but I dragged my feet too long and now the blue set is unavailable. Anyone have any ideas or want to share pictures of their nursery.
  2. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    We are going to be using the green "Squirt" collection from Target along with some pinks and blues. The green and white will be the bedding and curtain basics and then for accents the pink and blues. Not certain on paint yet but I am definately thinking white walls with bubbles of color.

    My first plan was Pirates and Mermaids, DH hated it.
  3. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I did a "beach" theme for my b/g twins. I actually bought their bedding from Pottery Barn, but I bought it in pieces which was much cheaper (crib sheets were $15 a piece), found some grass to wrap around the bottom of their cribs (like grass skirts), hung sand colored drapes that I embellished by attaching real sand dollars to the top. I did split the paint and gave them each a "side" of the room...I painted a seagrass green along the bottom of the entire room, a border of sand colored "beachy" symbols along the middle of the room and on top beachy blue on DS's side and beachy pink on DD's...

    I have no idea if I'm describing it well. Here are some pics of when it was first done (we've since hung some metal fish and crabs on the walls on Ben's side and some wooden flip flops on Sarah's)...

    Good luck!!
  4. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I found some coordinated bedding by Banana Fish. I think their web site is Pink, yellow and green polka dots and stripes and then blue, green and yellow polka dots and stripes. I have a yellow chair and green drapes. It all ties in nicely. I also just got the new Pottery Barn Kids catalog and they have some similar bedding in multiple colors that you can combine to coordinate. It is a little pricey however.....
  5. lilly_&_hunter

    lilly_&_hunter Well-Known Member

    I'm going with Pottery Barn bumpers in both cribs. In Molly's crib - I have a bright pink and green bumper. Owen's bumper is green and white. I'm going with black and white framed and matted pictures on the walls. On Molly's side I have wildflower pictures and on Owen's side I have farm pictures (my husband is a farmer - the pictures are of a field of corn, DH running the combine).

    We also have 2 cribs, a changing table, dresser, and an armoire. I will also be putting in a glider and small side table.

    Oh yeah.... I ordered the babies names on Ebay. Molly's are white with pink and purple flowers. Owen's letters are corn, a grain bin, and a barn painted on them.

    I'm really happy with the way it's turning out :)
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    When I was deciding on a pattern for our b/g twins, I looked up gender neutral on Target's website. We went with Winnie the Pooh (Classic( and painted the room a pale sunny yellow color. Here's some pics of their nursery if you want to see
  7. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    Our nursery isn't going to get done until after the babies are here, I am thinking, but when we do it I think I'm just going to order the gingham checked cribskirt and sheets for each baby from Potterybarn or if someone else has them even cheaper that would work too - pink or lavender for Elizabetha and the sage green for Alex. I'm just skipping the bumpers altogether this time. Then, I think we'll do a couple different paint colors with some uneven big horizontal stripes around the room and hang the wooden letters spelling their names.

    The more I'm thinking about it, DH can do this stuff over the weekend! He is going to be SO glad that this topic came up ;)
  8. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I really think there is a business opportunity for someone out there to make coordinated bedding for boy/girl twins! I searched everywhere and ended up getting the exact same bedding as Erineliza!! It's from Banana Fish--Blueberry Ice and Peach Sorbet. I got curtains from Pottery Barn Kids that are white with little green polka dots, and a lavendar stripe rug. I wanted the bedding to be different but go together. I was bummed to spend so much money on it but I looked around quite a bit and really love this set.
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My SIL did her b/g twin nursery in ivory and periwinkle and chose a baby zoo animals type of bedding set for both babies. It was really pretty and very neutral.

    Really, my nursery could be unisex. It's more baby than boy if that makes sense. I let go of the idea of buying sets after not seeing anything I loved (and being disgruntled with the price tags) and went full-on custom. I chose a wallpaper border first and then just pulled colors from it to decorate the room. Since I can sew and got great deals on the fabrics, the entire room was done for less than two bedding sets would have cost. AND, it's unique!
  10. All Boys

    All Boys Well-Known Member

    Noah's Ark? Jungle theme? I consider anything outdoors to be gender neutral like swimming theme, soccer theme etc. Try to have fun and not stress about it! ;)
  11. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We decorated with primary colors. I found matching red and blue gingham bumpers (JUST like the pricey ones at Pottery Barn Kids) at TJMaxx for super cheap (one was $7, the other was maybe $15). Then I bought the cute sheets from Pottery Barn Kids with gingham ABCs, and the mobile so that it had the complete look. We purchased area rugs at Ikea and pictures at Target. Overall, we spent very little money but had a cute, vibrant, gender-neutral nursery!
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine are G/G so we went very girly, but prior to knowing their genders if it were to be B/G we were going to go with a barnyard theme.
  13. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

  14. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    We also went with Winnie the Pooh. The walls are a color called Pooh Bear yellow and we have an aqua stripe across the middle of it. The doors and such are a matching green. All the colors came straight from the comfortors. Blankets and such are a bright pink for her and a bright blue for him.

    The room is very colorful and bright.
  15. lhodnett73

    lhodnett73 Well-Known Member

    We painted the room sage and am using sage bedding with different prints. One has butterflies and the other has animals. Below is a link for a bedding site that is really affordable.
  16. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

  17. skymcc

    skymcc Well-Known Member

    My b/g twins shared a room and I did brown/blue and pink/blue polka dots and toile. It was perfect b/c it was so easy to find matching things in those colors for either a boy or girl since brown is so popular now. I had mine made by a lady on ebay and they weren't very expensive for custom bedding sets.
  18. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    Some may say mine was a bit boyish but we loved it. Firetrucks. I am a female firefighter so it fit. Emma's bedding was plain red and Ethan's was Dalmation.
  19. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    we were originally going to do a 'boy' side and a 'girl' side, but then decided against it...and did this instead:

    Alphabet Soup Baby Crib Bedding by Cocalo

    it is really cute and bright...the kids love it now...they look at all the animals and colors.

    good luck!
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