How surprised were you to find out you were having twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jjzollman, Aug 24, 2008.


How surprised were you?

  1. Totally shocked!

    0 vote(s)
  2. A little surprised

    0 vote(s)
  3. Anticipated having twins

    0 vote(s)
  4. Knew we were having twins

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I'm just curious as to how surprised you all were when you found out you were pregnant with twins?

    We were totally blown away - never in our wildest dreams did we think we'd have twins!! :)

    We went to a routine u/s at 10w 6d with our 3.5 year old and I laid down on the table. The u/s tech put the gel on and then started moving the "wand" around while my DH and DS stood by my side. I was SO nervous about there not being a heartbeat. All of a sudden the u/s tech says "Oh" and I say "Is that the baby" and she says "There's 2". "And they are in their own sacs, but share a placenta. So, they are identical!"

    Dead Silence.....looking back and forth at my DH and the u/s screen....dead silence...and then I say "No way!" and she proceeds to show us Baby A and Baby B. All the while my DS is saying "I don't see a baby, where's the baby, Daddy" and my DH keeps saying "Lennon, please be quiet - Daddy needs to hear this."

    I think we left that u/s room in total shock (excited, but really shocked!). We walked out to the car holding the u/s pictures just looking at them - still not believing that we were having TWINS!!!!

    Then, we got home and of course had to call our family and friends - and NO ONE believed us! I had to convince people I was telling the truth. It was pretty funny - but at the time I was frustrated with everyone saying "Jori/Jason - seriously, how was the u/s? How did the BABY look?" etc.

    Share your "Finding Out" story! They are so fun to hear!
  2. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    I LOVE hearing people stories :hug99: ….

    Well since I was on bc it was a big surprise as well… I had done a home prego test kicking and screaming because I didn’t feel prego… just was late (I had been prego 2x before and knew before I was even late). It was beeping done the sec after I peed on it… it didn’t even have my pants on… so being the smart lady I was I took another… same thing pregnant… so I went to my Dr he did blood work called me later that day told me he wanted me to come in for u/s because my hormone levels were so high he thought I was much further along, and being on bc I could have been… so I waited a day took my son to the fair… still digesting that after 10 years I was going to be doing this again.. went to the u/s and the tech moved the wand around my belly and said… no you are 6w and I only see one… don’t know why your hormone levels are so high… I remembered then that they were high for my older ds and told him that (as they thought I was prego w/ twins w/ him)… so he said well I don’t see two so it’s not twins … I said “really… twins I never thought THAT could be why…“ DH said “thank god if it were twins I would have killed myself… I’ve been nervous but didn’t want to scare you…” so the tech said, well its early BUT let look “the other way” and maybe we will see a heartbeat… and sure enough 2 seconds in he said… opps I spoke to soon, see this “thing here” and this other thing there… twins and because of blaa blaa blaa they are identical… I said “F@CK!! “ (Yes the true lady i am i said the ultimate bad word at the news of twins) And my DH said “ok can I take my foot out of my mouth now…” I cried the whole way home and only told my mom for the first few days… then the morning sickness set in and I had to tell very close people… when I told my 10 year old all he said was… are they boys? Now looking back it was the greatest moment ever… but it didn’t feel that way then…

  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I was also on BC when I got pregnant, so being pregnant in and of itself was a shock!! So at 6 weeks I went to my OB, she did an U/S, and right away she said "There's ONE and There's TWO...Congratulations you're having TWINS!!" I said "You're Joking Right?!?!", and DH was so excited he started cheering (he has wanted twins since I met him). I Cried and Cried...I was so overwhelmed and scared. It definitely took a couple days to set in, and then I found TS and I began to feel a lot better about it!

    I really never thought I would have twins. My brothers are twins, and I was always told it skips a generation...or course I know now that is just an old wives tale, but it sounded good at the time!!
  4. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    My DH and I were totally shocked.

    I had wanted to have a baby for a LONG time, but my DH kept putting it off. At the time we got pregnant, we had been married for five years. I am a teacher, so we started trying for a baby in August. We tried for six months, and I was really getting discouraged. I didn't think I would ever get pregnant.

    One night, I was going to a friends house to have wine and eat dinner. DH asked if I had taken a pregnancy test yet, and I said no. I was really discouraged by this point. It was February. I took the test to appease him (he didn't want me drinking if I was pregnant), and it came up pregnant. I was so excited that I called everyone I knew and told them. I called the doctor and we were told to come in on March 6.

    On March 6 we went in for our first appointment with the doctor. My OB does a vaginal ultrasound at the first appointment to make sure everything looks OK and to tell how far along the pregnancy is. She did the ultrasound, and we saw our perfect little peanut on the screen. I was so happy. She was about to finish when another peanut shot out from behind the first peanut. It came out of nowhere! My DH asked the doct, "What's that?" She said , "Oh, that's another baby." It was very nonchalant. I immediately broke down in tears and cried and cried and cried and cried some more. My DH was so excited.

    I called my mother and told her the news and she didn't believe me. She told me to stop lying to her. I had to put my DH on the phone and then she finally believed us.

    I have to say that was the most shocking thing that has ever happened to me.
  5. luvmama08

    luvmama08 Well-Known Member

    Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one to get preg. on bc! It was a big thing at the time being a single woman & a since Bf a nd I were "on a break". The nite before I even found out I was prego. Iwas out at a work bowling party. Of course being kidless and single I was having a couple free(work paid!) martinis at the bar inside. The next day I woke up with an evil hangover. The thing I remembered most was my sis' gf asked for a tampon, and i gave her one while remembering hmmm... I haven't started my period! So after getting my first couple clients done I had a break and ran a got a preg. test.Even before peeing i knew it wasn't gonna come out neg. So after telling bf, call my mom and tell her and her exact words are "oh boy!oh boy! what if its twins" Haha mom. So we go to the first ob appt at 6 weeks (w/ my nurse practitioner) and She's doing the thing and finds the baby. I ask "are you sure there's only one?", yup only one she replies. Ok got out of that one right? LOL. Then 3 weeks later I start spotting and decide since the doc office wants me to wait all day that I'd rather go the ER and spend my day off freaking out there instead of home. So ER doc come in does US and finds the baby. So active and moving around everything looks good, AND hmmm. I've never seen this before.. He tells us he thinks he see's another baby. Yeah right! I just asked and had the question answered a few weeks ago. They send someone down from L&D in surgical outfit to check it out. She confirms it, twins! I just remember the whole way home thinking about a double stroller and awful they were.Weird right? So mom was right. My BF cried, because he was relieved everybody was ok. And I think the girls at work all peed their pants when I told them. So much for those martini days..But I love my boys and they have changed my life for the better. Each and every day.
  6. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was about 13 weeks when I had my second ultrasound in my OB's office. The first showed just one baby. He measured me, and I was measuring larger than I should; he told me afterwards that worried him. So then he did the ultrasound. He found a baby, then kept looking around and said, "Oh...what's this over here!" It was another baby!!

    Needless to say I was stunned!! I did my grocery shopping, got myself dinner at McDonalds, and went home. After we ate I told DH to sit down...and told him we were having twins. He was just as shocked. Then I called my sister, who guessed as soon as I told her to sit down. She knew I had an appt that day; we had the same OB. My dad guessed too, but let me tell my mom when she was home from shopping.

    It was a very eventful day! The next day I told my principal at work and my close friends at work. They were shocked and excited too. Eventually I told my 6th and 7th grade classes. I said I had some news, "Annie's going to be a big sister." Pause. "Annie's going to be a big sister." Then they got it!
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We were on our 3rd ivf cycle after 5 years of ttc. When we found out we only had 4 embryos we thought for sure it was another bust. Our first ivf cycle we had 4 very poor quality embryos and they transfered all 4. Second ivf we never made it to transfer. So we were shocked the day of the transfer when they said they were only transferring two. We said "can't you do all 4" and the nurse said NO WAY!!. The other 2 made it to day 5 and we were able to freeze them.

    The day of my pg test when the nurse called, we had a very good feeling it was twins. For the blood test, anything above 50 means you're pg. Mine was 635!!! Our first u/s was at 5 weeks and we seen two sacs. They cautioned us from the start that it was a long road and a lot could happen. I had weekly u/s until 7 weeks and was sent to my ob around 10 weeks. I think I started to relax a bit around 20 weeks and my ob was shocked I was able to take them to 37 1/2 weeks with no nicu time.
  8. cristallynn

    cristallynn Well-Known Member

    We were SHOCKED to find out we were having twins. My husband and older daughter were in the waiting room and the doctor wanted to "check me out" while they made their way into the room. He always does a vaginal sonogram on the first visit. The dr and nurse both said "Oh!" and the rest of the conversation went like this:

    Dr: "Are you looking at the screen?"
    "What do you see?"
    "Two black holes??" I still didn't get it. Long pause.
    "Uhhh, yeah."

    Then I realized they were both staring at me with anticipation. I sat straight up (while he was still examining me) and yelled, "What??? What are you telling me??? Just say it!! Am I having twins? OMG I'm having twins aren't I??? OMG OMG OMG....."

    I proceeded to sob like a baby, so much so that when my husband finally made it into the room, he thought something was wrong. I couldn't even gather myself together enough to tell him the news, the nurse had to do it! Then he just started laughing (and felt he should be very proud of himself- little did he understand that I was the one who dropped 2 eggs that month). Aria was very happy to find out she was getting TWO new babies and right away decided she wanted 2 sisters....she eventually accepted the fact there was a boy in there- LOL!
    When I told everyone, they were overjoyed. My mom said she knew we'd have twins because they run in our family (but I really ddin't think we'd get them) and in her words," After waiting so long to have another baby, God just HAD to give you two!" That comment still makes me laugh :) The minute I called her and asked her to sit down she knew it was twins!

    This is a fun post :p
  9. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We were on our first cycle with IVF. We made it to day 5 for the transfer and had decided on transferring two to up the odds of it working. The embryologist came in before the procedure to give us our picture of the embryos and laughed and said "I have your girl and your boy right here." We laughed. And then after explaining his part of the procedure he went on to say, "These are very excellent quality. I have a really good feeling about this. My vote is twins."
    We went on with the procedure and didn't more about what he said. We were just hoping for one healthy baby, let alone twins.
    I went back for my beta and found out it was successful. And we scheduled the first ultrasound around 6.5 weeks. It was May 11. I had my regular ultrasound lady and she knew we were nervous. She put the wand in and just smiled and said, "Congratulations Mom and Dad!" I saw two sacs right away. I remember crying and smiling and laughing and saying, "Both took?!"
    As we left the ultrasound room I told my blood lady, my nurse, and the lady at the desk. (No other patients were around.)

    I was so excited!!! I feel so blessed to have my two. And it turns out the Andrew, our embryologist was right. We have our girl and our boy. :)
  10. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I selected "knew" but maybe should have selected "anticipated"?

    Anyway, my mom is a twin so I figured I would have twins. But then, we were not able to get pregnant. After 22 months we got p[rgnant in our 2nd round of injects/IUI. I had a feeling it was twins! Went to the u/s at 6 weeks, she saw 1 and was about to take the wand out and I said, are you sure there aren't more? So she looked- and there was!
  11. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I was in total and complete shock.. We only saw one baby at the first ultrasound.. When we went in to find out if it was aboy or a girl.. Well.. Thats just history now..

    So at 17.5 weeks i found out that we were having twins.. I told the Dr. she was lying and what a cruel joke to play on someone. I probably cried histerically for 15 mins.. then i Had to call my SIL (Who was preggo with twins at the time) And she didnt believe me. No one believed me until they saw the 2 head ultrasound..
  12. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Ok, I voted with my 2nd pregnancy, total shock. The first was IVF and we knew that the chances were higher so we were not surprised at all.

    2nd pregnancy, spontanious.. that in itself was a shocker that I could get pregnant on my own (after 7 years of infertility). :shok: After finding out, we went out to eat and I literally was just shaking I was so shocked! Sad that one didn't make it. Twins do not run in my family. (dh's either :laughing: )
  13. DebDai

    DebDai Well-Known Member

    I had found out I was preggie and I was having bad cramps. Im prone to cysts when Im preggie and they have to drain them. So I went to ER and they did ultrasounds and said no cysts and the baby looks ok. Now that I think about it he was kinda weird acting when he said it. I was sent for a vaginal a few days later to make sure everything was ok.

    I went to the appt alone, I had 5 kids already an figured nothing could surprise me, so DH stayed home. I was on the table and she was talking an telling me her story of moving here from the mid west ladda ladda and she says "heres the baby and it looks good" she typed the arrow to point it out and all of a sudden she goes... "OMGoodness! Theres a baby b in there!" I still had the wand you know where, but I sat up and said "ARE U F****** S****** ME?!?!?!?!??!?! :blush: I did apologise to everyone ALOT before I left! After I laid back down they had to treat me for shock and get another specialist to do another exam. I was there for about 4 hours cause they didnt want me driving in the condition I was in. When I got home, I stood in the kitchen and looked at my DH and said "Know how U always tease me maybe its gunna be twins? U cant tease me now!" An I tossed the pics on the counter. He shrugged and smiled.

    I called my friend at work an all she did was laugh. My mom an dad were shocked. Im adopted and my moms a ID twin so I dont know if it runs in my family. I guess it does now! Hope my girls are prepared for it just in case! :rolleyes:
  14. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    First IVF cycle, two embryos transferred, two took. I was told chances of twins were good, b/c I was under 30 (29) and embryos were good. That's why they only wanted to transfer two. Our dr. was cautious with IVF, not trying to create multiples, but wanting to transfer more than one so our chances were better of conception. Sure enough, two strong hearbeats at the ultrasound at 6w 2d. So, I voted that we anticipated.
  15. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    It was our first IVF cycle and I thought for sure it didn't work. From trying to get pregnant for so long and charting my temps and documenting how I felt each day of my cycle for month after month (even when I made myself stop, I was always subconsciously keeping track of cycle day and symptoms in my mind. I just coudn't help myself.), I of course couldn't keep myself from doing this each (LONG and SLOW) day of the 2 week wait after my IVF cycle. I didn't want to take a pregnancy test for fear of jinxing it or getting a false positive and figured I'd try to wait for the beta. Sure enough, around day 10 or so I started my normal PMS symptoms right on cue. I was so upset. I even cried in front of my manager during a mid-year review (so embarrassing!). That day I got home from work and found the letter saying how many of our 13 embryos made it to the freezing stage - a big fat 0! (we implanted 2 and they were able to freeze 2 more that same day since they were really good quality). At the time I was like there must be something keeping the embryos from developing beyond the early stages - and the fact that these 9 didn't make it (plus an earlier m/c) made me really believe there's no way the 2 embryos implanted or the remaining 2 would amount to anything. I ended up doing a pregnancy test just to get rid of the small piece of hope that still lingered and I could start to get over it. I remember praying and crying the whole time I waited for the results and would not let myself look at it early. 5 minutes later I saw a faint positive, and still cried. Didn't believe it, figured it could still be a false positive and now I still had to go through this viscious cycle of hope/let down all over again. My husband caught me and was mad that I was doing this to myself. Then he saw it was positive and wondered why I was crying. The next day I was back to my pregnancy test addiction and took another one. It looked fainter - I figured that meant it was the HCG shot giving a false + and it was now fading. So of course I had to get in the car and go buy more tests. Next one looked the same. Then I realized I was looking at the wrong line (don't know how, I'd taken tons of these before) and my test line was much darker in comparison to the control line. Still too afraid to get too excited.

    Had my beta 2 days later and the results were much higher than a singleton pregnancy, so I suspected 2 right away. The second beta was still on pace for twins, and the u/s at 7 weeks confirmed it. So this is why I voted anticipated twins - certainly not from the beginning, but I wasn't too surprised during the ultrasound. We were hoping for two all along. But I was still scared to tell too many people, so afraid of something going wrong. I started to show at 13 weeks and refused to buy maternity clothes or anything baby related because I didn't want to jinx it. Luckily a friend brought over her maternity clothes to help me get by until I felt it was safe for me to buy something after my 20 week u/s. Still tried to hide it as best I could at work, I was too scared to talk about it and felt like the more people that knew, the more people I'd have to tell if something went wrong. My SIL delivered twins at 23.5 weeks and lost one. So I was so paranoid the entire pregnancy. Once I started getting to 32, 33, 34 weeks, etc, I started to finally let myself believe this was really going to happen and things would be ok.
  16. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I was surprised but not shocked. Even though I had no twin pregnancy symptoms, I really wanted twins so I was feeling way more joyful than shocked at that 19 w u/s. I didn't know at that point that identical twins are a random event and anyone can have them so I didn't think I had a chance of having twins. That combined with only hearing one heartbeat at all my appts left me thinking there was only one baby. As soon as they turned on that u/s machine though, I saw the two heads and started crying. :D
  17. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Well my situation is different.

    We did one IVF and two FETs (I got POSS on the IVF so we never transfered, and all the embryos were of bad quality after that). So, we went the adoption road. After waiting almost two years, I got a phone call out of the blue from my social worker: 'how are you doing? I have good news, you have twins!'. They were born 3 hours earlier. We had no idea. That was a shock to say the least!
  18. j171978

    j171978 Well-Known Member

    Awsome stories...

    I was about seven weeks along when I was doing a little spotting. It lasted about a week but the doctors wanted to check me. I had my Mom and my nephew with me since DH was at work and couldn't get off) They make me drink all that water. After she let me go the bathroom the tech did the vaginal ultrasound. She had the screen turned away from me. She finally said... "Do you want to see?"... Well duh. Anyways she turned the screen toward me and said, she the heartbeat. But when I look over here...

    I really don't remember what I said other then I said "Holy S**T". My mom was SUPER excited. My nephew was all excited over two babies and I was just stunned. she printed pictures for me. Told me congrats I'm on the high risk list now.

    I went to work (DH and I worked at the same place) I walked up to DH and he was on the phone. I just held up the pitures and he lost all drack of the phone call and had to put the guy on hold.

    The best part though was my MIL finding out. I had made photo copies of the photo's. DH called his Dad and told him and said he would put a copy in the hutch. So DH's mom get's home first. When his Dad got home she was in the kitchen putzing around and he started asking her.... "Did you talk to Paul?", she said no why, "Did you talk to Rhonda" (my SIL) no why. Then she started to worry thinking I had lost the baby. She turned around and there was FIL standing holdin the picture for her to see. She kept counting one, two, one, two. Then I got the phone call with her screaming from excitment.

    It was awsome.
  19. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    I got pregnant pretty soon after a miscarriage so I went in for that first u/s at 6 weeks just hoping to see a heartbeat. Well I was thrilled to see right away that there was a heartbeat. And then my OB saw a second sac. We could tell there was a fetal pole there, but no heartbeat. So I left that first appointment with very mixed feelings. I knew I was pregnant with twins but was very worried that one may not make it. I went back again in a week and sure enough there were 2 perfect heartbeats! As an OB doctor myself, I was a bit worried about all the pregnancy risks of having twins, but still was very excited.
  20. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I also had an early u/s because of a previous m/c. My ob is the same ob that delivered my sister's twins so when I had my first u/s with her at 6 weeks, she confirmed right away one heartbeat (which I was so happy about) and then she showed me another yolk sac with no heartbeat. She had me go back in a week for another u/s and there were 2 strong healthy hb's! I was totally shocked. I still couldn't believe that my sister had twins, so I thought for sure she had covered the odds of me ever having my own set. I was so happy when that second u/s confirmed twins!
  21. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    I didn't get in to see a doctor till I was 5 months b/c of insurance issues (turned out well though)
    I was sent to get an ultrasound...let me rewind. My dad had been joking around with DH and I that we were going to have twins. Haha! I say, very can stop saying that.

    Well, Laying there get the u/s, the tech says while she's rolling over my belly, here's baby head one and here's baby head two.

    TWO!?!?! Total and complete shock, I looked over at DH all wide eyed not knowing what in the world to think. :shok:

    Oh well, my little blessings is what they are
  22. april mcdaniel

    april mcdaniel Well-Known Member

    I voted --I knew--I too got preggo while on BC. I was shocked about the pregnacy but not about it being twins. I know this is weir, but about 3 days after I had found out I was preg. I had this funny feeling come over me that it was twins. I guess its the same feeling you get when you KNOW if its a boy or girl. The Sunday morning before my 1st DR appt. I was getting ready for church and while pulling on my skirt my DH walked thru and I just blurted out--"Hey, you know we are having twins, dont you" He told me I was CRAZY. Two days later I went to my DRs appt. alone. My DH and my mom had offered to go but I said no since the 1st visit is so uneventful(pap smear, blood wrok, info,etc.) The mid wife asked if I had planned the preg. and I replied-no I wason the pill-OH she said. She asked if I had any questions or complaints and I told her I had been having some pain in the top of my stomach--She wanted to do vag. u/s just to check--Off I went to the u/s room--She turned off the light told me to scoot to the end of the bed and then she began. Immediately she she --OH MY GOSH--I though tsomething was wrong--What is it, is something wrong with my baby I said--She told me no and said to look at the screen--I turned my head and just as plain as day there they were--BOTH BABIES!!!!! I sat straight up and said---I KNEW IT--Although I wasnt really suprised, I was SHOCKED b/c I was actuallly right. MY DH on the other had did not believe me along with my mother. they certainly take my word for things now!!!!

    April :)
  23. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    We found out we were having twins at my first u/s which wasn't until I was 19wks. I was so worried because I felt like I was gaining too much weight and was showing a lot sooner than women who had pg ahead of mine. My ob/gyn said I was fine, not to worry about the weight gain, but like that helps any. I tried to watch what I ate etc etc but I still gained and gained. So I had a feeling that something was different with this pg. I thought I was having a boy for sure and maybe he was just really big or something. When they did the u/s DH was there of course and the u/s tech just said "there are definately two babies in there." Dh's face was total shock. I had mentioned a couple days prior the thought of having twins and he had reassured me that we weren't having twins. He was so shocked and believe it or not I felt so good to hear the news. I knew something was different with this pg and finally I knew what it was. It also felt good to know that my weight gain was completely normal and healthy. It was crazy to find out halfway through the pg though. I'm just so glad that the babies were healthy and that my pg went well considering.
  24. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I voted I knew. I was going to my acupuncturist to get my periods regular because I knew me and my finance at the time wanted to get pregnant after around 6 months of being married. He made my periods very regular and on my honeymoon we ended up conceiving. I had been having symptoms way before my period was due. I ended up taking the test three days before my period because i was so curious and it turned positive right away and very clear. That was my first suspicion it was twins. Than shortly after i was hit by really bad morning sickness. We don't usually have U/S till 18 weeks here so I was dying to know. Around 11 weeks i started to feel movement and by 13 weeks I was feeling it on both sides of my belly. By that time I was pretty convinced i was having twins. I decided to take the triple screen test knowing that it would probably come out positive if i was carrying two. So when i got a call at 16 weeks that I needed to come in for an emergency ultrasound that day because of the result of the test i was very calm. I knew in my heart that nothing was wrong and that it was because i was having twins. When i got there the U/s tech put the doppler on for literally a sec and then took it off and looked at me. She said "your not going to freak out are you." I said "no." So she tell me there are two and I said "I know" and smiled. i felt really good to know i wasn't crazy. When i told Dh he just laughed for like 10 mins.
  25. HoneyBear23

    HoneyBear23 Well-Known Member

    We did IVF and transferted two perfect embryos so we knew it was a possibility. We were still VERY surprised that it was twins though. After four years of trying to conceive, it still seems surreal we're having TWO!
  26. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    We were in our third and final IVF cycle. My first two ended in heartbreak and never made it to transfer. On the third cycle we ended up with three embryos and transfered all three. My first beta came back very strong according to charts I had seen so I was thinking there might be more than one. I was thrilled when the u/s confirmed two!
  27. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Twins do not run in my family. Or rather, there hasn't been a set of twins since my grandmother's great grandmother. So like 6 generations ago (2 and 3? Five generations? Who knows, it was the 1800's though). We had been married for 8 years at that point and I had always sworn up and down that I didn't want kids.

    So I go for the 9 week checkup, brought the husband along, and the doctor says that she wants to do an ultrasound, "we always do them for possibly high risk patients". So the girl goops up the wand, shoves it up, and says, "ohhhh, look, two sacs!"

    me: "Ummmm, what does that mean?"

    her: "There's two babies."

    me: "what does that mean?"

    her: "you're pregnant with twins"

    me: "F***. Really?"

    husband: /sniff sniff

    I look back and he's bawling his eyes out and I'm cussing up a storm. "G**d***, F***, s***, you're joking, right? What am I going to do with two babies?"

    The ultrasound tech just laughed.
  28. JLF518

    JLF518 Well-Known Member

    My husband and I were completely shocked when we found out. This is my first pregnancy and the day after Easter this year was my first ultrasound. I remember on Easter everyone kept saying, "boy wouldn't it be funny if you found out you were having twins or triplets?"

    My husband and I went in for the ultrasound and the tech is a good family friend. She said okay lets get the first peek at your baby. She puts the wand on my stomach and immediately you see a baby. I kept thinking wow this is amazing and then she moved the wand to the other side of my stomach. She said, uh how do you feel about 2 babies? I said what do you mean how do I feel about 2? She said, you are having twins. I then said no I'm not, she said yes you are, and then I said Oh S*!@ Yep that was my first reaction to finding out about twins! My husband and I were absolutely shocked! There is absolutely no history of twins on either side of our family and I wasn't taking fertility treatments either. When we called his family no one believed us! We went over to my parents house with the ultrasound pictures and they were floored!
  29. summerz19

    summerz19 Member

    My husband and I were shocked! In fact, I found out I was pregnant (first pregnancy) and made an appointment with my OB to verify things. So I went to my first OB appointment alone because I thought we would confirm what we already knew, that I was pregnant. Well, for whatever reason my OB went ahead and told me to have an ultrasound done. So there I am, lying in the room looking at a gray screen and the tech says "wow, here's one baby, and here is're having twins!!!" :eek: I laughed until I cried and then I sobbed because I had not expected that what so ever, and to make matters worse I was alone in the ultrasound room!! So I managed to get out of the office and down to my car in the parking lot where I continued to sob and make phone calls to my husband and parents. My parents were shocked and thrilled. My husband and I were mortified!! Anyway, after a little time passed my husband and I became excited and are ready to be parents to twins here soon.

    The ironic piece to this story is that I saw my dentist (who is a friend of the family) the day before my first OB visit. I told him that I was pregnant and going to verify the next day and he says "ohhh, I bet you'll have twins." My reaction was "Yeeeahhhh, I DON'T think so!" Needless to say, he was right!! :blush:

    Summer :yahoo:
  30. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    After TTT#2 for more than 2 years, we were so happy to get a BFP. We transferred 3 beautiful 3 day embies. It was an FET and my RE said he wanted to give me a good chance for pg.

    When the betas came back very very high, I was so afraid of trips. At exactly 5 weeks, they did an unexpected u/s. I thought I was going only for bloods. DH didn't come with me. So I hop up on the table and the tech begins the exam. She sees the sac right away and starts to measure. I was so happy to see that little black circle. I thought she was done and there was only one. I was really disappointed. Then she moved the wand a little in another direction and another black circle popped into the field of view. I was never so happy in all my life. Then I told her she could stop now - I didn't need to find anymore :D .

    We saw 2 HBs 4 days later and everything went smoothly. People were shocked when we told them I was pg with twins and would deliver at age 44. We did use donor eggs and most close family and friends knew that but they were really concerned for me. Until the very end it was a breeze! My kids keep me hopping and I wouldn't have it any other way.
  31. eviedc

    eviedc Well-Known Member

    While my dh and I wanted to have at least one more we weren't planning on it till he was done with grad school. Well it was the first week of classes when I realized that I was a week late. I told dh not to worry about it I was most likely just late because of all the stress but I was going to take a pregnancy test just to be sure. Well I did and I lost it. I kept crying and crying. I had gone back for my degree and only had 3 semester left ...

    Fast forward to first appt. Dh had appts with his students all day and I told him not to worry we already have two. I said that it wasn't that big of a deal and all they would be doing is paperwork and blood work. So, he didn't go. At the dr appt, I mentioned to the nurse that I was already gaining weight (i usually don't show till about 7 mos) and my morning sickness was horrible. She told the dr and they decided to do an in office ultrasound. I was so excited because I didn't expect that and I was so going to rub it in dh's face later! LOL

    Well I'm laying there and she rubs the wand on my belly. She goes, "well yes there is the baby ... pause ... and there is baby b". I started bawling. When they finally got everything done, I went to meet dh and also decided to skip classes. We're standing in the pouring rain under one umbrella and I hand him the u/s pictures. He's like cool you got an ultrasound. I said, "yes look at the pics." He looks at them and is like I can't see anything. I tell him there is two and he says, "f**k". For the next three hours we pretty much just kept looking at each other and muttering expletive.

  32. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I was totally stunned. We had been married for over 5 years. I was over 30. We had been TTC #1 for over 2 years. I had been diagnosed with PCOS 6 months before and had had 1 miscarriage with low progestrone numbers the first month we started trying then nothing. After 3 failed clomid cycles I was ready to give up all together. I decided to take a break. For the first month in probably a year I wasn't doing anything - surprisingly not even thinking about it.

    My husband had just left to go out of the country for three weeks when I realized I was a little late. I didn't even give it much thought. I had pregnancy test left and decided to take it for the heck of it. I was shocked when it immediately said "Pregnant." I thought for sure it was a defective test. So I went to get a few more. They all came back pregnant. I called my RE and scheduled an appointment, but still didn't have my hopes up. Got an appt the next day for progestrone & betas. Both came back pretty high, but not alarmingly so. Went in for 2nd betas - numbers still a little high but weren't doubling (same thing happened with my m/c). She wanted me to come in for an u/s. I knew it would be inconclusive at this point so I waited until 7 weeks fearing the worst, but hoping to hear a heartbeat (I never did with the first). So imagine my surprise when I went in (by myself) and there was a sac with a hearbeat. And then the RE said she was going to look at my ovaries and cysts. She took some measurements on one then zoomed past something and then looked up at me and smiled. I was already a little teary from having heard just one heartbeat. Then she started moving the wand around until two little sacs came up and waited for me to get it. I finally asked "What's that?" and she said "It's TWINS!" To which I responded "You are kidding, right!?!?" I think I repeated that every 30 seconds for the rest of the exam. And I didn't really hear another word she said the entire time. I couldn't believe it. I just kept crying (and I am so not an emotional person.). We heard both heartbeats, and I got some pics of both sacs. She told me not to get too attached, that it wasn't uncommon for one to disappear in the first trimester. My husband's birthday was while he was gone so when he came back I gave him a card from "both of us" with a pic of the two sac ultrasound in it. He got the baby concept, but totally missed the twins. :)

    I still didn't believe pregnancy = baby much less babies. We didn't tell anyone - even family until 10 weeks. And even then didn't tell anyone about the twins until after an ultrasound at 14 weeks. I didn't buy a single thing for the babies until after 24 weeks. The nursery furniture came in at 34 weeks. Thank goodness the babies held out until I was induced at 37 weeks due to increasing hypertension (pre-e) and a growing growth discrepancy.

    As far as I know twins don't run in my family, and I wasn't on any meds at the time, so how the twins came about is a complete mystery. But I couldn't be happier that they run in our family now, or will shortly! And I wouldn't trade them for anything. Some days I wonder what life would be like if there was just one, and I smile and count my blessings that there are two even when they are both being little terrors. :)
  33. mmbadger

    mmbadger Well-Known Member

    We had been TTC #2 for a year, and I went to my OB to try to figure out why I wasn't getting pregnant. All the tests came back normal (I just have _really_ lengthy cycles), but we decided to try Clomid just to make ovulation predictable and thus up our chances.

    SO, I knew the chances of having multiples on Clomid were much higher, but my doctor assured me that she hadn't "seen twins from Clomid in YEARS." After reassuring my husband of the same, we started the lowest dose of Clomid.

    I took a pregnancy test at the earliest possible moment, and it was very positive (hint 2). My OB practice doesn't schedule first visits until 10 weeks, so I had a few weeks of being extra morning sick (hint 3), and I swear the minute the stick turned blue I could no longer fit into my pants (hint 4).

    I was honestly half expecting twins by the time I finally got to see my doctor. She made one pass with the wand, I saw 2 black holes, and I asked, "Are there TWO in there!?". My doc took a very deep breath, and said, "Yes, yes, there are two...I honestly haven't seen twins on Clomid in YEARS!"

    I started to cry happy tears. Once I got to the car, I tried to call DH, but he wasn't answering so I called my mom. She said some expletives, but was very excited. Then I IM'd my husband. His status message for weeks on his IM was then ,"Holy *#(# it's TWINS."

    My excitement lasted for about a day, then I got VERY VERY nervous. We feel very blessed that we were able to carry the babes 'til 37 weeks!
  34. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    I voted that I anticipated twins! We had IVF and transferred two perfect little embryos. For some reason, I knew right away that both would stick, and we would have twins! (With my first IVF, we transferred 3 embryos, but only had a singleton... so there was something different about my twin IVF cycle!!)

    With the twins, I had to start wearing maternity pants at around five weeks, because I was swelling so quickly! I told my friends, "This had better be twins, because this is just ridiculous!!" So, when we went in for our ultrasound at 6 weeks, I didn't really feel surprised to see two little sacs! Scared, excited, nervous, etc... but not surprised!
  35. andrew/kaitlyn/smom

    andrew/kaitlyn/smom Well-Known Member

    We like to have our babies at home, so we didn't get an ultrasound until about 20 weeks. A few weeks earlier our midwife had looked at me and said "you look big, maybe you're having twins." So I said "that's exactly what you told us with Andrew AND Kaitlyn (definitely not twins). This is just how my body carries babies. We are NOT having twins." So we basically blew her off until the ultrasound. Who would have thought?
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