How soon do your babies want to eat when they wake in the AM?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sheras2, May 4, 2011.

  1. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    Immediately? Do they wait a while? Does this change as they get older? My sons used to always wake up hungry and ready to eat. Lately though, Jude seems more interested in playing and interacting when he first wakes up and it's hard to get him to focus on eating. Is this typical? I'm wondering if it's time to skip the early morning feed and just start the breakfast bottle a little earlier. My boys breastfeed when they wake (around 6:30-7:30) and then get a bottle at 9.
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    William wants to eat before his eyes are even fully opened. He was like that as a newborn once he figured out he NEEDED to eat. Nathaniel really doesnt care, never has, which is why he was always the one to wait as a newborn
  3. Loranda

    Loranda Member

    This has just changed for my girls too, and they are about the same age as your boys (almost 9 months). They used to wake up hungry and wanting to nurse right away, and now they don't seem interested. They wake up at 7:30, so I just feed them their breakfast a little earlier (usually cereal and fruit) at about 8:15 and then nurse them before their first nap at 9:30.
  4. junebugmama

    junebugmama New Member

    My guys generally eat as soon as they get out of bed. They usually get up around 08:30 and once we change their diapers we put them directly in their highchairs. We give them some cheerios or puffs to eat while we get their food ready. They each eat 2oz of fruit, oatmeal, 1/2 a baby yogurt, and a 5 oz bottle.

    They used to wake up and start crying for a bottle right away, but now they play in their cribs for 30 minutes or so before we go get them out of bed, so I guess they don't need to eat right away anymore. It's a VERY welcome change!
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    My LOs always wanted to nurse right when they woke up, and still ask for their bottle in bed in the morning (but they have to last about 2 hours from waking until breakfast on my office days).
    I would play around with their schedule a bit if they don't seem hungry or other things seem more important when they wake up. Do they nurse at night or very early in the morning (like 5 am)? If they do, I would work on pushing that feeding back little by little and keep the wake-up nursing session.
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The first feed of the day is the worst one for my baby and it was the same for my girls. Once they were old enough to be mostly STTN there's just too much to look at first thing in the morning. They're just too alert.
  7. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Mine still have bottles first thing in the morning then breakfast 2 hrs later

    If they don't drink much then finish bottles at 9, I'd skip it. They might not need it anymore. They will tell u when they need it.
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