How old were your twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sagertwins, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone was wondering how old were your twins when you started to potty train your twins. Mine are almost 15 months old and they keep pulling there diapers off and running around naked all the time. Anyone else have this happen to you as well.
  2. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I did stop and start half-hearted attempts from about 18 months when I bought the potty chairs (which they never used) until finally being successful at 3 years 4 months. At no time were were officially "potty training" until that last time when they were finally actually ready.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My daughter started showing signs at 22 months, but now at 30 months, I can get ds to sit on the toilet and really try, but nothing. DD is sporatic, every now and then she'll ask and go potty, but never poop anymore. I'm not rushing it. My SIL has a daughter who was potty trained at about 26 months but now at 35 months is back in diapers because a new baby is in the house. :( I'm fully expected (and prepared) to have three in diapers in a few months.
  4. gregje101

    gregje101 Well-Known Member

    3 years(DD). and when people say dont rush it they will when they want to IS TRUE!!!!!!! i gave myself ha and stressed myself out over it and when she wanted too she did and since its been a breeze!!
  5. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    My one son was close to age 3 (33months) when he fully trained. The other guy was closer to 3.5yrs old. Both night trained shortly after. They first sparks of interest to sit on a potty chair was right around age 2.

    While girls (in general) train about 6 months earlier than boys, there aren't any 15month old kids that I have known that have been potty trained. (sorry not trying to be negative...just my experience).

    There are MANY other signs to potty training readiness. Pulling off diapers seems to be a phase for many kids. Most times they say to wait until at least 18months (when bladder and bowel muscles are mature enough). Most experts will forewarn you that pushing a child too early before they are ready, may actually prolong the process. I remember reading an American Academy of Pediatric's study that showed many children who began training before 18mons were not completely trained until after age 4!! By contrast, most who started around age 2 were completely trained (#1 and 2) before their 3rd b-day.

    Certainly you can always experiment with a potty chair....every child is different...never know? But based on what I read, I don't think I would push the issue at that age.
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Hannah was trained at 27 months and Ben was trained at 34 months. I took the "they'll do it when they are ready" approach to potty training. Overall, it has been a pretty pleasant, stress-free experience. I realize we are lucky!
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine has shown a bit of interest, but I'm going to start trying in earnest around 26-27 months. They are starting daycare, who will work with me on this, and it will be spring at that point, and I just decided it is a good time to try.

    I have a feeling one of mine will be ready, the other I'm not sure.
  8. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I really didn't try until they were 3, and even then they didn't train until 3 years 4 months and 3 years 9 months. There is a huge difference in being uncomfortable being wet or dirty and being ready to control PTing.
  9. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We started setting them on the potty at bath when they turned one but really didn't start till they turned 2. They are in the bigger kids class and get taken potty several times a day. Jessy is doing the best of the 2 and likes to go potty. This morning she went when she woke up, pottied in her pullup and then later went peepee on the potty. She goes peepee well in the potty but hasn't gotten the poop part down
  10. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    We will be officially starting in the first week of March we have alot going on now until the end of February and will not be able to just stay home for a week or two to buckle down and actually do it seriously...In March there is absolutely nothing going on until Easter on the 23rd. We also dabbled starting in Sept. up until Thanksgiving and although they verbally told me, took off their diapers, etc... when it came down to actually sitting on the potty I couldn't even get them to do that so I stopped.
  11. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    everyone is different. i started Rachel at 18 months, but didn't get her fully trained until this week. i went back and forth btwn diapers and panties, mainly to save her life and my sanity. Alexis started around 20 months, then again at 28 months. She is as stubborn as a mule, so she will pee when she gets good and ready and not because i suggest it nor b/c sister is doing it.

    I had Rachel 85-90 percent trained and then she regressed to being a "baby" once Alexis started training and some of my friends had infants.

    unless there is compellling reason or evidence, I would say to wait till they are 24-30 months. it helped us to be able to have an older child to observe. (1-2 yr older)

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