How old is too old to be in a crib?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mnellson, Aug 16, 2010.

  1. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My DD will be three in November and still sleeps in her crib. (I'm thrilled, by the way!). But, she's going to start school (daycare/preschool) in a few weeks. The take kids ages 1-5. The teacher said that they have cribs and toddler beds, and whatever the kid uses at home is what they can use there, which is great! But, it got me thinking if age three is "too old" to be in a crib?

    It was a nightmare when the twins were in toddler more napping, craziness at bedtime, up at night playing.
    So, I plan on keepin her ion the crib until it's not working out! haha
  2. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    We just moved our DS into a toddler bed, and he was 3 in May. He asked for a "big boy" bed. He actually preferred the security of the crib up until that point. When he stayed with my parents soon after he turned 3, he preferred the PnP over their guest bed. Their guest bed isn't that high off the ground, but he did fall off a couple of times, so he asked for the PnP, which did not fit him at all - he had to curl up.

    All that said, I don't have an age in mind that's too old. I wouldn't have thought I'd have a 3-yr-old in a crib, but why not?
  3. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I've been wondering this myself. Mine are still in their crib and they both do really well in it. I keep the sides down to give them the illusion of being in a bed. They have never tried to climb out. When we've vacationed, they've slept in a bed with no problem. I am afraid if I move them they will just play.

    However the crib I bought for my daughter was obviously used for too long. The center was very bowed and the mattress was so bad, that we actually had to buy a new one. I think they must have put like a four year old in there. Who knows?

    Curious to see what other moms do.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I kept mine in cribs until they were almost 3.5 and would have kept them longer but they gave up their naps AND my SIL was having a baby and I knew they wouldn't be in cribs that much longer, so I wanted to give her the crib. :good: I don't think there is an age limit. For me, as long as they aren't climbing out, asking for big kid beds and fit in there... no need to move them. :pardon:
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I don't think 3 is too old to be in a crib. I have one DD still in a crib and have no plans to move her out for a while. However, they do not sleep in cribs at nap time at daycare and have had no issues. I would think you could have her do a toddler bed at daycare and a crib at home if you want. I really think it would be fine to do a crib at daycare too. Which ever you think is best. Maybe you could ask the teacher what she thinks.

    This reminded me of a conversation I had last weekend with DH's 50-year-old cousin. She said (and her father confirmed) that she was in a crib until her friends at school made fun of her for it. She didn't attend preschool or kindergarten since neither were common when she was a kid. That means she was at least in first grade. IMO, that's too old to be in a crib!
  6. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Mine are still in their cots and I´m happy. I hope they continue to sleep there for as long as possible as I know naptimes and bedtimes will become crazy when we change! I say if your DD´s happy in her crib then let her stay there!! ;)
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I had planned to keep my girls in cribs until 3, but we ended up switching at 2 1/2 when they were excited to see a little friend's big girl bed.
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    All of mine were out of their cribs by 2 or just after, but they all started climbing out or we had another baby & needed the crib. I don't think 3 is too old if they are happy in there & not trying to get out or anything. I think it is easier on everyone for them to stay in as long as possible!
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD was climbing out of her crib at 19 months, so that's why she made the transition to the toddler bed. My DS is perfectly happy in his crib and I have plans to put him in a toddler bed until he turns 3 (after Christmas).
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine were in cribs until they were 3 - DD never climbed out and DS didn't start until pretty much the day before we set the beds up...they also slept on cots at daycare starting at 2 so it wasn't an issue going back and forth...
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine were 3y3m when we moved them. They were still perfectly happy, but I was getting sick of lifting them in & out. (They never figured out how to climb out, though I'm sure they could have if they'd really tried.) Also, I was ready to buy new furniture. :laughing:

    But they slept on mats at daycare/preschool starting at 13 months! So there is no reason why yours need to sleep in cribs at preschool just b/c they're in cribs at home.
  12. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I really didn't read the others responses, but I would think that you wouldn't want a potty trained child in a crib. You would want them to be able to go to the bathroom at night if needed. So if at three they are still in diapers, I don't see the problem with them being in cribs.
    I personally found it easier with all my children to switch into a bed from about 15 months-2 yrs old. But I'm sure their are much older children happily sleeping in cribs. :) At some point the crib matress would become uncomfortable also. We still keep a crib mattress under our bed just in case someone gets sick and needs to be in our room for quick access.
  13. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I think if they see the other possibilities (toddler beds at daycare), they'll probably want to switch. I would love for my kids to stay in their cribs for that long!
  14. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Mine are over 3 and still in cribs. I know the moment we go to toddler beds naps will be over. So I'm not exactly wanting to give those up yet!! And as for potty training... J has woken up dry for months now, so it's never been an issue. He'll holler for me if he needs to go during nap time.
  15. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We had to make the transition at 2y4mo (climbing out) and it was a nightmare with DS. So, I say keep them in for as long as you can! Having said that, I agree with JicJac....I wouldn't be surprised if they decide they want to make the switch after seeing their peers/friends in toddler beds at school.
  16. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I had their twin beds in their rooms cause I just didn't have any other place for them. Kiefer was interested in the bed, so one day asked to be in there. Well, asked as in point, grunt, and fuss if he was in his crib. He didn't have much of a vocabulary at 20 months. He slept great and it's been that way ever since. Once Cameron saw us tuck Kiefer in to his twin sized bed (big boy bed as we call it), he wanted the same. So, he got a night in his big boy bed and he slept very well. He still does! I think I lucked out, but I just went with the flow.

    I agree with the above poster. If they are not fussing/climbing to get out, asking to use the big bed, and can fit in their cribs comfortably, there's no reason to take them out of it.
  17. 40+mom

    40+mom Well-Known Member


    I don't think there is a right age. One of the triplet moms in our mothers of multiples club had her trio in cribs until after age 4, and well after they were potty trained.

    For our family, my goal was to maximize peace and rest at nap and bedtime -- I felt that things just worked better for all of us with more rest. And, we still had naps until age 3.5, so kept the cribs until then. I sort of wish we had waited just a bit longer, but still, at age 3.5, our kids could understand the big kid rules (even if they didn't alwsays follow them).

    And, at 3.5, we went straight from cribs to twin beds, skipping the whole toddler bed stage.

    Good luck !

    Meg -- mom to 4.5 year old boy/girl twins
  18. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the replies!

    I'm actually surprised that she hasn't climed out yet. But, I get her as soon as she makes a peep, basically so she wouln't have a moment to even realize that she could climb out! I just remember how BAD it was once the twins were out.

    I do feel a little bad because she has asked a few time for a big girl bed. She wants everything the same as her big sisters. I'm sure she will want a big girl bed once she sees the other kids at school! Oh, well, I guess they have to grow up sometime!
  19. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Mine were born in Nov. and they are still in cribs. (happily for mom) my 15 month old and the twins sleep on toddler beds at daycare no problem. They sleep longer at home but I think they just love daycare and love doing things there instead of sleeping. We will be moving in 3 weeks so I'm doing PNP X three. Then for a bit longer in pnp until we get settled into our new home. I too want to go from crib to a double bed (a good quality one) instead of dealing with toddler beds or single beds. Plus, if company comes over there are double beds they can use. The baby I will keep in a pnp for a while longer.

    It really depends on the kids. My twins especially the one is more immature. The baby on the other had is a monkey but I think she is going to mature faster.

  20. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were all out around 2 1/2 or a little older. Mainly because they were climbers, but also because my sister passed along a toddler bed to me at that time for Nolan and we really didn't want to store it in the shed.
  21. siobhan

    siobhan Well-Known Member

    My girls were in their cribs until 3.5 yrs old..
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