How old for bowling?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, May 18, 2009.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My friend just told me about a free bowling program that runs over the summer (see but my husband says they're "too young". Has anyone taken their kids bowling? How old? Did they enjoy it?
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Deb, I bet they'd love it!!! They will love the noise of the ball hitting the lanes and the bumpers will keep the ball in the lane! DO IT!


    Given their propensity toward destruction, it will satisfy that with the pins falling!!!! DO IT!~ :banana: They will have an outlet and you will have fun watching!
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Hey, wouldn't hurt to give it a try! Thanks for the idea, I should try taking mine bowling too. Do you have duckpin bowling? I might try that first since the balls are smaller.
  4. Anne-J

    Anne-J Well-Known Member

    Mine were almost three when we first took them bowling. They had a blast and now we have to do it often.

    I say go for it!!
  5. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    Ironically, we just took the kids bowling for the first time yesterday (it was a birthday party). They have some contraption setup that the kids put the balls on and then just push. My daughter enjoyed herself greatly. My son preferred the arcade (with no tokens, just riding). Depends on the kids. The party was for a 4 year old and there were several kids having a ball.
  6. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    We have been taking the boys for about a year now and they LOVE it. We are looking into leagues for them this summer!!!

    They are actaully pretty good at it with scores in the 80's they even have a little bowling stance.. its so funny

    I can upload pics is anyone is interested...
  7. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    We went bowling when my DD was about 3.5 so just a few months ago and she enjoyed it. Loved trying to roll the ball down the lane but it was a birthday party for my cousin and the area our lanes were there were arcade games. DD enjoyed that more, especially the pinball games. So bowling was done after that. We haven't taken her again because decided that maybe she was too young. But you know your kids best.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls went bowling back in September for my nephew's birthday party. They loved it and had a blast. Of course, the bowling alley had a little ramp for them to roll the ball down so you could position it so it wouldn't go in the gutter. Without that I don't think they would have had much fun, but they absolutely loved it. We haven't taken them back though, not because we thought they were too young, but because we just haven't had the time. I definitely do not think they are too young as long as the bowling alley has the gutter guards or the ramps for them and a light enough ball and small enough shoes. It's great fun!!
  9. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Girls love bowling, they have been going since 3 years old, they put these blow up things down the sides so the bowls don't go off centre when they're 1st starting out.
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ May 18 2009, 10:13 AM) [snapback]1317920[/snapback]
    My friend just told me about a free bowling program that runs over the summer (see

    How funny! I was just looking at an advertisement for this program this morning!! :good: A couple of friends with twins have taken theirs already, they are almost 3. I think we're going to take the girls soon.
  11. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We haven't yet, but plan to this summer. With the bumpers up they'll have a blast...just watch out for fingers and toes!

    ETA: had to come back and say :thanks: Debi, for the website heads up. $24 for an entire summer of up to 6 people bowling any day is a GREAT deal! Thanks so much!
  12. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    we just ook ours through that program yesterday and they were awesome! They gave them a ramp and bumpers..they loved it..the only thing was one of my guys was done by the end of the first game and the o ther wanted to keep playing. It's a great program to sign up for!
  13. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    I just signed my DD up for this. If she likes it great it will give us something to do. If not then no loss. I am always looking for more things for us to do.
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    of course there isn't a bowling alley within 100 miles of my area... <_<
  15. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    We took them right after Christmas so they were 2 and 5 months. It was bumper bowling. I had to go up with them each time of course but they LOVED it!!! Watching the ball roll slower than anything you could ever imagine was pretty hysterical! I was sure there would be a time it just would not make it but somehow it did each time. And seeing them in their shoes was the cutest!

    Here are pictures from our first time.
  16. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If they use bumpers, go for it! :good: My oldest DD went to a bowling party at age 4 (with bumpers) and absolutely loved it.
  17. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    the girls have bowled since they were 3 and love it. they really can't do more than throw the ball but its still fun
  18. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Go for it! We took John at 2 but he really got into it at 3. :) It is so much fun and they will put the bumpers up for them so they can get the hang of just throwing the ball and actually hitting the pins. :)

    We do candlepin here in NE which is a much smaller ball. I think duckpin bowling is smaller than ten pin.
  19. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nolan and Meghan were just over 3 when we first bowled. As Sarah said, it is candlepin bowling so the balls are smaller and probably easier for the kids to use. (I've only bowled with the big balls once in my life).

    I say try it! I'm sure they will love it, my kids do. We even brought Liam along to a bowling birthday party in the fall and he wasn't even 2 yet.
  20. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    We just took the boys on Mothers Day. They had a blast. DS1 is going to have his 5th birthday there in a few weeks.
  21. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I haven't taken my kids because there aren't any lanes around here. But my parents were BIG bowlers. I started at 4--I remember I was in preschool. I enjoyed it a lot, so contact the program and your local lanes and make sure there are balls available in appropriate sizes and wieghts (I remember the biggest problem was our local lane only had one 3lb ball and four 5lb ones so if those were in use I was out of luck.)
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