I am starting to look into the next step of car seats. I'm wondering how old they are when they reach 40 lbs? Maybe this would be a better question for the 1-5 board. Can it be linked? Thanks for all the help.
Hmmm...my guys are about 32-33 lbs at 20 months, but that's not the norm. I figure these seats should last until they are 3?? I have no idea how the whole weight thing changes.
My girls were 17.13 (Haley) and 17.6 (Gracie) at 6 months. When you say your guys aren't the norm, do you mean they are bigger or smaller?
Mine boys will be 3 at the end of June. They are 32 and 37 lbs. We are trying to figure out what to do next. If your babes are high on the growth curve, assume they will stay there. If so you will want to get a car seat that will hold higher weights. these are the Britax, radian, or another I can not remember Most convertable seats can only use the harness until 40 lbs.
my 2 1/2 yo is a big boy...always in the 90% or off the charts...he is currently 35 pounds. I was already thinking about booster seats, but wasn't sure on the age requirememnt either. HTH
Aaron and Connor are 4 and they weigh 45 lbs. (They are in the 98%) However, Joel is 6 and weighs 47lbs. Joy is 2 and weighs about 35. So, it truly depends on the kid!
My dd is 32 lbs at 3.5 ..there's no way she's hitting 40 lbs by age four... She has a convertible carseat..once she hits the right weight we can stop strapping her in with the belts and she can use the car seat belt across her chest. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to completely remove the belt...i can't see her sitting in that chair with the belts just hanging there or sitting on them. But in any case the actual seat should be big enough for her to fit in for another year or two at least... then it's the little booster seat time...I think for the money it's worth buying convertible car seats..you can use them from infancy through toddler and into childhood.. as long as their little hineys fit in the seat!
I have one that is at the top of the height and weight charts, and another who is 50%. The bigger one I estimate will be 40 lbs this summer slightly before he is 3 1/2. Based on the weight chart, I think my other son will be closer to 5 when he becomes 40 lbs. The bigger twin will be too talk for his car seat before he is to heavy.
My oldest DD was just 42 lbs. at 6 years old. She was 9 lbs. 4 oz. when she was born and 20 lbs. 10 oz. at a year.
My boys just turned 4 & they are 37 & 38 pounds. I just wanted to add that the weight really slows down after the first year.
Nathan is a couple of months shy of 3 and is right about 38lbs. DD wasn't 40lbs, but was to tall for the straps pretty young. I see William following DD's path.
At 5 1/2, our daughter is still only 36 pounds...and I cannot imagine she will hit 40 for at least a year or so yet...even if she hits a growth spurt... but our son is 47....Go figure! Along with all the previous posters, I think we demonstrate a pretty wide range!
Maddy and Kaia just turned 3 on Feb 20--Maddy is 41 llbs and Kaia is 32 lbs. Maddy also wears a 5T or a little girls' 5. She is always off the charts--taller and larger than almost 100% of the kids her age. hth.
I'd look at their percentile curve and follow it up until it reaches 40. Most kids stick pretty close to their curve and that will give you a much more accurate answer than a poll will.
I was really just wondering if it will be a year or two, which it looks like it will, before I made a decision. Thanks for all the help.
My boys will be 5 in August and still aren't up to 40 pounds yet. They have forward facing seats that start at a much lower weight, that's what we transitioned to at 1 year. After that they went to booster with backs (starting at 30 pounds) and are just now into the booster without back rests. They are 38 and 37 pounds.
I feel better after reading this post. My kids will be 5 in October, Ryan weights 46 lbs and my peanut Sierra is 36 lbs! Of course I was fine until earlier last week when I read an article about "failure to thrive" and I got upset about Sierra, but she gets it honestly and she sure can eat, sometimes she can outeat both her twin and 14 year old brother LOL
quote: Originally posted by BaaRamEwe: My girls were 17.13 (Haley) and 17.6 (Gracie) at 6 months. When you say your guys aren't the norm, do you mean they are bigger or smaller? They are bigger than "usual". Over the 90%.
quote: I'd look at their percentile curve and follow it up until it reaches 40. Most kids stick pretty close to their curve and that will give you a much more accurate answer than a poll will. Thats the best way I would say... Josie hit 40lbs sometime within the last year and she is 7. Jack is 35lbs and he is 4. Its so hard to predict. I found a seat that I LOVE from Eddie Bauer, it fits from 5-100lbs. It is soo easy to maneuver for different heights ( I can put any of my kids in the same seat and not have to redo the straps...its awesome!) We bought two of them and plan on having the babies in them till they are 8 or 80lbs...which to me seems like that won't be for another 20 years!!
Definately not the norm - they're off the chart for weight. The boys will be 3 in April and they're both at the 40# mark. And have been for ~ 8 months or so. We knew they were big and continue to remain so LOL. So when we changed car seats, we got the booster seats that use the 5pt harness and go to 80 pounds with seatbelt.