How Often Do You Give Baths?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jenniferkkelly, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    DH & I usually give our babies baths 3 times a week. But this week DH is swamped at work & has been working late almost every night (I work too so the babies are in daycare during the day). So I was wondering if you thought it would be horrible to only bathe them twice in week's time? Or even once? I know I could give them baths by myself, but I'd rather wait for him to help me (the babies hate bath time & I'd like to avoid having 2 wet screaming babies on my own). We gave them baths on Tues., but it may be Sun. night before we do it again. Think that's horrible? Hopefully, his work situation will get back to normal next week & we can bathe them every other day, but this week is turning out to be nuts!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Nah!! That's fine. I generally bathe every 2-3 days. If it goes to 4 days, it's not a big deal IMO!
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I don't think that is horrible at all...!
    Unless there is a poop explosion I think every 4th day is just fine at that age.
    We used to do every 3rd day when they were younger & now we do every other day (since they are mobile).
  4. Fletchie

    Fletchie Well-Known Member

    That's fine. I do a wipe in the neck and other cracks, but only bathe 2x/week.
  5. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    Nothing wrong with that at all. In fact bathing babies too often is hard on their skin. We give baths 2-3 times per week.
  6. kirstenanch

    kirstenanch Well-Known Member

    We were once a weekers until recently, now usually twice a week. We were actually told by our doctors (we've gone through a few; they keep leaving the area!) to limit baths to once or twice a week b/c it's so dry where we live.
  7. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    We usually do baths every other night, but if I don't feel like dealing with them (especially if they are fussy) then they go longer. I almost always do bath time by myself. DH is still at work then.
  8. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Don't worry about it, mama. Twice a week is FINE. We usually do baths every other night [and wash face and hands on the other nights]. Sometimes if we're just too tired, we'll skip a bath night - as long as no 'stinky butts' I don't feel so guilty. They do make those 'cleansing' wipes. Maybe just keep some of those around in case you don't feel like dealing with the fussy babies. And it might make YOU feel better too! ;)
  9. daisydoll

    daisydoll Well-Known Member

    I give my boys a bath on Wednesday and Sundays. It is easier for me to give them twice a week unless they get to dirty but that doesn't happen often. Its ok to bathe them twice a week.
  10. ld2008

    ld2008 Well-Known Member

    We shoot for Monday, Wednesday, Friday. When we evacuated during the hurricane they went a week without one. There are always outstanding circumstances that get us off!!
  11. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I used to do every 2 to 3 days, but now with Ryan's Helmet, he has them nightly, so I throw in Zachary too usually.. But not always.
  12. ChanceKathleen

    ChanceKathleen Well-Known Member

    I bathe them every night just because(also, when we got them home they were still spilling LOTS of milk from the bottle and spitting up)...when my DS was little I'd go 2-3 days.
  13. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    I was trying to every night but we are very active family and we are always on the go so it's late some times when we get home so I'm finding it easier to just let my mom give them one in the mornings.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    We do every 3rd day!
  15. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    Thanks, everybody! All of your responses really made me feel better & like I wouldn't be a bad mom if I made them wait a few more days for baths. Since they hate bath time so much, maybe they'll start enjoying it if they are good & dirty! LOL!
  16. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Twice a week here, Wednesdays and Sundays. We just clean them up after solids. I'll probably do it more often when we find out how to bathe them in our bathtub as it would be much easier.
  17. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    Our pedi suggested once or twice a week so that's what we did and they seemed to do just fine. Once they started solids we did it twice weekly or as needed since they would sometimes get food in their hair.

  18. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I usually bathe every other night and wash hair every other bath. Sometimes I'll skip a night, sometimes they get two in a row, and sometimes I have to wash their hair more. Depends on my mood and their mess! :)
  19. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I'm the odd ball here. My guys only get bathed once a week. Jack has REALLY bad eczema and the Dr said ONLY once a week and she said that most people bathe babies too much anyway. So, once a week it is here. They never smell either and if they get food/spit up on them I always wipe them down with a washcloth. I imagine when they get older they will get more frequent bath. Heck, I don't even shower everyday! :)
  20. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    I give mine every other day usually. Sometimes we may go to every two days. If they both get that upset, and you feel like you really want to bathe them, try giving one bath at one time and then maybe an hour or two later, give the other one a bath.
  21. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Almost every day because it calms them down. Calm babies = happy Mommy:)
  22. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, I don't think that's horrible, especially if bath time is not an enjoyable time.

    When my girls are at my mom's house, she gives them a booty bath (in her bathroom sink) every time they poop. (3 - 4 times a day) :rolleyes: She also lets them sit with naked hineys outside in her PNP in the shade, she says it's good for them to get fresh air. I don't have time for all that!

    At my house the girls get baths every other day. On the day they don't get a bath I wipe them down with a warm face cloth. Mine are crawling though so they get more dirty than a baby who isn't mobile.
  23. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I bath my two everyday simply because it relaxes them and they love being in the water. It also ´tells´them nighttime is coming. In the very beginning, I just bathed them every other day as they used to scream but they got used to it pretty quickly so I started doing it everyday.

    Im sorry your two don´t like the water, what a shame. I can understand you not wanting to do it alone. I hope they grow to love bathtime soon.
  24. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    The twins usually get a bath every other day (but they are 3 and getting dirty constantly outside). If we have a rainy streak where they are inside all week or weekend, I'll go 2 days between baths.

    Olivia - well, she doesn't get dirty and often times the twins are outside when she is napping, so she doesn't get any outside "stink" on her unless we are all out together. So, she's usually every 2 nights...sometimes I'll go 3...just depends on my mood really. LOL! It's hard to bathe her right now b/c she is too big for the infant tub, almost too big for the sink (well, she fits, but makes a COMPLETE mess (pool) on the floor, and she's not sitting up quite good enough yet for the big tub.
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