How often do you bathe your twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    Quick question...

    How often do you bathe them?

    Do you do it at night or during the daytime?

    How old are your twins?

    Do you have any other children?

    I can only seem to bathe my 3 month olds like 2x a week. I usually have more time during the day as the evening is chaotic with my 3 1/2 year old also. I'm kinda sad about not being able to do it in the evenings are part of the nightime we did with our first, but the nights are just toooooooo crazy. Maybe when the twins get older, we can start doing it then.

  2. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    You do better than I do. I also have another child who is turning 3 in January. It works out that I only bath them about once a week, usually during the day. I am bad and I try to get it done more often but it just doesn't happen. Oh well! I don't feel too bad since it is really cold outside and they are sick right now. But eventually we will get more in especially when they are sitting up better and can go into the big tub.

    My twins are 6 months old!
  3. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost a year old and my other son just turned 3. I usually try to bath them all on the same night and usually every second night but sometimes it doesn't get done till the third day. If I have time in the afternoon I try to bath either the older one or the twins then so they don't all pile up at night. It is much easier now to bath them then when they were little but I have to admit that the twins don't usually get a very long bath. Its usually a total scrub and hair wash and out and dressed. Also my husband and I usually team up to do the baths and we put the twins in at the same time and when was is done being washed the other parent takes that one and gets him dressed while the other is getting washed. It goes much faster and is less frustrating.My older son goes in after the twins and he loves his baths and sometimes stays in there for 1/2hour.

    My 3 year old tends to get baths almost every day in the summer because he loves to play outside and tendy to get very filthy. In the winter there is not much for him to get into and get dirty from so we stick with every second day.
  4. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    Our twins are almost four months old and I bathe them every second day. I typically bathe them in the mornings because it seems to make them excited rather than sleepy. We don't have any other children.
  5. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Phew, I am so glad we are not alone! Our boys are also 6 months old and we only bathe them every 6 or 7 days, LOL. We used to bathe them in the evenings, but that was usually hell. They were just all kinds of cranky when we did it in the evenings, so about a month ago I started to bathe them on my lunch break. I live 5 minutes from work and my mom comes to our house to watch the boys (we're very lucky!). So I go home and bathe them and they tend to do better during the afternoon for some reason. When they can sit unsupported I think they will enjoy baths more, and then we will go back to my DH and I bathing them in the evenings. Until then I can't bring myself to do baths more than about once a week. It just takes SOOOO much preparation, and then usually scream bloody murder when we take them out (even though we have a heater going right beside the tub). I posted a question about baths a couple of months ago asking what other mom's secrets were to bathing twins. I got some good replies but it's still hell bathing them, LOL.
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry! Now my twins are 2.5, and they get a bath every other day. (Sometimes every day in the summer if they've gotten dirty playing outside.)

    But when they were infants, they were lucky to get a bath once or twice a week -- it took me a loooong time to get it together! I usually dipped a washcloth in some warm water and quickly gave them a sponge bath.

    You'll get into a groove eventually!
  7. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    My babies have not had a bath in just over a week. I was not proud of that when I realized how long it had been. My only excuse is that I have two other small children. I try to bathe the twins twice a week, but don't see myself getting back on that schedule until January, unfortunately. Bad mother ...
  8. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I hoped that when I opened this post I wouldn't be the only one who doesn't bathe her twins more than once a week!! I just don't seem to have the time to bathe them more than that. My goal for the next month is to start bathing them twice a week. We'll see if that is doable. I usually bathe them in the late afternoon or evening. My twins are almost 3 months old and I don't have any other children.
  9. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We bathe our almost 7-month-old twins, our only children, 2x/wk in the evening. I do one while DH entertains the other, then we switch. On non-bath days, I do a quick swipe with a wet washcloth because I've noticed their feet getting stinky now that they wear socks all day.
  10. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    We bathe our twins like two times a week...usually, sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how the week is going time wise! We also have a daughter who turns three in two weeks and she gets a bath every evening as part of her bedtime routine. It is really hard to get them all down at night these days. Hopefully as the twins get older they will also get a bath in the evening as part of a bedtime routine and my daughter will move to a bath every OTHER night as part of her routine. Life is just so hectic!!! I am lucky if I bathe every other day! LOL.
  11. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    We give ours a bath 2-3 times a week. I do it in the evenings before their last bottle. We massage lotion and dress in warm fleece and feed their night bottle and to bed we go. Most of the time its twice a week but I do try for 3 since they do have some cradle cap and I like to dip a baby brush and wash their head that way to help with it.

    They are 3 months and we have no other kids besides a weiner dog that hasnt had a bath since they were born :( I keep saying every week he is getting one but OMG 2 babies and a dog, not happening!!!
  12. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    WOW! I am glad I am not the only one that has kids that only get bathed once a week. I do have to admit my almost 3 year old only gets a bath about every 2-3 days (mostly 3). It is so hard getting things done and there is no way I could bath my 3 year old during the day with the twins. They share a bathroom so I don't even want to chance waking up the twins to give my 3 year old a bath, just not a priority, the twins sleeping is more important since they aren't doing that very well. As I am sure all of you understand that! I know it will get easier when the twins get older. Nights are just so crazy in our house, ugh! Oh well, call us the dirty ones! LOL! :rotflmbo:

    I am lucky to get a shower every other day!

    As for my animals (yes, more than one!, I have a zoo!), I don't even want to talk about that. :unknw:
  13. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We're supposed to bathe them? :huh:


    I try to bathe L&L every other day but when they were babies there were definitely weeks when they only got a bath once or twice.
  14. baby_boo

    baby_boo Member

    Aiming for every other day with our one month old kidlets - winds up working out to every 3 days (and oops sometimes every 4th day) But at least my three year old gets a bath every other day. That's just out of pure necessity - I swear she rolls in dirt!

    We do evening baths - that's just been the routine with our oldest. Hubby bathes each one at a time - I feed immediately afterward so they are warm and cozy and snug and full! Hopefully that means a good sleep :)
  15. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    During the first year I bathed my girls every day and washed their hair every other day. I did the baths after their first nap. They got up from that nap, had a bottle, had a bath, and then went back to bed. As they got older they had playtime before the 2nd nap.
  16. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    we bathe them every night. we've been doing this for about a month; it's part of our evening routine.
    we have no other children.
  17. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    2-3 times a week here and it usually involves my husband handing the boys into me in the shower. I don't think they've had more than 10 baths since they were born. I have two older kids and a husband who isn't home a lot of nights so it's practically a miracle that any of them get nighttime baths.
  18. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    3 kids - One 3 1/2, twins 6mos. The twins get baths every 4 days or so, during the daytime. With DS #1 I would bathe him during the day just because it was something to kill some time. With the twins it's a necessity...they go to bed at 7 at the latest so evenings are already chaos. A bonus is that they usually nap MUCH better after a bath.

    As for frequency, I've always been told that bathing babies too often can dry out their delicate that's the story I'm stickin' with. ;) So unless they are smelling a little funky, every 4 days (or even 5) it is. They do get a good wipe-down of the face and neck, hands, and diaper region daily.

  19. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    When my boys were born my DD was just over 2. We bathed everyone everynight. It was part of our soothing process and seemed to keep everyone happy.
  20. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member

    We bath our twins every night ever since they were born. Occasionally we skip the Saturday night bath if we're outside and return a bit late. We have no other children.
  21. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    You definitely do a better job than me. I fully bathe them once a week, but bathe only their privates in the sink quickly every other day and I do wipes and water towel around neck and arms every other day too. Just quickly on the diaper pad.

    I don't have any other children.
  22. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We try to bath them 2-3 times a week, but I realized yesterday it had been a week since they had a bath! :FIFblush: It happens, life is hectic!

    I have a 7 yr old who showers nightly, but he can do that himself. And a 3 yr old who bathes every 2-3 days as well, depending on how much food is in her hair! :rolleyes: :lol: I can't bath her with the twins because she's too rough and splashes too much, which my ds twin is fine with, but my dd twin is NOT fine with!
  23. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I bathe mine every night. I have no other children. We do it in the evening. They nurse, eat rice cereal, take a bath, nurse again, and then off to bed :)
  24. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i try to bathe mine daily but sometimes will go up to three days in between baths. i usually do it in the afternoon just before their 2pm feed so i don't accidentally get pooped or peed on while bathing them...i figure at that point they've pretty well disposed of all they need too, although i get the occassional pee in the tub. when that happens i have to drain all the water out and just hose em' down the the detachable shower they much rather the washcloth with water then the hose.

    it never seems to help put them to sleep or calm them down, if anything it wakes them up, that's why i usually do it in the afternoons.

    oh and i have no other children (except dogs that is :) )
  25. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Every other night. They take baths together now in the big tub.
  26. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    The boys get bathed around 2-3x/week usually on nights when DH is home to help - sometimes an extra bath if someone is fussy or too dirty for a wipe down with a wipe.
  27. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Baths have been the bane of my existence for 22 months now! LOL. Most of the first year, it was 1-2x a week. First in the infant tub, then in the kitchen sink, then one at a time in the tub. We never found a great system. Now, they get baths every other night, together. They are finally to the age where they will sit and we are not having kids standing and falling and the madness of crying, upset children. My husband bathes them while I straighten up their room or put away laundry, then it's pjs, book, and bed. We FINALLY have a good routine at 22 months! :laughing:

    (And we won't even talk about how long the poor dog has gone without a bath!)
  28. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    In the hospital, I never did (shame). Too busy breastfeeding & pumping. Since we've gotten home, our routine is every other morning my DH bathes, I lotion, apply yeast cream, Q-Tip, dress & swaddle. I like to do it just before they eat then they sleep really well!

    However, today I pulled up one baby's chin rolls directly after the bath & found fuzzies, & all kinds of stuff. :woah:

    I have heard also that every day baths dry out baby skin which is no good.
  29. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    We bathe ours every night as part of their nighttime routine. I have a 12 year old and sometimes he need more help than usual with homework or just plain need my time. Then we will skip one night. I dont think I could stand going any longer than that.
  30. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    We give baths every 2-4 days. I have one with dry skin and gets rashes with the winter months-I do the same, so I minimize water time and moisturize or sponge off real fast. But sometimes we go longer, I do a sniff and see tactic. Not unless someone has poop up to their ears, then since I have out the tub, everyone gets baths. I have older children in the home, 14 yro son, and a stepdaughter who doesnt live with us. The girls can pretty much sit up unassisted, but they like to go face first in the water to see their feet, I really dont understand that, not to mention my kitchen is swimming with all the splashing
    Since it's cold weather and we have hardwood floors-my girls are in the floor scooting and moving, and Id like to prevent sickness. I bathe during the day if we arent going anywhere. If we have been out around people I give baths in the evening before bed. But Im sticking with every 2-4 days during the winter months.
    Eve baths are just so chaotic in my world, cant seem to get it down.
  31. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I bathe my boys every other day and they are now 11 weeks old. As soon as they can sit by themselves I'll do the every day bathing routine. I also have a 6 year old daughter and I bathe her every day. Hair was once a week, except for the summer time.
  32. rannveigw

    rannveigw Member

    My girls are 10 weeks. I bathe them every 2nd or 3rd night, but my partner gives them a wipe down with baby wipes everyday. They are sort of ambivalent about the bath at this point, but when they get out, they're both really chill & in a good mood.
  33. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Oh thank goodness, We generally get bathes done 2-3 times a week but I've let it go 5-6 days before and I would feel so bad about it. I always spit bathe them in the mornings with a wet wipe like under the neck and such. This makes me feel so much better.
  34. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Under a year they were lucky to get two a week, most likely every 5 days or so. I still bathe them every 2-3 days because quite honestly, they don't get dirty. Yeah, they get a little sweaty and stinky when they play a lot, but I'd rather not waste the bathwater on an every day bath. I don't even need to bathe myself every day!!
  35. mes_00

    mes_00 Well-Known Member

    My boys are 4 months and bath every 3 days. I give a spit bath every day with wet wipes or wash cloth with a bowl of water.

    Both kids were getting baths every day until they did begin to flake really bad. It was just too much for their skin and scalp.

    My mother still has fits about it. She swears they need daily baths and oiled.

    They don't smell, they look clean, and they are perfectly healthy. They really enjoy baths but it's just not right yet to bath ours daily.

    We also have no other children.
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