how often are your ultrasounds before 20 weeks?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by heathlenore, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! I'm finishing my 13th week of pregnancy and my doctor doesn't want to see me for another month as well as not having another ultrasound til 20 weeks. I found out I was having twins at my first ultrasound 10 weeks and worried that I should be having another ultrasound before 20 weeks. I haven't had any complications thus far, thankfully just history of PTL with my first two pregnancies. Is this normal?
  2. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Sounds pretty normal to me. My first u/s was at 15 weeks when we found out it was twins, and my next wasn't until almost 20 weeks and that was at my first perinatologist appointment. After 20 weeks I went to the peri every 4 to 6 weeks for a detailed u/s, and I think I went in for one extra one since I was having a LOT of pressure and they wanted to check out my cervix. Once I hit around 28 weeks my OB started doing a super quick u/s for growth in his office every two weeks if I hadn't been into the peri within the last week or so.

    It's believe it's normal though to only see your OB or peri every four weeks at your stage, and thus only have an u/s that often unless there is a reason to suspect something else. Let your OB know if you feel there's some reason that something could be wrong and I'm sure they'll check it out for you.
  3. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for sharing! That helps a lot. When did you start seeing your peri along with your OB? At my next appt. I was going to mention my concern to have a peri as part of the team since we have no NICU at the hospital my doc is affliated with. Best of luck to you:)
  4. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    I asked my OB about a peri at about 16 weeks (first appt after finding twins) and had a peri appointment just before the 20 week mark. I asked my OB to refer me and he had no issue with it even though my twin pregnancy is about as low risk as they come. He referred me to the best peri he knew which is about an hour away but I was okay with that as I'd rather drive a little further to see the best!

    I'd put a call into your OB if you don't have an appt soon and ask for a peri referral.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found out I was having twins at 9 weeks and had my first u/s then. After that we saw the OB monthly and also had a U/S monthly.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Sounds normal to me as well. I had three by 20 weeks, one to determine how far along I which time we found I was having twins. A second to get better measurements of the girls, and my third just happen to fall around 19 weeks which was to find out the sex.
  7. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    Unless there is a complication or high risk scenario I think this sounds normal. I did infertility treatments to conceive, and therefore had 8 u/s before I was 15 weeks! I also exclusively see a MFM team of peri's, not an OB, so I was getting them every 4 weeks up until 28 weeks.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you are just seeing an OB, it sounds pretty normal. I had more, but they were from my peri. And I had no history of PTL or complications from my first pregnancy either. My peri did a growth u/s at every visit. :good:
  9. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    The frequency of visits and U/S varies amongst the mothers in my expectant parents of multiples group. I've seen my OB biweekly since Week 6 and have an U/S at each visit. That seems to be on the conservative end of the spectrum, but not that uncommon in the expectant POM group. I also saw my peri- at Week 11.5 for the NT scans and at Week 20 for the structural U/S. I will see him monthly from here on out (am at 21 weeks now).

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and it's good to hear that things are going well!
  10. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    Sounds normal to me. I'm just seeing an ob and had our first ultrasound at 7 wks because I had a very stron intuition that I was carrying twins, and so I pushed the issue of an early u/s. The next u/s we had was at 18 wks, and have had them every 4 weeks since then. While my regular doctor's appointments are going to biweekly ones, my dr said I will still get u/s only once a month to check on the growth, etc. It's still more than in a singleton pregnancy so I'm not complaining :)
  11. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much everyone! I appreciate everyone sharing their stories with me:) It helps a lot! Today I asked my OB for a referral to a peri b/c I wanted to have a specialist during this pregnancy too. I look forward to meeting my peri soon!
  12. hsddc

    hsddc Well-Known Member

    I also see a team of Peri's and their protocol is for a cervical u/s every 2 weeks to week 20 and then possibly longer, depending on how things are looking. I also have my regular visits thrown in and had my nuchal test so I feel like I basically "check in" with the kids practically every week!
    It's a lot of u/s's but I kind of like it, especially in the first tri--made me feel better. I don't have a history of incompetent cervix and everything has been looking fine so I suspect I'll be back to a more regular schedule after week 20.
  13. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much everyone!
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