How much?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I have 2 Graco infant snugride Safeseats in Metropolitan pattern. We also have 2 extra bases for each carseat. Both carseats have that foot warmer thingie, and the umbrella shade thingie that goes over top..

    I was thinking of selling them on Craigslist for $100 for all the pieces, or $60 for each set seperately. Does that sound fair enough, or should I lower it?? Neither has even been in an accident and are in great condition.
  2. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I sold mine on craigslist for $40 each (to a new grandmother of twins). I had 2 Combi with base in near perfect condition since I used 'Bundle Me' with them.
    If you can get $100 for them go for it!!
  3. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I sold mine for $30 each with one of those covers that go over it to protect from the cold and xtra bases for $10, mine were only in them less than 6 months.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I have tried selling infant seats/with bases and the other stuff you mentioned on Craigslist and never had any luck until I put the price at $15/each, or both for $25. I did sell one infant seat with base and Duoglider pretty easily, but infant seats alone don't seem to go well, at least around here.
  5. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    I sold one of mine to a friend... for 50 bucks... i still have one left, 19 months later. I am so over having them i would almost pay to sell it. LOL.. We live in a small town and do not have craigslist. I think that 30-40 will make them go quicker...
  6. OctoberBabies

    OctoberBabies Well-Known Member

    I sold the same exact car seats, with the bases, on CL in South Jersey for $60 a piece and people were competing to get here first. I now have my Graco Comfort Sport in Metro on their for $50 each (they are a year old and in EUC) and no bites yet. I just bought the Nautilus so the Confort Sports have to go. I think it's just timing. Keep reposting them and they will go.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I sold my Graco snugride infant carriers for $30 each at our Twins Club sale.
  8. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    It depends on how quickly you'd like to sell them and where you live. I sold a ton of stuff on Craigslist but I had no luck with the car seats. Too many people do not want used car seats. If you have time to wait, I'd start at your suggested point and then you can always repost at a lower price if they don't sell.
  9. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I think it depends on where you live and how active the Craigslist there is. I always try to price things for 50% of what I originally paid for them. I think a few years back I sold mine for 45 each (in the Seattle area) and I didn't have any extra accessories.
  10. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I just sold my two graco car seats for $15/each. (to a mom who's preg. with twins) I just wanted them gone and figured I could get more, but wanted them gone. Nothing wrong with them. Good luck! (sold them on craigslist)
  11. BJAMs

    BJAMs Well-Known Member

    I did $35 each for mine.
  12. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I posted my two Eddie Bauer car seats and matching double stroller together- they were in great condition- I had all the parts and all was very clean- I took several pics and had no bites- except people that wanted to buy individually. I reposted one week later and had someone interested right away and bought at full asking price of $160. Anyway, I think if someone is in need, your price is fair- just try again or if you have free ads in your local paper or a twin club website???
    good luck!
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