How much were you doing in the third trimester?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by niksbabies, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. niksbabies

    niksbabies Member

    Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to ask all you experts out there what you were doing at this stage in your pregnacy? I am 26 weeks and for the most part I am feeling pretty good. So here are my questions,sorry if they seem silly but I haven't really found anywhere that gives you an idea of what you and can't do and I want to make sure that I am still being safe. I have a mil that wants to help but I still feel fine to do this stuff and I am off work now but people are making me feel guilty. I see my ob again on monday and will check with her but so far no cervix or other issues.

    1. how much household duties were you doing? Vacuuming, washing floors etc.

    2. were you walking leisurly for exercise?

    3. getting out, shopping, swimming etc.

    for the most part I am just taking a break when I feel I need it. There have been a couple of times when I felt like I have done a bit much and have stepped back and just relaxed for awhile. My biggest issue to date has been my right foot gets sore if I am on it too long so I have been taking it easy when it becomes an issue.
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wasn't doing much. I didn't feel very good and but was able to walk around and shop. It was getting up and down that was tough for me. I don't remember vacuuming being particularly hard.

    I would just listen to your body. If you feel like it's too much, don't do it or ask for help. I think it's great that you have family that can help and is so willing. I'd just thank them and let them know there will be plenty for them to help with near the end and when the babies are here. :grouphug:
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Michelle - just listen to your body. For myself I broke my foot at 24 weeks and then was put on modified bed rest for a PTL scare at 27 weeks so I was doing a whole lot of nothing. Trust your instincts - they won't steer you wrong.
  4. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    I was on modified bedrest by 27 weeks, but I was able to do quick shopping, short walks, very light cleaning. It was around 32 weeks that I couldn't do much and got exhausted too easily. Just listen to your body and slow down when it tells you to.
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was pretty useless by 26 weeks, but I wasn't sleeping well and I still felt nauseous quite often. I agree with others that if you feel good, do stuff! But also don't be afraid to let people help you. You'll need to save some energy when the kids are born, so feel free to pamper yourself a bit and enjoy sitting on the couch when you can!
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was still working, shopping and doing all the housework at 26 weeks but at 28 weeks I was put on bed rest unexpectedly and could only get up to go to the bathroom and could only get out of the house to go to my appointment which I looked forward to like a kid going to Disney. I stayed that way for 10 Weeks.
  7. niksbabies

    niksbabies Member

    Thanks ladies. There are so many different opinions out there and I want to do whats right but at the same time it is difficult for me to sit still! It is nice to have the extra help and because we live very remote, we don't get a lot of visitors so I don't want to turn it down but I am feeling guilty! Thank you so much for your input :)
  8. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Oh girl, sounds like you are doing everything right! It is awesome that you are doing so well and able to get around! I didn't want you to think that it was because I was doing a lot that I ended up on bed rest at 28 weeks!! My baby A started to have issues - it wasn't because of my activity level! Also don't feel guilty! If they offer to help, take em up on it! They wouldn't ask if they didnt want to!
  9. Lindala25

    Lindala25 Well-Known Member

    I worked full time to 37 weeks... part time the last week until I had my scheduled c-section. I was never on any bed rest or modified activity. I worked 40-50 hours a week up to 37 weeks, doing light physical activity, mainly walking around an emergency department or doctor's office to see patients. I was tired, sore and swollen but had no issues. Given I worked that much, when I was home I frequently was useless for housework. My grandma helped me with housework some and I never turned it down. I found the activities that required bending over much to just be painful. I did shop some, just not for too long because I wouldn't want to do that walking for that long. My babies came at 38 weeks without any issues so if you are having an uncomplicated pregnancy don't think it means you have to be completely limited.
  10. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    1. As little as possible. My husband did as much as he could to help. I did the cooking, some laundry, but other than that, very little
    2. I was not allowed to exercise at all from like the first trimester.
    3. I taught up until 33 weeks, so that was pretty much enough for me. I was exhaused by the end of the day, sat as much as possible, had horrible swollen ankles on a daily basis, so other than teaching, I did very, very little.
  11. keirin

    keirin Well-Known Member

    I was very active up to 28 weeks when I went on partial bedrest because my cervix was funneling/dialating. Even then I felt fine, and as soon as I was taken off rest at 34 weeks I was very active again - out shopping, doing some housework, etc. I actually did taekwondo and swimming up to 26 weeks, and then I took a break for my mom's visit and had to stop for bed rest before she left... so, it just depends on you and how your pregnancy progresses.
  12. niksbabies

    niksbabies Member

    Thanks ladies! While I had a lot of energy on Friday and was feeling good, by Saturday morning my big ambitions went out the window! The heat is also wreaking havoc on me. DH and I have been going to the lake almost every day and I have been sitting with my lawn chair in the water so I can soak my feet. Other than the occasional heavy feeling, one sore foot and not sleeping, I feel great. I go tomorrow to see my OB. I am hoping she will give me a little more insight. Thank you so much for all sharing your experiences it means a lot! :)
  13. FormerNoCalGirl

    FormerNoCalGirl Well-Known Member

    I am 30.5 weeks and I still work full time, do all the housework, go grocery shopping, etc. The only thing I really don't do as much of is walk my dogs. My dad has been handling that for me. I do a little every day, because I do get tired after working all day. Everyone is right, just listen to your body. I haven't had an PTL issues and my cervix is nice and long right now, so until I get asked to slow down, I'm going to continue to do whatever I can. I don't do any heavy lifting though, husband has that covered.
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