How much weight did your dr recommend you gain?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Ericka23, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Ericka23

    Ericka23 New Member


    I'm new here and currently 11 1/2 weeks pregnant with twins. My dr recommended the book When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads" and so far it seems to be very good. It's a bit daunting how much weight they say to gain so I was curious how much your dr recommended. I'm all for my babies being a healthy size and going as close to full term as possible I'm just having a hard time gaining the 25 pounds the dr wants me to gain by the time I'm 20 weeks. I'm hopeful the 15-25 pounds the dr wants me to gain the last half of the pregnancy will be easier but everyone says the weight you gain at the beginning is the most important.
  2. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats on your twins!! My doctor hardley ever mentioned weight gain to me. I guess he would have if there seemed to be a problem. But honestly, I didn't start packing on the pounds till about 26-28 weeks. Oh I was definately huge by then but the scale didn't move much till then.
  3. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My dr. also never made a weight recommendation to me. As long as the babies were growing and gaining weight appropriately, I was fine. Honestly I wouldn't worry about the weight at all. Congrats on your twins!
  4. Ericka23

    Ericka23 New Member

    Thank you! My OB and Maternal Fetal Medicine keep saying how important it is to gain weight because it directly correlates with how big the babies will be and how long I'll be able to carry them.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I went by that book but didn't stress about the weight gain until my m/s went away. It takes a while to get used to eating that much but does become doable. When I didn't feel full anymore I'd eat a meal or a protein packed snack or drink a Boost. :youcandoit:
  6. Ericka23

    Ericka23 New Member

    That's my problem is the m/s which is more like all day sickness. Nothing tastes good or sounds good. It's getting a bit better so I've been drinking protein shakes. This is going to sound like a ridiculous question but where the heck does that weight go to? :thanks:
  7. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    My doctor also recommended going by the Dr. Luke book. I've done a pretty poor job at the weight gain, but you can only do what you can do!
  8. liliana

    liliana Well-Known Member

    i just gain 10lbs in whole pregnancy! In the second trimester i lose some weight and my OB was a little bit concerned but then he didn't care because the babies were gaining weight. Today i went to see him to check on my incision and i lost 25 lbs since i delivery the babies. I am slimmer than before i got pregnant!
  9. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I delivered my boys at 37 weeks 1 day and I gained 20lbs total. The boys were 6lbs 9oz and 5lbs 2oz
  10. Sandy005

    Sandy005 Well-Known Member

    I think the weight gain depends on how much you weigh now ( are you below, avg, over what you should weigh) I really like Dr Luke's book for understanding what foods you should be eating and protein was a what I remember eating as much as I could. My Dr never told me how much to gain, she said maybe 10lbs more than my normal. I ended up gaining right at 67lbs, I was 123lbs when I got pregnant & weighed more than hubby by then end :( The book is a great reference book! Congratulations!!
  11. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    For me I had the biggest baby bump (or wall of baby) you've ever seen, and I did gain weight kind of all over- my boobs were gigantic and I know I swelled up everywhere as my flip flops didn't fit at the end nor did my wedding ring which usually slips all over. That being said, I delivered in early September when it's still hot, so some of that was water retention due to heat.
  12. khdood

    khdood Member

    My OB recommended a total of 8 kilos (18 lbs) when I first found out I was pregnant. When I learned I was expecting twins, my first question for her, with a big smile on my face was "how much extra weight can I gain?" She said none! 8 kilos total! I was not overweight (5'6", 125lbs) but she always tells patients 8 kilos because I live in an area where many women seem to contract GD.

    By 22 weeks I had gained 22 lbs, and now, at 30 weeks, I've gained 32 lbs. I've read Dr Luke's book, which I am happy to take some learnings from, but by no means can I gain that much weight. And I've told my OB from the start that I'll be gaining more weight than she recommends. I eat as my body directs me, and then a little more, making sure I always have enough protein each day (which tends to be the area I slack). The babies are measuring well -- always average or above average for singletons, and so I'm comfortable they are getting what they need.

    Also, I suffered from really bad morning sickness in the beginning, and then excruciating heartburn during the second trimester (which had me admitted to the hospital twice for vomiting blood). So there were times where I pushed myself to eat more than I liked just so I didn't feel I was depriving my babies.

    Right now, everyone tells me that except for my big belly, it doesn't look like I've put on weight anywhere else. This wasn't quite the case in trimester 2, when I felt I'd plumped up everywhere. Weight has just redirected itself.

    Finally, my fetal medicine doctor, who was trained in Cambridge, England, told me that his policy is the same as elsewhere in the UK -- weigh women only twice -- when they find out they are pregnant, and after they deliver the baby. Otherwise, not to worry much about weight, and just note if I exhibit other signs of GD of preeclampsia. With the two extremes my doctors are giving me, I'm confident of my choice to fall somewhere in the middle. Good luck!
  13. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My OB never put a number out in the open. I hadn't gained a single pound by 20 weeks and was in a very healthy weight range before I was pregnant. I ate and ate, but didn't gain. I think it was because all my choices were healthier than before. In the end, I gained 28lbs and had healthy babies. Everyone is different. I honestly feel like your body will instruct you to eat when you and your babies need it. I could have never done what Dr Luke suggests. I can't imagine stuffing my face when I didn't want to!
  14. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I did not worry too much about weight gain and neither did my OB. I actually lost weight during the first trimester although I was slim to begin with, but with all day nausea there is only so much you can do. The nurses were concerned but my OB was not maybe because he has been my doctor forever and just knows my body type. Make healthy choices as far as you can eat and take your prenatal supplements. Your appetite will come back.
    I gained a total of 12 kilos, most of it in months 5 to 7, and my OB was fine with that. The babies were 2.6 and 2.9 kilos at full term birth, not huge but totally fine.
    BTW: I think the recommendations tend to be different according to where you live: I live in Germany and I was weighed at every appointment and I know that many friends expecting singletons were cautioned about not gaining too much weight. I find the same in pregnancy books here. Reading Dr. Luke's book in contrast was a shock and I could never have eaten that much.
    GL, you will be fine once the nausea eases up.
  15. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    If he said a number, it went in one ear handout the other. I gained a lot I weighed 155 the day of my IVF transfer, 203 the day I delivered my twins. Left the hospital at 176 and 6 weeks later I was 135.
  16. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    My OB gave me the crazy recommendation of 20-25 pounds, put it in their system as my recommendation and then promptly forgot that that was what she said for twins and not before we found the second baby. I had my last weigh in today and have gained 39.4 pounds this pregnancy and she said it was great!

    I focus on trying to get at least 100 grams of protein a day, even if some days it comes from a protein shake or protein bar. I am 4'9 and everyone thought I would end up with 4 pound babies simply due to my size but yesterday's growth estimate had one at just over 5lbs and the other right around 6lbs so what I did worked.

    The most important thing is to drink enough water to stay hydrated properly, follow your body cues to eat when you need to and do not deprive yourself and to get in lots of proteins along with other healthy foods.
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