How much water/juice at 16 months?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Becca34, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Karina seems to be thirsty all the time. She will easily suck down 8 oz. of water/juice in less than a minute...and probably has at *least* 16 to 24 oz. a day. This is in addition to about 18 oz. of milk a day.

    She's often cranky these days, which I've attributed to teething -- she only has her eye teeth left to get, and they're giving her a lot of trouble -- but I've noticed that if I give her a straw cup of water, she'll stop complaining. I don't know if it just distracts her, or if she's truly thirsty.

    Her diapers are really wet after all this, obviously. I'm a little worried, because I know excessive thirst and urination can be a sign of diabetes. Has anyone else dealt with this? How much do your kids drink?

    Kevan, in contrast, drinks *maybe* 6 to 8 oz. of water/juice a day, total, in addition to his 18 oz. of milk. And, he still drools a lot, so his diapers aren't excessively wet.

    Oh, and if I let Karina drink an unlimited amount, her stomach gets upset, and she starts having watery poops and gets diaper rash immediately. So, I've tried to limit it somewhat...

    I normally give them water with a tiny splash of juice in it, and I started giving her plain water, thinking that she just liked the juice (also that it might be upsetting her stomach), but her habits haven't changed.

    What do you think? Does this sound abnormal?
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Ivy chugs a ton of water too, and I was also concerned & posted about it. I think people said that if she had diabetes, she would be in REALLY bad shape. Always worth asking the pedi at your next well visit, though.

    I wonder if the water feels good on sore gums. Ivy & Andrew both ask for ice water when they're teething.

    Also, I think it can just be entertaining for them. DH has some of those Camelbak "big bite" water bottles, and if Ivy gets her hands on one, she will drink the whole thing! :eek: She just likes the valve, I think. I don't even know where she fits all that water.
  3. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree, Jake has been a big water drinker and our pedi said if he had diabetes he would be one sick little boy.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Take the juice out of it and see if that tones it down for her a little bit! Otherwise, I would mention it at your next appt. and if you are truly concerned CALL! :hug:
  5. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]A & P both drink quiet a bit in a day. I haven't really 'measured' it ~ although I usually fill their sippies up two or three times a day. They both drink mainly water ~ with an occassional splash of juice (daddy likes to give them juice :p )

    Our pedi is pretty laid back ~ when I asked him about their intake he said "Kids drink when they're thirsty. They don't when they're not" :lol: He did say that I (you) would notice if they had diabetes as they will/would be very sick.

    April :)
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I am a bad mom when it comes to this stuff, but I am pretty sure my boys don't drink as much as Karina. I think they probably drink about 18 oz of water each per day. Maybe another 4-6 oz of almond milk, too... but usually just water. I don't measure how much they drink, so I can't say for sure :blush: .

    Jacob does drink a lot more water when he is in the throes of teething... so that's a good explanation, as well.

    If she otherwise seems pretty healthy, I wouldn't worry too much, but if your intuition is telling you that something's not right, it never hurts to get a professional opinion. :)
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