How much TV do you watch with your babes?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Andi German, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    So I wasn't going to ask this after reading 'Your baby can read..." thread (which by the way all should read for entertainment and interest) but thought I would anyway.

    I have the TV on a lot during the day - it keeps me sane! The babies pay little attention to it as I'm playing with them or they are playing with each other, etc. I know the TV is not suppose to be good for babies, etc, but really with twins sometimes its a must!

    Just wondered if anyone else watches too much like me!? Of course I need someone to say Yes and then I won't feel so bad about it!
  2. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    Yes! Its my sanity saver If it wasnt for mickey mouse club house I would be a crying mess on the dirty floor with a messy house :D I know I should be keeping my little angels entertained with educational activities but I still need to function in the day and that is what works for me. Im terrible arent I :)
  3. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Just what I needed to hear! Surely SkyNews is educational?!
  4. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I am sure to have it on is fine - if it keeps mommy sane that is a great thing!! I use to have it on all the time, but now I try to switch it to the radio channels sometimes instead, just so I still have it on, but instead we all listen to music! Sometimes it is just so mind-numbingly boring looking after LOs (sorry, but IMHO it is), that you just need that outside stimulation!
  5. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My TV is on all the time always has been no delays here.
  6. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    my tv is on all the live long day and the babies pay almoat zero attention to it (unless that huggies commercial w the brick, or the vonage comercial come on lol). my girls are so busy and active, they don't have time to stop to watch the tv
  7. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it's going to surprise everyone, but no TV here :D
  8. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    They watch on and off all day. There are NO delays at all, and the teacher has said they have the speech of a 4 year old. So, Noggin away my friends! :p
  9. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    yep!! glad im not the only one! they have a blanket on the ground by the tv, and then over in the corner i have a little play area with little toys, and a dorr mirror turned sideways for them to look at. i try to keep them in the play area and interact with them til noon or so, some days it works, some days DS is being a terd and DD gets plopped by the tv until i get DS settled. what can you do! im surviving, and the tv works :)
  10. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, I do that a lot too. In the afternoons when the girls are fussy I turn on the tv and lie on the floor in front of it. The girls climb all over me and it keeps them in good moods and I stay down there for longer b/c I'm watching TV.
  11. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    We just banned TV for our little Eli. We have the TV tuned to cable news, and we realized he was watching it. Yesterday he got really angry and started throwing a fit when his Dad didn't turn on the TV. Since he started paying attention to TV, he quit trying to reach for his toys, and he's become more fussy. In his case, I really think it has hurt his development and his general attitude. We went to a store that had a TV yesterday, and he could hear it (couldn't see it) and he started fussing. His Dad got him out of the stroller, and he stopped fussing. He was vegging out watching that TV.

    It clearly has affected him.

    It's amazing how much more interactive he was by the end of the day yesterday.
  12. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    I always have the tv on in the keeps me connected to what's going on...I don't face the girls to it, but sometimes if they are super fussy, I'll sit them in their rockers towards it to calm them for a few minutes. I see no problem if it's in moderation.
  13. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I keep the TV on all day. It gives some sound in the background and we don't watch it all day. It keeps ones attention [sometimes] when I'm doing something with one [feeding, etc..].
  14. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    If I can, I have the TV switched off as it over-stimulates my two especially if they´re already fussy. We do have it on occasionally though during the day but never at night at the last feed. Sometimes I need it on for my sanity but in general it´s off.
  15. Lynner405

    Lynner405 Well-Known Member

    My tv is on all day long. I try at least once a day to turn it off and turn music on. I like having the background noise....even if it is preschooler shows. My older ds actually watches tv, but the babies are rarely interested in it. My older ds watches alot of tv, but he also loves to read and I think it's all in how you balance things.
  16. Annie Webb

    Annie Webb Member

    I'm very surprised to hear that so many keep there tv on all day. Even the American Pediatric Association says that children should watch no TV before 2 years old. I understand it's a free babysitter and that it can help with mom's sanity. But I would seriously caution away from it. Especially with ADD and ADHA on the rise and TV being on of the main culprits. Try the radio. NPR has wonderful educational shows. Not to mention all the advertisements and propoganda on TV aimed right at you and your children. Do we really need to fill our childrens heads with that stuff? Give them a chance to make thier own decsion. I really don't want to sound harsh, but I am very worried about what will happen to our childrens generation if we don't start taking out the noise(video games, tv, computers, cell phones). Kids love simple enterteinment. If books are what they are used to books will be ther favorite soursce of entertainment. Our 14 month old has never seen a TV, her favorite toys...books. Give it a shot. You'll be happy you did and so will your kids. Much love!!
  17. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I am laughing at myself... my twins (6 month olds) are sleeping and I just turned on the "Backyardigans". I love the music and story lines. So do my littlest kiddos if they are awake :p . My three year old is out with Daddy, and my 15 year old is at a baseball game...

    As MOTHER, I have to say I read upwards of 12 books per week (most of them when my twins aren't sleeping), everything from a statistical analysis of modern USA to cheesy romances. That does not include the huge amount of books I read to my smaller children... as a family we are bibliophiles... and we love it.

    I'll start at the top: my 15 year old is taking concurrent classes as a sophomore in high school, (that means he is knocking out his college biology (yep. pre med.) and history as a 10th grader) he also plays football for El Camino Real, CA (go ahead, look it up - they aren't the best, aren't the worst football players - but they are pretty d??? smart!) He saw his share of Sesame street...

    My 3.8 yr old is not reading yet, but he has memorized amazing things - don't knock him, he's autistic but very smart. He's not autistic because I let him watch t.v. - I wish it was that easy... Can you quote Blake? Fortunately, (or un - depending on which side of my family you are on....) HE can...

    and my cutie twins... love Baby Einstein, and so do lots of other babies and mommies if the sales figures are correct...

    I expect that I am raising kiddos who will contribute to society... and I've got to run, my Backyardigans of choice is done now...
  18. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Like so many others, I keep my tv on a good bit, but not all day (well, I'm not home all day but when I am here it's not on constantly.) When it is on and the girls are playing on the floor they ignore it. Every now and then they will catch glimpse of it and seem a little interested but for the most part they are more interested in their toys, each other, and figuring out how to make new noises. We have recently set up a spare room as a playroom and the tv in there does not have satellite so it's never on. I have just acquired a bunch of baby Einstein tapes but have no vcr... (sold it a yard sale cause I had no vhs tapes, lol) Anywho, the plan is to play their baby tapes in there whenever I get a means of doing so. Probably more for background noise than anything. I think I have a few music tapes as well.
  19. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Annie I wouldn't have said it better... All I see is examples of kids that turned out well, when research shows that for every 10 that turned out well, 3 didn't. I guess ADHD isn't life-threatening, but still a weight to bear just because mommy wanted to make life easy for her. I have to admit, it would make it easier for me too if I just put the TV on every time the babies are up, so I don't get too bored... I just don't want to risk it for my children, so I read - and I'd rather give that example to my kids that having mommy watch tv all day anyway. Plus nothing worse than constant background noise to teach babies to focus on one thing.

    But again, there is a big difference between 20 minutes of Baby Einstein and having the TV on all day.. and between 20 minutes of TV for a 1 year old and a 4 year old.
  20. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Annie Webb @ Oct 5 2008, 03:24 PM) [snapback]1012657[/snapback]
    I'm very surprised to hear that so many keep there tv on all day. Even the American Pediatric Association says that children should watch no TV before 2 years old. I understand it's a free babysitter and that it can help with mom's sanity. But I would seriously caution away from it. Especially with ADD and ADHA on the rise and TV being on of the main culprits. Try the radio. NPR has wonderful educational shows. Not to mention all the advertisements and propoganda on TV aimed right at you and your children. Do we really need to fill our childrens heads with that stuff? Give them a chance to make thier own decsion. I really don't want to sound harsh, but I am very worried about what will happen to our childrens generation if we don't start taking out the noise(video games, tv, computers, cell phones). Kids love simple enterteinment. If books are what they are used to books will be ther favorite soursce of entertainment. Our 14 month old has never seen a TV, her favorite toys...books. Give it a shot. You'll be happy you did and so will your kids. Much love!!

    When they were months old and I was dealing with possible ppd, the tv was not a babysitter but rather a lifesaver for me and the babies.

    I believe in moderation! I dont believe in sheltering in such an extreme way. When I say extreme, I mean none at all. Maybe I have this belief because I have seen how my children have developed from both my interaction and the educational value that some tv show/movies have. I dont look at it as "filling our childrens head with that stuff." I look at it as another avenue to grow and learn. Please know that I also believe that if no tv works for you, that is great...I really mean that. As I said in the other thread though, my boys have such a love for books (maybe it is the teacher/reading specialist in me!) but I cant even express how much they have grown from certain tv shows also.
  21. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I did when they were really small. I think it's normal!
  22. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Since mine hit a few months old they are completely engrossed with the television the minute it is turned on. So we have had to keep it off most of the time and record our favorite shows. Seriously they will do nothing else if it's turned on. They love being at grandma and grandpas when football is on!!
  23. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    We have ours on a fair bit, but unless it's kids shows, the kids don't pay a whole lot of attention to it. I prefer to have music on, but right now it's the tv.
  24. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Annie Webb @ Oct 5 2008, 03:24 PM) [snapback]1012657[/snapback]
    I'm very surprised to hear that so many keep there tv on all day. Even the American Pediatric Association says that children should watch no TV before 2 years old. I understand it's a free babysitter and that it can help with mom's sanity. But I would seriously caution away from it. Especially with ADD and ADHA on the rise and TV being on of the main culprits. Try the radio. NPR has wonderful educational shows. Not to mention all the advertisements and propoganda on TV aimed right at you and your children. Do we really need to fill our childrens heads with that stuff? Give them a chance to make thier own decsion. I really don't want to sound harsh, but I am very worried about what will happen to our childrens generation if we don't start taking out the noise(video games, tv, computers, cell phones). Kids love simple enterteinment. If books are what they are used to books will be ther favorite soursce of entertainment. Our 14 month old has never seen a TV, her favorite toys...books. Give it a shot. You'll be happy you did and so will your kids. Much love!!

    I talked to my pediatrician about this before I let my kiddos watch the tube and he said that TV does NOT cause ADHD. It is genetic. He said TV in moderation is okay. I allow my babies to watch Baby Einstein when I'm bathing them (I bathe them alone so it's an almost sure-fire way I can do it without crying LO's) or when I absolutely need to shower or cook or something. It's okay in moderation for me. But I respect those who choose not to let their babes watch it too.
  25. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    I have the tv on for a good portion of the day. I like to keep up with the news throughout the day and I'll admit to being a fan of a couple of soap operas. The girls barely seem to notice. They are too busy playing with their toys, which include books that they LOVE, and playing with each other. I alternate between playing with them, getting in a few chores here and there, and seeing what's going on with my shows. Occas they will stop what they are doing to look at the tv, usually b/c they hear a song, which I then sing along to and then make up new words and we all end up clapping and giggling. Then it's back to the toys. They might see a Baby Einstein once a day but otherwise it is purely for my entertainment. It's hard to talk all day to two people who can't really talk back yet! I need to hear an adult voice! I have always watched a lot of tv and read a lot of books and now I am a happy well-adjusted doctor so I think it's fine. I don't use it as a baby-sitter; if anything, I use it as a companion for myself. I interact with them a ton but I also think it's important for them to play and explore on their own, and while they are doing it I'm not going to just sit there and stare at them, so I watch a little tv here and there. Maybe once they are bigger and can carry on a conversation and it's easier to get out of the house, we will have other activities that we will participate in. But for now they play and I watch and everybody seems pretty happy. If they started staring at the tv and not playing then I would turn it off.

  26. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Exactly my thoughts Jen - thanks!
  27. lorig6

    lorig6 Well-Known Member

    I always have the tv on but they rarely watch it. The only time they look at it is if there is a song on. The watch the begining of Barney and Sesame Street but that'a about it. My DS will look over if he hears Elmo too. My DD claps and dances when Barney comes on. I think it's cute.
  28. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(jjokitty @ Oct 6 2008, 12:58 AM) [snapback]1013179[/snapback]
    I have the tv on for a good portion of the day. I like to keep up with the news throughout the day and I'll admit to being a fan of a couple of soap operas. The girls barely seem to notice. They are too busy playing with their toys, which include books that they LOVE, and playing with each other. I alternate between playing with them, getting in a few chores here and there, and seeing what's going on with my shows. Occas they will stop what they are doing to look at the tv, usually b/c they hear a song, which I then sing along to and then make up new words and we all end up clapping and giggling. Then it's back to the toys. They might see a Baby Einstein once a day but otherwise it is purely for my entertainment. It's hard to talk all day to two people who can't really talk back yet! I need to hear an adult voice! I have always watched a lot of tv and read a lot of books and now I am a happy well-adjusted doctor so I think it's fine. I don't use it as a baby-sitter; if anything, I use it as a companion for myself. I interact with them a ton but I also think it's important for them to play and explore on their own, and while they are doing it I'm not going to just sit there and stare at them, so I watch a little tv here and there. Maybe once they are bigger and can carry on a conversation and it's easier to get out of the house, we will have other activities that we will participate in. But for now they play and I watch and everybody seems pretty happy. If they started staring at the tv and not playing then I would turn it off.


    :clapping: exactly! (minus the soap operas :p i watch I Love Lucy :D )
  29. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(amelowe9 @ Oct 6 2008, 12:50 AM) [snapback]1013147[/snapback]
    I talked to my pediatrician about this before I let my kiddos watch the tube and he said that TV does NOT cause ADHD. It is genetic.

    I wouldn't take just one pediatrician's opinion for granted personally. Heck in some places they totally banned baby TV programs, so I'd think they did their research too...

    The way it works is, most of our brain is formed before 2 year old. TV has fast moving images, so it impacts the way the brain deals with the environment... it will learn to focus on shorter and faster things. Which in the end will make it harder to focus for a long amount of time. Hence why a bit of TV isn't a big deal, but too much of it can be. I'm not even talking about the constant background noise. Personally constant background noise makes it hard to focus on something, and gives me headaches in the end, so I can't imagine what it would do to a young baby. But I think adult programs are less likely to get their attention so they're probably safer in that aspect.

    I agree that in moderation it's probably fine, just not something I want to do because I just dislike the idea of putting a baby in front of the TV when they have so much of the world to discover.
  30. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    and I believe that a balanced amount of TV and playtime/quiet time works...believe me my kids didn't suffer exploring the world (or my babyproofed house) just because they watch I've said before Sesame Street is one of the best kids programs...

    my kids beg for books at night, and to go outside to play and look for frogs and flowers in the yard and to go to the park on nice days...and they also beg for Sesame Street once a day and Word World once a day also...

    good for you that you have the time and patience to deal with 2 children of the same age and ability all day every day without clicking on your TV - I guess we're just weak in my house...

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JakeandPeyton @ Oct 5 2008, 08:29 AM) [snapback]1012257[/snapback]
    They watch on and off all day. There are NO delays at all, and the teacher has said they have the speech of a 4 year old. So, Noggin away my friends! :p

    I LOVE noggin! :)
  32. lucky123

    lucky123 Well-Known Member

    TV is on occassionally throughout the day.

    My rule is no kids shows unless older DD (4.5) is watching them. I don't put on Noggin all day and let her drift in and out. And I reasonably limit her TV to a few shows a day (typically 1-2 in the am when I'm getting ready and maybe one in the afternoon). On rainy days, sometimes it's a bit more; other times it's less.

    Our twins are 3 mo old and I tend to turn on the TV while a bf them because I have trouble balancing both of them and a book :D . Sometimes I turn it on when I'm feeling bored. One twin has started to notice the TV and if I see he's watching & zoning, I generally turn it off.

    I take the AAP recommendation on TV for babies somewhat seriously and I haven't put in a Baby Einstein or put the babies in front of the TV...but I can't say I won't before age 2. Right now, it just isn't needed for them. But I don't believe in throwing the TV out entirely either.
  33. caba

    caba Banned

    I work full time, so my kids are at daycare, and there is no tv there. They get 1/2 of tv each night before bed ... either Barney, Sesame Street or Tigger and Pooh. My kids aren't great tv watchers ... They love the opening songs (they dance around to them) but once it's all talking, they usually wander around and play with their toys ... then when another song comes on, they pay attention for a few minutes ...

    On the weekend, the tv is on all day (for me and DH). My kids fully ignore it, unless it's a children's show, and then they barely watch it ...

    I can't imagine being home all day (as a SAHM) and not having the tv on ... I would lose my mind!

    Maybe I'm wrong, but most people who said they have the tv on all day, I assumed it was for the mom/dad, not the kids. So it's unfair to claim the tv is babysitting anyone! In my house, the kids are running and playing and getitng into mischief, and I'm the one watching the tube (while I'm of course watching them too!)

    I doubt many (if anyone) puts on Noggin in the morning, sits there kid on the floor, and doesn't turn it off until bedtime, with the kid watching all day.
  34. 3greysandamutt

    3greysandamutt Well-Known Member

    My twins are #2 and 3, so they watch some TV just because it is on for their sister. She is 4, and I try to limit it to under 1.5 hours total each day. So, some days, that means one hour-and-a-half long movie, some days it's a few shows like Backyardigans, Sesame Street, WordWorld, Kailan, Diego. Some days, like when the babies are having a rough day, DD is sick and doesn't have energy/desire to play, or I am trying to get something done, the TV might be on more than that. But, just as often, we have days where the TV is off all day. We have a car DVD player, but it is only on when we have a particularily long drive, or when we are stuck in the car (like when the boys need to nurse before we can drive); I do add car TV time to the total minute count. I've never turned the TV on for the babies specifically. Usually they just ignore DD's shows, but once in awhile, something catches their eyes for a minute or two. I started letting my DD watch very select TV programming at about 17 months; for a long time, it was just Sesame Street and Blue's Clues, then, after 2, we started letting her watch a few other things.

    Most of my SAHM friends tend to have the TV on all day (usually cartoons, but sometimes adult programming as well). I couldn't do this in my own home, and, when I am in their homes, I feel constantly distracted/annoyed at the TV in the background. I don't like the background chatter that always has to be talked over. It makes me feel hyper-stimulated! After an hour or 2 of TV, I am ready for the noise to shut off!
  35. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Everything in moderation. I know the research and DH and I are psychologists (DH used to work with children), but we still have the TV on occassionally. In the morning it might be on for a little while right before breakfast (usually turned to something with music because my girls love to dance- we have those music channels where its just music not videos). Again right before dinner time I sometimes put it on so I can prep dinner. They love the show Wishbone on PBS kids. Its actually for older kids and its about this boy and his dog and the dog reenacts literature. Sounds weirder than it is, but its actually quite good. On the weekend (especially when its rainy out), we might watch a couple minutes of Sesame Street or something on the food network or HGTV. The girls love rachel ray. I don't know why. I guess my point is the tv is part of our lives, but so is listening to the radio or the iPod, playing outside, doing crafts, reading books together, playing on the floor, etc etc.
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