How much solid food

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by HK Mum, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. HK Mum

    HK Mum Active Member

    My 7.5 month old LO's have been having solids for the past 6 weeks. They have pureed veggies at lunch time, and 4 days ago we introduced baby porridge at breakfast. A baby food cookbook that I have suggests that one portion of food for 6-8 month olds is 1/4 cup. They eat this easily, and so I have offered them more for the past few days and they have eaten that too. Should I be giving them more? I'm worried if they eat too much they won't want as much breast milk, and not get enough calories.

    How much solid food do you give your LO's?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I never had a set amount.. the rule of thumb is to feed solids within a half hour (tops hour) after breastfeeding or feeding breastmilk. That way they fill up on breastmilk (what they NEED) and then practice the solids. If that is what you are doing, then experiment. If they eat everything (solids) then add some more to the next feeding. I made my own baby food so I don't know the jar equivilent. I always fed 2 - 3 cubes.
  3. maritza211

    maritza211 Well-Known Member

    I also have 7.5 mo olds and make my own baby food. This is what I give them.

    7am - 7-8oz bottle, 2oz cereal w/ fruit
    11am - 7-8oz bottle, 2oz veggie
    3pm - 7-8oz bottle, 2oz fruit/veggie
    5:30- finger food snack (so far frozen banana, mango, egg yolk and avacado)
    7pm- 8oz bottle

    So as of now each of mu girls gets have anywhere from 29oz to 32oz of formula, with about 6oz of solids daily. They seem happy and sleep thru the night. (from 7:30pm to 7am)
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had girls who didn't want to eat babyfood, so over-feeding them wasn't an issue for me. I tried to get each one of them to take 1 container, and usually they each only were willing to take half of a container.
  5. MaKettle

    MaKettle Well-Known Member

    I am still trying to get my little guys (9 months) to eat solids and enjoy it. I make my own baby food, so it's challenging. Some days they will eat 2-3 ounces, the next day they just want 2-3 tablespoons. They far and away prefer the bottle still. (I would think they would be so tired of the same thing day after day!)

    I did go to my pediatrician and ask her about this, and she said just keep trying. At this point, it's only practice. And babies do their own thing in their own time. Keep it varied and see what they like.

    But if anyone out there has a recipe for proteins such as chicken and turkey, I would love to hear it! I have been blending turkey with formula or veggies, and it's not a hit.

  6. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    From 6 months to 12 months, babies need minimum of 20-24 oz of formula a day along with a varied diet of solids. That is assuming babies are healthy, not underweight. You can check with your pedi and research the Internet on pediatric websites and most state so. Also my pediatrician told me to make sure they get at least 20. Usually by 7-8 months slow weanng begins naturally. I would give them more if they want but just make sure they get min dose of formula as it is very important. Even book "What to expect the first year" says that baby at about 8-9 months should not have more than 24 oz of formula because it drowns their appetite for solids.

    I make my own baby food and they eat a lot of avocado, papaya, tofu, lentils, chickpeas, butternut squash and other yummy veggies and fruits. After 6 months babys natural iron deposit is depleted and therefore pediatricians recomend using baby cereal.
  7. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    My guys are 8 months old and take anywhere from 8-12 oz of solid foods in a day and they take anywhere from 24-30oz of formula a day. I have a different situation since I'm not breastfeeding so I guess I don't really have any good advice on that end.
  8. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    We do 3 solid meals a day. I make it all together so they have 4oz of fruit at breakfast, 4oz fruit/veggie combo at lunch, and 4oz veggie at dinner and a piece of frozen fruit in their fresh food feeder. I also mix in oatmeal or rice cereal to increase thickness because sometimes the homemade baby food is really runny and I like them to get used to the thicker texture. If they act like they want more food, I give it to them. Right now they get 15oz of formula or expressed breastmilk a day and nurse 3-4 times. As long as your LOs are getting enough breastmilk or formula, I would give them as much solid food as they want. My girls will never turn away food, but once they are less excited about their solids, I know they are done. Just look for their signs that they are done!
  9. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    We do three solids a day, here is our schedule:

    7:30a-7oz bottle
    9a-fruit w/oatmeal (each baby eats 4oz)
    11:30a-7oz bottle
    1p-fruit (4oz each again)
    3:30p-7oz bottle
    5p-veggie (4oz each)
    7:30p-7oz bottle

    They sleep from 8p-7a. So they get about 28oz of formula and about 12oz each of solids a day.
  10. HK Mum

    HK Mum Active Member

    Thanks everyone for their replies.
    I will up the amount and see how we go!
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