How much milk ?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stinkpea, May 4, 2008.

  1. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    We are down to only one bottle a day - after dinner of 8 oz. of which they drink at least 6 each.

    I am trying my best to give them milk at breakfast and at lunch in their sippys but they are not that interested. Also giving it cold whereas at night it is warm.
    I am using the nuby soft spouts and have also tried the ones with straws, as well as the foogo thermos.

    My daughter will drink some of it but my son thinks it is awful and hardly drink it at all. Now they love, love, love water out of their sippys.

    How concerned should I be?

    Milk is so expensive here and I feel like I am just wasting it.
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I remember at 1 year the pedi said no more that 24 oz. Now it's now more than 16 oz (I think that changed at 2!). HTH :)

    ETA - mine use the same sippies all day. I just wipe them off and put them back in the fridge as soon as breaskfast/lunch is over. That way you don't have to waste milk.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Don't worry yet. :hug99: Mine took a while after turning one to get the hang of milk instead of formula.

    QUOTE(melissao @ May 4 2008, 08:08 PM) [snapback]755197[/snapback]
    ETA - mine use the same sippies all day. I just wipe them off and put them back in the fridge as soon as breakfast/lunch is over. That way you don't have to waste milk.

    We also use the same all day. I wipe them and put them in the fridge for the next meal or snack. :)
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    A friend's pedi said to look at the weekly average, rather than day by day. I started doing that with my girls and realized they are drinking more than I thought. Our pedi said to aim for 16-20 oz. per day, but that includes cheese and yogurt also.

    It was hard for us too in the beginning. My girls eventually got the hang of having milk in sippies and upped their intake as time went on.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Like pp said, my doc also recommended 16 oz a day. At first mine didn't always drink that much, but you can also give them other sources of calcium.

    QUOTE(melissao @ May 4 2008, 08:08 PM) [snapback]755197[/snapback]
    mine use the same sippies all day. I just wipe them off and put them back in the fridge as soon as breaskfast/lunch is over. That way you don't have to waste milk.

    :good: This is what we do as well. Milk costs too much to throw away!
  6. 2boysforus

    2boysforus Well-Known Member

    Mine drink about 24 oz each day, give or take, but it took a little while to catch on to what they like...warmed up in the microwave for a few seconds.

    Our pedi told us to aim for 24 oz a day, but I agree with Michelle...doing the weekly average would make sense for us because some days the boys drink a ton of water and just don't have room for that much milk.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said 16-24 oz a day. She said no more than 24 or they won't eat as much. We get about 18oz (Ana usually drinks more than Meara, but I try not to stress about it).
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My pedi said 16-20 ounces/day. They use the same milk sippy all day (only get it at meals).
  9. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Same as everyone else. Some days my boys drink up, others it's like they hardly touch it.

    At first, I would only fill up, say 1/4 to 1/2 a sippy and if they drank that and needed more, I would just refill.

    Now, during the week when they are at daycare during the day, I fill up their 9 oz sippies about 3/4 full and they will generally drink that for morning and dinner (and sometimes have to refill a little) and I pack separate sippies for daycare. On the weekends, they get a fully sippy that I usually have to refill by dinner time. They get a separate sippy cup with water or juice for between meals.

    Like everyone else, i just put the sippy back in the fridge during the day. If they don't finish the milk at the end of day, I do pour that out.
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At that age, our ped said no more than 16 oz. a day.

    I also, use the same sippy all day long for milk, just wipe it off and put it back in the fridge for the next meal. We do the same with their juice cup as well.
  11. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Interesting, at our 12 month i was completely stressed about the amount of bottles they were taking; they are drinking between 28 - 32 oz per day (I took about five weeks to go from formula to milk, in small increments): my pedi said that that amount was fine, since at 2 we'd be wanting them to have three 8 oz servings per day.

    They do seem to eat well (except the morning, which is a scheduling issue, i think), although I also try to look at their food intake over a weeks' period; some days they're really hungry and interested and some they're not.And i can't imagine how we're going to give up those bottles for nap times/bedtime; guess it's time to start introducing milk in sippys again - i tried a couple of weeks ago and they were NOT having any of it!

    I used to be really freaked out about it but try not to stress; they were six weeks early and there are times when they have eaten, want a bottle and will not settle for anything else. I figure why make them suffer (of course, when they're still drinking bottles in kindergarten i'll be kicking myself!)
  12. sgandhi

    sgandhi New Member

    At our 12 month Dr. appt. the doc told us no more than 16 oz is needed (my boys were drinking over 30plus oz a day! She also suggested moving to sippy cup -she said it would take about three days. She promised me they wouldn't wither away and that their hunger will drive them to accept the sippy cup and then to eat more solids. It took 3 days and they are completely on cups, only drinking two a day -and are eating ALOT now! I admit that at 2 days I was beginning to not want to do this cold turkey sippy transfer thing - but, my stoic husband said we needed to wait it out one more day (they didn't eat much during the 3 days (milk or solids). The 3 day training rule is great. I now feel like I can train them on most things (we did the sleep, bottle, sippy etc. all within 3 days). So, that is our success - but, of course 100 other challenges :)

    Good luck!
  13. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    We asked about this at the 15 month appt. because our boys probably only drink about 8 oz. a day. We also fill up a sippy (one of the bigger 9-10 oz. ones) at the beginning of the day and use it at each meal, and they sometimes need a refill but usually don't finish the whole thing by the end of the day. They do eat cheese and yogurt every day, too.

    The pedi wasn't worried in the slightest, said they were healthy and their growth was good, so no cause for concern.
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